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Used OS Windows and Git GUI to Creating a Patch?

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I used OS Windows XP/Vista/Win 7 (never mind) and Git GUI to Creating a Patch

until now I use this method (shown below) to make the patches


1. I take a new fresh MaNGOS Source

2. then I do my corrections in code (amendments to file)

3. when I finish, right click on the folder (with Source) and select Git GUI Here

and I see in the column "Unstaged Changes" - the file in which I made changes

4. then click on the icon of the file and now the file is displayed on the column "Staged Changes".

5. then I write a description (in Commit Message: area) which is named: macho make patch and push "Commit"

6. next from the main menu I select: Repository -> Visualize All Branch History

and right click on the commit message (which I wrote), the commit message should not be highlighted

and select "Make patch" and called it: macho.patch (the patch appears in the main directory)


then I take a new fresh MaNGOS Source and put macho.patch in main directory

and right click on the folder (on main directory) and select Git Bash Here, then I write:

patch -p1 < macho.patch

and hit Enter

and patched perfectly, no errors



please someone to offer another way of making patch,

but mandatory for OS Windows

Git GUI is part of msysGit, if you have not msysGit, then take from here:


(Git-1.6.1-preview20081227.exe or a new version)



please someone to offer another way of making patch,

but mandatory for OS Windows

I heard TortoiseGit is now a lot more usable in v0.2 .. including patch creation.

Otherwise .. omit the new repo creation + pull, you can use just local branch, no need for svn-style.

I heard TortoiseGit is now a lot more usable in v0.2 .. including patch creation.

Otherwise .. omit the new repo creation + pull, you can use just local branch, no need for svn-style.

Thank you very much for info about the new TortoiseGit-

tried it, but Creating a patch file "Have not implemented" (still not working)

will have to wait to go the new TortoiseGit, (because I like svn-style)

I hope they fix it in edition

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