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Cannot make server public on virtualbox server.



So, I've set up a MaNGOS 3.3.5 server from scratch on a Virtualbox with Windows Server 2008 by using this tutorial, https://github.com/mangoswiki/Wiki/wiki/WindowsInstallVM .

I use bind as connection type so I get a LAN-IPv4 address.

Current IP of Host:

Current IP of virtualbox:

The server runs smoothly and I can connect from any PC in the LAN to the server when i set it up just for LAN.

I use the Bind-IP in realmd.conf, mangosd.conf, realmlist table in realmd-db and i've updated hostfiles with all my IP-addresses.

But when i use my dynamic adress that I've set up correctly on noip.com and replace all with xxx.no-ip.org i cannot connect, not from any PC.

I do not get any crashes nor error messages. The server runs, but I am unable to connect.

I've used the exact same settings on the host, just before i build this new one, but then i used a repack, same MaNGOS-version though.

My firewall is disabled and there are no anti-virus

Does anyone have any clue what i could do?

(All the "X" or "x" is numbers that i do not wish to show, it looks different on my computer.)

Error messages and picture of mangosd.exe and realmd.exe in action with public IP:


Ports forwarded: 3036, 3306, 3724, 4096, 6112, 6881-6999, 8050, 8085, 8093, 8129, 8130

Hosts under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#   rhino.acme.com     # source server
#   x.acme.com       # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#    localhost
#	::1       localhost xxx.no-ip.org xxx.no-ip.org
212.247.XXX.XXX xxx.no-ip.org

Mangosd.conf (I Don't post all the content as i can only post 12k characters and with full file its 72k

# MaNGOS Configuration file     #


#  RealmID
#    RealmID must match the realmlist inside the realmd database
#  DataDir
#    Data directory setting.
#    Important: DataDir needs to be quoted, as it is a string which may contain space characters.
#    Example: "@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/share/mangos"
#  LogsDir
#    Logs directory setting.
#    Important: Logs dir must exists, or all logs need to be disabled
#    Default: "" - no log directory prefix. if used log names aren't absolute paths
#           then logs will be stored in the current directory of the running program.
#  LoginDatabaseInfo
#  WorldDatabaseInfo
#  CharacterDatabaseInfo
#    Database connection settings for the world server.
#    Default:
#        ---MYSQL---
#          hostname;port;username;password;database
#          .;somenumber;username;password;database - use named pipes at Windows
#            Named pipes: mySQL required adding "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
#          .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database - use Unix sockets at Unix/Linux
#        ---PGSQL---
#          hostname;port;username;password;database
#          .;/path/to/unix_socket/DIRECTORY or . for default path;username;password;database - use Unix sockets at Unix/Linux
#	LoginDatabaseConnections
#	WorldDatabaseConnections
#	CharacterDatabaseConnections
#		 Amount of connections to database which will be used for SELECT queries. Maximum 16 connections per database.
#		 Please, note, for data consistency only one connection for each database is used for transactions and async SELECTs.
#		 So formula to find out how many connections will be established: X = ¹_connections + 1
#		 Default: 1 connection for SELECT statements
#  MaxPingTime
#    Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
#  WorldServerPort
#    Port on which the server will listen
#  BindIP
#    Bind World Server to IP/hostname
#    This option is useful for running multiple worldd/realmd instances
#    on different IP addresses using default ports.

RealmID = 1
DataDir = "C:\Mangos\Data"
LogsDir = ""
LoginDatabaseInfo   = ";3306;root;password;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo   = ";3306;root;password;mangos"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;characters"
LoginDatabaseConnections = 1
WorldDatabaseConnections = 1
CharacterDatabaseConnections = 1
MaxPingTime = 30
WorldServerPort = 8050
BindIP = xxx.no-ip.org

#  Console.Enable
#    Enable console
#    Default: 1 - on
#         0 - off
#  Ra.Enable
#    Enable remote console
#    Default: 0 - off
#         1 - on
#  Ra.IP
#    Default remote console ip address, use for every address
#  Ra.Port
#    Default remote console port
#    Default: 3443
#  Ra.MinLevel
#    Minimum level that's required to login,3 by default
#    Default: 3 (Administrator)
#  Ra.Secure
#    Kick client on wrong pass
#         0 - off
#    Default: 1 - on
#  Ra.Stricted
#    Not allow execute console level only commands remotly by RA
#         0 - off
#    Default: 1 - on
#  SOAP.Enable
#    Enable soap service
#    Default: 0 - off
#         1 - on
#    Bound SOAP service ip address, use to access from everywhere
#    Default:
#  SOAP.Port
#    SOAP port
#    Default: 7878

Console.Enable = 1
Ra.Enable = 0
Ra.IP =
Ra.Port = 3443
Ra.MinLevel = 3
Ra.Secure = 1
Ra.Stricted = 1

