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Antz - Your Host, Admin and general dogsbody !!


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  • Urm, what on earth do I write......

    • [li]I'm no spring chicken as I won't see 40 again ;)[/li]
      [li]Married with a 5 year old child[/li]
      [li]Been involved in software coding/development for over 25 years[/li]
      [li]Main Language is English and VB.Net - Although I have a working knowledge of c++, c# and Java among others.[/li]
      [li]Employed Full time as a Senior Software Engineer, I have previously worked for IBM and Xerox[/li]
      [li]I initially found MaNGOS many years back (TBC days) through a repack that just would not work, learnt to build and set it up myself[/li]
      [li]I enjoyed MaNGOS so much that I worked very hard (alongside MadMax) and managed to pull everything back together to get things back up and running again rather than let the project die after we were badly hacked.[/li]
      [li]I task myself with trying to find ways to improve the knowledge base for all our users, and help to provide an helpful, friendly and informative place to ask questions[/li]
      [li]I want MaNGOS to be THE place to be again, no dramas. Just nice friendly people trying to help each other.[/li]
      [li]If you need help or advice, please ask me. If I don't know the answer, the chances are I someone who does.[/li]
      [li]Also, If you have ideas on how we can improve MaNGOS, please let me know.[/li]

I'm just a normal guy (although many may say otherwise)

Nice to meet you all



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