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Zero Release 20 Changelog


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Many Thanks to all the groups and individuals who contributed to this release.


+ = Added feature or noticeable improvement

- = Bug fix or something removed

* = Changed or Information

! = Important - Take note!

* 525 Commits since the previous release (upto 8c9a3da)

! Some of the dependant file groups have been made into submodules i.e. all the dependant libraries (dep folder) and realmd


+! New mineral spawn system

+! Acelite integration

+! massively improved group looting system


+ Implement spell effect 19395. This will fix quest 2987 - Gordunni Cobalt

+ Added missing quest The Spider God - The Spider God - Quest - World of Warcraft

- Cuergo's Gold quest fix

+ Implement script support for quest 2845 - Wandering Shay

+ Implement script support for quest 4261 - Ancient Spirit

+ Implement script support for quests 5944 - InDreams and 5862 - Scarlet Subterfuge (ending scene)

+ 2 new quest related functions added

- Totally Cueergo Gold's Script updated

- Fix script for quests 1222 and 1270 - Stinky's Escape (x2)

- Triage quest now doable, but still nerve-racking

[Quests End]


+!Tuken'kash (RFD) scripted

- Strat - The Unforgiven script code correction

* Avatar of Hakkar event cleanup

[Dungeon End]


- AQ40 Skeram Image FIX

[Raid End]

[Newly Implemented]


+ Implement Battleground scores storage system (c2559)

+ Implement condition CREATURE_IN_RANGE [c2492]


+ Implement CreatureLinking Flag DESPAWN_ON_DESPAWN

+ Implement generic power handling for Creatures and Pets [c2488]

+ Implement Meetingstone support

+ Implement removal of spells that don't have appropriate Spell AuraInterruptFlags using proc system (c2552)

+ Implement SCRIPT_COMMAND_SEND_AI_EVENT_AROUND for dbscripts engine

+ Implement SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER [c2483]




+ Implement EVENT_T_ENERGY for EventAI (c2588)

[implemented End]


- Eluna hooks were being called after Eluna was unloaded. Eluna will now unload after the hooks have been called.

- Eluna SD2 test (not final and likely using namespace)

- Eluna: Fix merge conflicts

- Eluna: Fix SD2 incompatibility

- Eluna: Fix timed events and update version

- Eluna: Implement GetRow core side

[Eluna End]


+ Add check for session being NULL so that we don't crash from client disconnect

+ Add missing trap id for SendGameObjectCustomAnim call [c2494]

+ Add new Regen Health / Power flags and rename database fields

+ Add script for areatrigger 4052 - AQ

+ Add the ability to specify in the configuration file the cost of mounts

+ Added a new DB helper script

+ Added base Battleground support for Eluna

+ Added copy of Realmd.conf.in to output folder. Thanks to Madmax for pointing

+ Added copyfiles step for VS2010/12

+ Added copyfiles step to VS2013

+ Added eluna/sd2 flags to shared project

+ Added GNU license to Linux build script

+ Added missed commit

+ Added requirement for OnQuestReward hook

+ Added tools icon to extraction tools

+ Added VS2012 and 2010 solutions

+ Adding support of GM ON/GM OFF Spells

+ Adding support of one-hand/two-hand custom spell bonus coeff in the core.

+ Allow creating Non-Instance Maps without player (c2574)

+ Allow sending custom eventAI events to all units in range [c2491]

+ Allow target 60 to use script target whenever required (c2551)

+ Applied AHBot updates from One

+ Applied prepared solution directive to projects

+ Apply a workaround to disable ClassLevelStats during DB switchover to this system. (c2528)

+ Better value to check distance between owner and pet.

-Bug Fix: Movement Visual Error

- Bug: Mighty Rage Potion and Elixir of giants

- Check that policy exists before setting to old

- Cleaned up Quest code slightly. Remove hardcoded values and added additional checking

- Cleanup and rework power type setting [z2500]

- Code style tidy up

* corpse decay multiplier set to 0.5 as default

- Corrected Cast for trainer levels. Thanks to Rochet for pointing

- Corrected exe names in bat file

- Crashing typo in to .npc unfollow command

- Create 20005_windcaller_yessendra_reward_fix.sql

+ Created Linux directory and added Linux build script

- Critical chances and dodge chances are incorrect for low levels. Thanks to Salja.

* Documenting and Optimizing DBCStores related functions.

