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Hello again, I've tried to search the forum for this, but all I could find was the exactly same question that no one really answered to it.

When I am using the command in game .bot add botname

the game comes back to me with a message add: botname - not allowed (my config are right, there's a spot where it is enabled 1)

What else migh cause the problem?

Thank you

6 answers to this question

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What if I will try to rebuild it with easybuild again ticking the box - assuming that I haven't done any change to the core yet.

If I just copy my configs and data on a newly built core is it gonna have any conflicts with the database or the start up? (From my point of view it should not)

What if I will try to rebuild it with easybuild again ticking the box - assuming that I haven't done any change to the core yet.

If I just copy my configs and data on a newly built core is it gonna have any conflicts with the database or the start up? (From my point of view it should not)

Antz said that should be fine.


Thanks guys. I'll try to tick the right stuff now lol

UPDATED: 23:40 Ticked the include player AI bots , unfortunately still getting the message in the world chat field:

add: <Botname> - not allowed

mangosd console not showing any error message.

Tho it does output message about number of accounts online from which: Horde-Alliance from which bots 0.

And I think by default the configuration file is "playerAI_bot_enalbe=1" already even tho I triple checked it. Everything seems fine.

Any1 might have an idea what is going on?

that's how my config looks like. Maybe it's because the optional part is commented out ?.

is that the reason?


# MANGOS Ai Playerbot Configuration file #




# Enable or disable AI Playerbot

AiPlayerbot.Enabled = 1

# Warrior

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.1.0 = 20

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.1.1 = 30

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.1.2 = 50

# Paladin

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.2.0 = 20

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.2.1 = 50

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.2.2 = 30

# Hunter

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.3.0 = 25

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.3.1 = 50

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.3.2 = 25

# Rogue

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.4.0 = 40

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.4.1 = 50

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.4.2 = 10

# Priest

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.5.0 = 40

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.5.1 = 40

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.5.2 = 20

# Shaman

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.7.0 = 10

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.7.1 = 45

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.7.2 = 45

# Mage

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.8.0 = 20

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.8.1 = 10

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.8.2 = 70

# Warlock

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.9.0 = 33

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.9.1 = 33

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.9.2 = 33

# Druid

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.11.0 = 10

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.11.1 = 45

AiPlayerbot.RandomClassSpecProbability.11.2 = 45


# All other parameters are optional but can be changed by uncommenting them here


# Prefix for bot chat commands (e.g. follow, stay)

AiPlayerbot.CommandPrefix = ~

# Max AI iterations per tick

#AiPlayerbot.IterationsPerTick = 10

# Allow/deny bots from your guild

#AiPlayerbot.AllowGuildBots = 1

# Delay between two short-time spells cast

#AiPlayerbot.GlobalCooldown = 500

# Max wait time when moving

#AiPlayerbot.MaxWaitForMove = 5000

# Delay between two bot actions

#AiPlayerbot.ReactDelay = 100

# Distances

#AiPlayerbot.SightDistance = 50.0

#AiPlayerbot.SpellDistance = 30.0

#AiPlayerbot.ReactDistance = 150.0

#AiPlayerbot.GrindDistance = 100.0

#AiPlayerbot.LootDistance = 20.0

#AiPlayerbot.FleeDistance = 20.0

#AiPlayerbot.TooCloseDistance = 7.0

#AiPlayerbot.MeleeDistance = 1.0

#AiPlayerbot.FollowDistance = 1.5

#AiPlayerbot.WhisperDistance = 6000.0

#AiPlayerbot.ContactDistance = 0.5

# Bot can flee for enemy

#AiPlayerbot.FleeingEnabled = 1

# Health/Mana levels

#AiPlayerbot.CriticalHealth = 25

#AiPlayerbot.LowHealth = 45

#AiPlayerbot.MediumHealth = 65

#AiPlayerbot.AlmostFullHealth = 85

#AiPlayerbot.LowMana = 15

#AiPlayerbot.MediumMana = 40

# Enable random bot system

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAutologin = 1

# Random bot default strategies (applied after defaults)

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotCombatStrategies = +dps,+attack weak

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotNonCombatStrategies = +grind,+move random,+loot

# Create random bot characters automatically

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAutoCreate = 1

# Random bot count

#AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBots = 50

#AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomBots = 200

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMinLevel = 1

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMaxLevel = 255 (ignored if more than MaxPlayerLevel mangosd.conf value)

# Accounts to create for random bots

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAccountPrefix = rndbot

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAccountCount = 50

# Delete all random bot accounts

#AiPlayerbot.DeleteRandomBotAccounts = 0

# Maps to teleport random bots

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMaps = 0,1,530,571

# Change random bot has lower gear

#AiPlayerbot.RandomGearLoweringChance = 0.15

# Chance random bot has max level on first randomize

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMaxLevelChance = 0.4

# Quest items to leave (do not destroy)

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotQuestItems = 6948,5175,5176,5177,5178

# Spells every random bot will learn on randomize (54197 - cold weather flying)

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotSpellIds = 54197

# Enable LFG for random bots

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotJoinLfg = 1

# Level diff between random bots and nearby creatures for random teleports

AiPlayerbot.RandomBotTeleLevel = 3

# Intervals

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotUpdateInterval = 60

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotCountChangeMinInterval = 86400

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotCountChangeMaxInterval = 259200

#AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBotInWorldTime = 7200

#AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomBotInWorldTime = 1209600

#AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBotRandomizeTime = 7200

#AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomRandomizeTime = 1209600

#AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBotsPerInterval = 50

#AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomBotsPerInterval = 100

#AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBotsPriceChangeInterval = 7200

#AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomBotsPriceChangeInterval = 172800

# Log on all random bots on start

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotLoginAtStartup = 1

# How far random bots are teleported after death

#AiPlayerbot.RandomBotTeleportDistance = 1000

# Debug switches

#AiPlayerbot.SpellDump = 0

#AiPlayerbot.LogInGroupOnly = 1

#AiPlayerbot.LogValuesPerTick = 0

#AiPlayerbot.RandomChangeMultiplier = 1

# Command server port, 0 - disabled

#AiPlayerbot.CommandServerPort = 8888


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