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  • * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?
    This patch fixes a bug that causes you to stand up when a player is saved. This can interrupt drinking, eating and becomes a big nuisance with low save intervals.
    * For which repository revision was the patch created?
    * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.
    There is:
    * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.
    Just myself, SLG.


diff --git a/src/game/Player.cpp b/src/game/Player.cpp
index 0ce76b0..ff327b6 100644
--- a/src/game/Player.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
@@ -15591,8 +15591,7 @@ void Player::SaveToDB()
    uint32 tmp_displayid = GetDisplayId();

    // Set player sit state to standing on save, also stealth and shifted form
-    SetStandState(UNIT_STAND_STATE_STAND);                  // stand state
-    RemoveStandFlags(UNIT_STAND_FLAGS_ALL);                 // stand flags?
+    SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, 0);
    SetByteValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, 3, 0);                 // shapeshift

NOTE: The code shouldn't have used SetStandState() because it sends a packet to the client to stand the player up. After saving the character values to the database, UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1 is set back to what it was originally. There should be no packets sent during save.

  • 39 years later...

The only change is in Player::SaveToDB(). UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1 will still be set to 0 before the data values are saved, but no packet will be send with this fix, so player wont stand up.

Entering combat was not changed.

read the code, UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1 is stored before save, and set back to the stored value after. its fine to set it to 0 there.

ah, ok, you're right... sorry, to late @ night :/

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