- Don't recalculate path when speed is changed

- Duel Range is too small - Minor update

- EVENT_T_REACHED_WAYPOINT correction and improvement

- EventAI Codestyle Update (c2565)

+ Felwood Corrupted Plants SD2 scripts

- Fix 'City' Instance Label bug

- Fix .npc factionid command after creature_template change

- Fix Ace / Recast build issues

- Fix ace import

- Fix auctionhouse crash on winning bids on time expire

- Fix BIH::intersectRay crash. Thanks TC

- Fix bug that cause AreaAura reaply because the code doesn't search the correct rank of it. (c2570)

- Fix build on Win with spaces in pathname

- Fix cmake INSTALL

- Fix crash when database version doesn't match.

- Fix creature change z position when speed change. [c2486]

- Fix creature not stopping in some conditions. [z2485]

- Fix druid mana on shapeshift

- Fix for equipable item check

- Fix for memory spikes on pet despawn

- Fix for the Cuergo's Gold script fix

- Fix installation process and paths for windows

- Fix issue with afk playerin duel logout request from client after 30 mins.

- Fix Linux build. Thanks zackbcom

- Fix Linux CMake Lua Dependencies

- Fix linux tools build

- Fix logic bug in SelectAuraRankForLevel (c2569)

- Fix Mana Tide Totem. Closes #415

- Fix Master Loot + Group Loot Issues - Part 2

- Fix Mighty Rage Potion and Elixir of giants

- Fix missing eluna/sd2 flags in mangosd. Thanks to foereaper for pointing

- Fix movement related ByteBuffer errors

- Fix Movement Visual Error

- Fix new mineral spawn system

- Fix Node Overlap error

- Fix one warning and suppress a few when using cmake 3.0

- Fix pch

- Fix problem with scaling vmap model. VMap and MMap DOES NOT need to be rebuilded. (c2518)

- Fix raid instance reset crash and add a server command to force reset. Also added a new server command to force reset by an admin. (z2538)

- Fix rooted player continue their movement while rooted for other clients. (c2563)

- Fix scripts inclusion in win build after recent changes.

- Fix skinning loot window bug. (c2573) Thanks to @TheTrueAnimal for pointing.

- Fix soap being an actual option, show status of engines as well

- Fix some combat details for Thekal

- Fix some more reserved identifiers

- Fix some static code analysis warnings and improve performance (c2554)

- Fix some warnings reported by static analysis (c2546)

- Fix Soul Shard while grouped

- Fix spell 9712 - Thaumaturgy Channel

- Fix SpellFocus startup errors

- Fix startup and shutdown

- Fix static analysis const reference performance warnings

- Fix static analysis warnings in AHBot (c2550)

- Fix stealthing animation for group members.

- Fix SYSCONFDIR as it was removed from the defines passed to the compiler

- Fix systemconfig.h errors in Prepared solutions

- Fix two build warnings regarding temp build locations

- Fix typo in script to do with variable return types

- Fix up broken backport

- Fix up movemap name in cmake

- Fix various creature despawn problems

- Fix warning reported by travis (c2547)

- Fixed correct install source for Extensions

- Fixed external Ace linking

- Fixed Gordunni Trap script

- Fixed internal Ace build

- Fixed Linux install path.

- Fixed Linux shell scripts not running binaries

- Fixed missing server hooks

- Fixed possible mount abuse after leaving BattleGround (c2542)

- Fixed Typo

- Fixed up one error in movemaps

- Fixed VS2012 prepared solutions

- Fixed wrong order in SpellBonusEntry

- Fixes to #includes that used relative paths for Detour.

- Fixing bug with Warrior Execute

- Fixing channel issue where built-in channels weren't being detected correctly.

- Fixing Chest Loot Issue

- Fixing Creature Type issue

- Fixing Group Loot bugs

- Fixing group loot issue + chest loot issues

- Fixing Master Loot for already assigned item to players who had full bags.

- Fixing quest items impossible to loot when loot mode is master loot

- Fixing skinning loot window can not be reopened

- Grammar correction

- Hotfix - SpellBonus are applied twice

- Hotfix for Compilation error on range based loop.

- Icons overload general review and code cleaning (refactoring)

+ Improve EventAI code engine a little bit to be more effective with EVENT_T_RANGE (c2564)

- Incorrect Entry ID for game object

- Initial cmake for windows work

- Initialize power type and power type values for creatures [c2489]

- Loot Handler fix

- Major update of spell_bonus_data behavior

- Make Eluna optional when compiling

- Make SD2 optional and fix a bug in config.h.cmake

- Make tools build by default

- Make Travis happy

- Master loot profession fix

- Merge & fix pch build

+ Merged in new build system

- Move LFGMgr to correct location

- Moved enum to correct position in list

- Patch to fix auras killing pets from causing a core dump

- PDB and output folders now in the same place

- Pets are now cancel attack on stay

- Pets are stopping now in correct position

- Quiver not being equipable in a bag slot fix

- Range is too small - Minor update

- Reapply [c2485] with correction for classic.

