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Hello from Russia!!:Д

I have a problem compiling.

root@Debian-78-wheezy-64-LAMP /home/mangos/server/build # cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mangos/

This script builds the MaNGOS server.
 Options that can be used in order to configure the process:
   CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX    Path where the server should be installed to
       CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE        Sets build type (Release;Debug;...)
   PCH                     Use precompiled headers
   INCLUDE_BINDINGS_DIR    Include a script library in src/bindings/ with the
                           defined name. the name must corespond to the name of
                           the folder and the folder must contain a valid
   ACE_USE_EXTERNAL        Use external ACE
 To set an option simply type -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> after 'cmake <srcs>'.
 Also, you can specify the generator with -G. see 'cmake --help' for more details
 For example: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:77 (message):
 The parameter PREFIX has been removed.  Please re-run CMake and use
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead to define your installation location!

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I understand ,problem in installation paths DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ,but i can not right way configure.

path build: /home/mangos/server/build

path server:/home/mangos/server/

Compel for manuals:getMaNGOS WIKI

in advance thanks for your help:)

sorry for my english.

8 answers to this question

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Do not use the first form from the Wiki:

cmake .. -DPREFIX=/home/mangos/

Use the second one instead:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mangos/

If it will not help, then there is a solution from here, though line numbers seem different:

I found that CMakeCache.txt had CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/mangos already set, so I checked /home/mangos/server/CMakeLists.txt and found the following (line numbers prepended):

95: # TODO: remove this in the future! it has only been added to make the switch easier for end users

96: if(PREFIX)

97: message(FATAL_ERROR "The parameter PREFIX has been removed. Please re-run CMake and use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead to define your installation location!")

98: endif()

so I commented out lines 96-98 and cmake ran fine.

This will be fixed sometime because it is already fixed in the development branch. Wiki is updated much rarely than the repository, and importing crucial fixes to release branch takes some time usually.



Tell,How The extractor configure.

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mangos/ -DCONF_DIR=/home/mangos/etc -DTOOLS=1--Right Way?


there's retrieval maps??if yes, then a reference


launched realmd has received:

root@Debian-78-wheezy-64-LAMP ~ # screen -s realmd /home/mangos/bin/realmd.sh


<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file /home/mangos/etc/realmd.conf.

Login Database total connections: 2

MySQL client library: 5.5.41

MySQL server ver: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1

MySQL client library: 5.5.41

MySQL server ver: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1

Added realm id 1, name 'friwa x1'

MaNGOS realmd can not bind to

MaNGOS Three/ (* * Revision 12778 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [realm-daemon]

<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file /home/mangos/etc/realmd.conf.

Login Database total connections: 2

MySQL client library: 5.5.41

MySQL server ver: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1

MySQL client library: 5.5.41

MySQL server ver: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1

Added realm id 1, name 'friwa x1'

MaNGOS realmd can not bind to -- should be???

startup mangosd writes:

root@Debian-78-wheezy-64-LAMP ~ # screen -s realmd /home/mangos/bin/mangosd.sh

[screen is terminating]

root@Debian-78-wheezy-64-LAMP ~ #


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