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Hi! My real name is Thomas, I live in Denmark, and I'm 18 years old.

I have next to no practical knowledge of programming (Just enough to say I understand the concepts behind it, but ask me to write, well, anything, really, and I'm lost) but I do like the idea of this core, and I'd like to help improve it.

As such, I've been aproached about doing some testing. I'll be helping out with the "grunt work", as it were, in whatever spare time I can devote to this.


-Knowing how stuff works. This includes, well, basically everything from electronics and mechanics to physics and chemistry.

-Reading. I'm a sucker for a good story.

-tabletop RPG's. I've played mostly on things based on D&D third edition.

-Music in a general sense.

I'm sure there's more, but this is what I could think of right now.

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