SOAP.Enabled = 0
SOAP.Port = 7878


# MaNGOS realmd configuration file     #


#  LoginDatabaseInfo
#    Database connection settings for the realm server.
#    Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
#         .;somenumber;username;password;database - use named pipes at Windows
#            Named pipes: mySQL required adding "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
#         .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database - use Unix sockets at Unix/Linux
#            Unix sockets: experimental, not tested
#  LogsDir
#     Logs directory setting.
#     Important: Logs dir must exists, or all logs be disable
#     Default: "" - no log directory prefix. if used log names aren't absolute paths
#            then logs will be stored in the current directory of the running program.
#  MaxPingTime
#     Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
#  RealmServerPort
#     Port on which the server will listen
#  BindIP
#     Bind Realm Server to IP/hostname
#     This option is useful for running multiple worldd/realmd instances
#     on different IP addresses using default ports.
#  PidFile
#    Realmd daemon PID file
#    Default: ""       - do not create PID file
#         "./realmd.pid" - create PID file (recommended name)
#  LogLevel
#    Server console level of logging
#    0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
#    Default: 0
#  LogTime
#    Include time in server console output [hh:mm:ss]
#    Default: 0 (no time)
#         1 (print time)
#  LogFile
#    Logfile name
#    Default: "Realmd.log"
#         "" - empty name disable creating log file
#  LogTimestamp
#    Logfile with timestamp of server start in name
#    Default: 0 - no timestamp in name
#         1 - add timestamp in name in form Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
#  LogFileLevel
#    Server file level of logging
#    0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
#    Default: 0
#  LogColors
#    Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)
#    Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,
#        8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE
#    Default: "" - none colors
#         "13 7 11 9" - for example 
#  UseProcessors
#    Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)
#    Default: 0 (selected by OS)
#         number (bitmask value of selected processors)
#  ProcessPriority
#    Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
#    Default: 1 (HIGH)
#         0 (Normal)
#  WaitAtStartupError
#    After startup error report wait <Enter> or some time before continue (and possible close console window)
#         -1 (wait until <Enter> press)
#    Default: 0 (not wait)
#         N (>0, wait N secs)
#  RealmsStateUpdateDelay
#    Realm list Update up delay (updated at realm list request if delay expired).
#    Default: 20
#         0 (Disabled)
#  WrongPass.MaxCount
#    Number of login attemps with wrong password before the account or IP is banned
#    Default: 0 (Never ban)
#  WrongPass.BanTime
#    Duration of the ban in seconds (0 means permanent ban)
#    Default: 600
#  WrongPass.BanType
#    Ban the IP or account on which login is attempted
#    Default: 0 (Ban IP)
#         1 (Ban Account)

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;realmd"
LogsDir = ""
MaxPingTime = 30
RealmServerPort = 3724
BindIP = xxx.no-ip.org
PidFile = ""
LogLevel = 0
LogTime = 0
LogFile = "Realmd.log"
LogTimestamp = 0
LogFileLevel = 0
LogColors = ""
UseProcessors = 0
ProcessPriority = 1
WaitAtStartupError = 0
RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20
WrongPass.MaxCount = 0
WrongPass.BanTime = 600
WrongPass.BanType = 0

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3 answers to this question

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I don't know exactly whether you can use host names in order to bind mangos to an IP. For now I would leave BindIP to in both configuration files. It simply binds the service to any IP, so you have at least no problems with that part. But keep your *.no-ip.com address in your realmlist database table.

For what exactly do you use the host file? At least with this state this may cause conflicts because you redirect the host name to three different IPs even if it's the same machine. Also I assume this is the host file of your virtualbox which makes even less sense because the server isn't the one who wants to establish a connection rather a client from a different machine.

Usually host file entries aren't necessary because the client will fetch the servers public IP from the DNS service of no-ip.com and then if the port forward in your router is configured correctly the client request will land on your virtualbox

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I don't know exactly whether you can use host names in order to bind mangos to an IP. For now I would leave BindIP to in both configuration files. It simply binds the service to any IP, so you have at least no problems with that part. But keep your *.no-ip.com address in your realmlist database table.

For what exactly do you use the host file? At least with this state this may cause conflicts because you redirect the host name to three different IPs even if it's the same machine. Also I assume this is the host file of your virtualbox which makes even less sense because the server isn't the one who wants to establish a connection rather a client from a different machine.

Usually host file entries aren't necessary because the client will fetch the servers public IP from the DNS service of no-ip.com and then if the port forward in your router is configured correctly the client request will land on your virtualbox

So now i've disabled the lines i added to hosts file and changed the BIND-IP to I've also tried to switch between NAT (IP and Bridge (IP as connection-type. I don't know which one i should use but both works and i still cannot connect.

Am i supposed to forward the ports from my router to the host computer ( and forward them inside virtualbox with NAT-connection maybe?

Also i use a D-Link router and they have an option beside port fowarding called "Virtual server" with this short info:

"The Virtual Server option allows you to define a single public port on your router for redirection to an internal LAN IP Address and Private LAN port if required. This feature is useful for hosting online services such as FTP or Web Servers. ".

But i'm not sure if I'm decieved by the title.

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