- Rebuilt BuildTools solutions

- Rebuilt remaining tools solutions

- Removal of internal Realmd and added submodule

- Remove build type from install path - doesnt work on linux

- Remove invisibility aura (aura 18) based on attribute (c2553) Passive and negative invisibility auras are not removed on entering combat

- Remove support for Shiv

- Remove unused MAX_LEVEL_CLASSIC (c2531)

- Replaced hard coded values

- Rewrite rest management (c2568) Fix Rest when logged in not working in some case. Also fix rest bonus according to wowwiki.

- Set DB Strict filter for creature_movement with MovementType <>2 (c2541)

- Set DT_POLYREF64 for linux platforms and configurations

- Should fix crash on transport to the same map

- Simple fix for Stealth is removed on fall damage problem

- Small code optimizations. Thank to @tzurbaev (c2539)

- Some changes to Random chance calculation (c2567)

- Some fixes for compiling the new things on linux

- Spawning of The Unforgiven (Stratholme) scripted

- Speed Up EventAI OOC-LoS Event handling (c2566).

- Start of acelite integration

- Temporarily fix crash on shutdown

- Updated build defs. Thanks to Rochet for pointing

- Updated recast references

- Visual fix for players trying to open chest/vein/plants simultaneously.

- Workaround for the wow-error client raised once a player on transport is leaving a map.

- Adjusted a constructor to eliminate several warnings

- Adjusted MapId, MapX and MapY variables to increase performance

+ Allow casting a random selected spell (c2594)

+ Allow creating Non-Instance Maps without player (c2574) @kid10

+ Applied AHBot updates from One

- Avoid casting waterwalk on mounted or shapeshifted player. (c2585)

- Blacksmithing and Leatherworking specialisation scripts removed

- Change Win32 behavior at abort() not blocking restart

- Cleaned up Quest code slightly

- Code style minor cleanup

+ Correct format of logging statement

+ Correctly log whispers

- Cuergo's Gold quest fix

+ Enable Shield Slam warrior spell

+ EVENT_T_REACHED_WAYPOINT correction and improvement

+ Felwood Corrupted Plants SD2 scripts

- Fix a few more static code analysis warnings (c2593)

- Fix bug that cause AreaAura reaply because the code doesn't search the correct rank of it. (c2570)

- Fix build on Win with spaces in pathname

- Fix by Arkadus - Polymorph fix

- Fix cmake macros for FreeBSD systems.

- Fix Double to Float conversion warnings

- Fix EVENT_T_OOC_LOS after [z2566] (z2587) Part of the code was missing in the backport, preventing the new code to be ever run.

- Fix issue with afk playerin duel logout request from client after 30 mins. We can logout during duel.

- Fix logic bug in SelectAuraRankForLevel (c2569)

- Fix new mineral spawn system

- Fix scaling when shapeshift is used while any scale aura is applied. (c2584)

- Fix skinning loot window bug. (c2573) Thanks to @TheTrueAnimal for pointing.

- Fix Soul Shard while grouped

- Fix static analysis const reference performance warnings

- Fix static analysis repeated expression performance warning (c2592)

- Fix Warning on double to float constant conversion

- Fixed all SD2 Level4 warnings

- Fixed wrong order in SpellBonusEntry

- grouploot chest fix

- Guardian of Blizzard no combat fix

- Incorrect Entry ID for game object

- Learning Master Sword/Axe/Hammer skill spell corrections

- Master loot profession fix

- Minor refactoring mostly about readability

+ Missing script registrations added back

+ Modified Maps default precision from int to float, Also modifed warning Level from 3 to 4

- Mr Smite Weapon Correction

- New script condition added

- Player.cpp Item: Termination of loop, when no more stats to be added

- Remove MANGOS_DLL_DECL and its use

- Remove water walk when shapeshifting. (c2586)

- Rename fields after recent DB changes (c2597)

+ Restore power regen for pets

- Rewrite rest management (c2568) Fix Rest when logged in not working in some case. Also fix rest bonus according to wowwiki.

+ Some changes to Random chance calculation (c2567)

+ some Creature Linking corrections and refactoring to Improve Startup efficency.

+ Speed Up EventAI OOC-LoS Event handling (c2566) Reorder checks such that range and LoS checks are handled after the faster faction checks.

- Unified method of Shield Slam spell recongizing

- Update realm daemon so that it only presents clients with realms that it is compatible with.


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