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Help with Mangos One compiling




Hey guys im new here and to compiling cores for private servers, this is my first one and i have been at it a few days now but cant seem to get it working at all. i'm not sure whats wrong but the wiki for Mangos One TBC Version is not all their and is completely different would anyone know the guide to set up the newer version of ti i cant seem to find this info anywhere and when i try with the old method in the wiki it compiles with errors because not everything is there.

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Hey guys im new here and to compiling cores for private servers, this is my first one and i have been at it a few days now but cant seem to get it working at all. i'm not sure whats wrong but the wiki for Mangos One TBC Version is not all their and is completely different would anyone know the guide to set up the newer version of ti i cant seem to find this info anywhere and when i try with the old method in the wiki it compiles with errors because not everything is there.

What's your operating system? What are you getting stuck on? What compile errors do you get? Would help to supply more info. :P


Hello i apologize i wrote this late last night without much thought towards it. as you suggested i missed all the important info.

im running windows 8.1 x64 bit

vs 2013 community

and navicat premium for the DB Management and xamp for mysql to work

i had alot of issues following the wiki as the repo has changed but i managed to find some things and get most of it working i think

some of the biggest issues im facing at the moment is for mangos repo. i dont know which one to use as there are so many when i google it, i have tried using the one that they used in the wiki for mangosOne

(this is the repo i have tested following the wiki exactly but the

git clone --recursive mangosone/server · GitHub

cd mangos/src/bindings

git clone --recursive mangosArchives/MangosOne_scripts_old · GitHub

git clone --recursive mangosone/database · GitHub

this is one step in the wiki that i do not understand, i open the CMakeLists.txt and crl + F for # add_subdirectory(scripts) and it does not exists also have tried without the # and nothing, so i dont understand this step.

6) .... This will take a while

The source Code for MaNGOS is now located in the server folder

We now need to modify the mangos build process to load in the script library


7) edit CMakeLists.txt in this folder


# add_subdirectory(scripts)



to install the Database i open the installDatabase.sh and it seems to work fine, have also tested doing it manually with each step. create Database for mangos, characters reamd etc and populate them with the loadDB Files in each folder.

Extracting Game DATA


does not seem to be in the directory as specified, i believe it may be in a different directory and does not contain ad.exe

with step 9 this file does not exists: server\src\bindings\scripts

9) In the folder server\src\bindings\scripts\ open one of the following solutions:- If you use Visual Studio 2010 then you open the file scriptVC100.sln If you use Visual Studio 2012 then you open the file scriptVC110.sln If you use Visual Studio 2013 then you open the file scriptVC120.sln

when i run mangosd.exe

it does not run correctly as it says i am missing an update but it does not exists in the updates folder as they are empty, i cant recall the error off the top of my head, but ill re follow the wiki and note down every single error i get and resubmit this post with more accurate descriptions.

Start of following Wiki installation again Noting each Error From here

git clone --recursive mangosone/server · GitHub

cd mangos/src/bindings

git clone --recursive mangosArchives/MangosOne_scripts_old · GitHub

cd mangos/src/bindings : No such file or directory


ok so i started from the start in the wiki again under how to set up mangos server from scratch

so far i was able to create the databases fine as that has nothing to do with the files i downloaded through the git

but i only got so far before i started with the errors

Error 1: when using the git bash to obtain the files from the repo.

git clone --recursive mangosone/server · GitHub

cd mangos/src/bindings

git clone --recursive mangosArchives/MangosOne_scripts_old · GitHub

cd mangos/src/bindings : No such file or directory

--------------------------------------------- Have stopped here as the files required are not there and i have looked in all the folders and cant seem to find them any where within the server folder i had just downloaded. ---------------------

Will continue to update this post when i can find the answers to fixing these issues, but hopefully someone here is able to help out, i think the wiki maybe outdated for this.

EDIT: Have run the - git clone --recursive mangosArchives/MangosOne_scripts_old · GitHub after manually navigating to src with Git Bash and ran this command as

Hikari Mentioned in another post.

The scripts library was moved into the core and is now located at src/scripts.

So the path you're looking for is mangos/src/scripts/sql.


This script builds the MaNGOS server.

Options that can be used in order to configure the process:


CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Path where the server should be installed to

CONF_DIR Path to the configs, can be absolute or relative.

DEBUG Debug mode (strict compile, all warnings)


BUILD_TOOLS Build the map/vmap/mmap extractors

SOAP Enable remote access via SOAP

Scripting engines:

SCRIPT_LIB_ELUNA Compile with support for Eluna scripts

SCRIPT_LIB_SD2 Compile with support for ScriptDev2 scripts

# Modules:

# PLAYERBOTS Enable Player Bots

To set an option simply type -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> after 'cmake <srcs>'.

Also, you can specify the generator with -G. see 'cmake --help' for more details

For example: cmake .. -DDEBUG=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos

Note: On UNIX systems, CONF_DIR is relative to the bin folder.

Detected 32-bit platform

Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE)

CMake Error at D:/Install Here/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (message):


Call Stack (most recent call first):

D:/Install Here/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:291 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)

cmake/FindOpenSSL.cmake:176 (find_package_handle_standard_args)

CMakeLists.txt:87 (find_package)

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!




ok will continue with this, apparently it dfoenst play nicely when i install ssl on my other drive. reinstalled to default c Drive path and it worked this time on my laptop.


alrighty ill try with 2013 as i use that frequently. howeer i get the upgrade option when opening MaNGOS .sln from the build folder and it asks for a series of updates to be made to each file, i will accept the upgrade as it is a one way thing and report back on this if i run into any more errors with it.

This script builds the MaNGOS server.

Options that can be used in order to configure the process:


CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Path where the server should be installed to

CONF_DIR Path to the configs, can be absolute or relative.

DEBUG Debug mode (strict compile, all warnings)


BUILD_TOOLS Build the map/vmap/mmap extractors

SOAP Enable remote access via SOAP

Scripting engines:

SCRIPT_LIB_ELUNA Compile with support for Eluna scripts

SCRIPT_LIB_SD2 Compile with support for ScriptDev2 scripts

# Modules:

# PLAYERBOTS Enable Player Bots

To set an option simply type -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> after 'cmake <srcs>'.

Also, you can specify the generator with -G. see 'cmake --help' for more details

For example: cmake .. -DDEBUG=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos

Note: On UNIX systems, CONF_DIR is relative to the bin folder.

Detected 32-bit platform

Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE)

CMake Error at D:/Install Here/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (message):


Call Stack (most recent call first):

D:/Install Here/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:291 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)

cmake/FindOpenSSL.cmake:176 (find_package_handle_standard_args)

CMakeLists.txt:87 (find_package)

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred![ATTACH=CONFIG]257[/ATTACH]

You are missing Git and OpenSSL.


ok i got everythign compiled after all that but now when i try to run realmd or mangosd i get this error pop up The Program cant start because libmysql.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

i had reinstalled mysql server and still giving this problem, any idea what this one could be, i haven't gotten this error before now.


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