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seems to call somthing from here

void Spell::EffectInstaKill(uint32 /*i*/)

should kil the npc and chance of spawning 1 of 2 creatures.


it hasn't been addressed rev doesn't matter but that's ok if a mod can delete this topic. ill keep bugs to myself. :) sorry to break format.

  • 10 months later...

Rev 9205.

Ytdb YTDB_0.10.9_R529_MaNGOS_R9171_SD2_R1543_ACID_R302_RuDB_R34.5

SD: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 9198+)

It started since DK appeared and still have in place.

It simply kills player with Spell::EffectInstaKill when he enters area (about 20)

Quest: 12698

Triggers: 52481, 52482, 52479

QItem: 39253

Log from server:

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=54612

Spell 54612 Effect0 : 6

Spell: Aura is: 4

Aura: construct Spellid : 54612, Aura : 4 Duration : -1 Target : 25 Damage : 0

Aura 4 now is in use

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=54612

Spell 54612 Effect0 : 6

Spell: Aura is: 4

Aura: construct Spellid : 54612, Aura : 4 Duration : -1 Target : 25 Damage : 0

Aura 4 now is in use

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=54612

Spell 54612 Effect0 : 6

Spell: Aura is: 4

Aura: construct Spellid : 54612, Aura : 4 Duration : -1 Target : 25 Damage : 0

Aura 4 now is in use

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=54612

Spell 54612 Effect0 : 6

Spell: Aura is: 4

Aura: construct Spellid : 54612, Aura : 4 Duration : -1 Target : 25 Damage : 0

Aura 4 now is in use

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT (238, 0xEE) opcode


01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 | 12 3B 6F 37 2E 1F 15 45

56 D5 B3 C5 EE 34 1A 43 | DF DF EE 3D 00 00 00 00

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=52479

Spell 52479 Effect0 : 77

Spell ScriptStart spellid 52479 in EffectScriptEffect

Spell 52479 Effect1 : 1


deal dmg:1875 to health:1875

DealDamage: victim just died

Send all time packets count: 246 bytes: 19711 avr.count/sec: 1.#INF00 avr.bytes/

sec: 1.#INF00 time: 0

Send last min packets count: 246 bytes: 19711 avr.count/sec: 0.369369 avr.bytes/

sec: 29.596096




This Item can also be used in pvp Marked areas, giving that the dk zones.

ex. Death Knight summons Ebon Hold port, Throws it then ports before its activated. It insta-kills other in the radius.


Not related topic directly, but can anyone tell me, does any spells with EffectImplicitTargetA1=87 that must be affected by caster exist? May be EffectImplicitTargetA1=87 - must to be exclude caster? I not clearly understand this yet :( ...


Moreover, i can't find that spell triggered anywhere. It should be srcipted somehow to cast InstaKill, isn't it? How about adding case 54612 into InstaKill or switching to dummy effect? I think it should work, but where is to change it, that's the Question.


Plz, don't laugh, i just newbie =)

void Spell::EffectInstaKill(uint32 /*i*/)

   if(m_spellInfo->Id==52479 || m_spellInfo->Id==52481 || m_spellInfo->Id==52482)
       m_caster->CastSpell(UnitTarget, 52490, true);

At least it doesn't kill anyone (neither npc, neither players) and spawns pet, that is required to get quest done.

But it looks like SD2 doesn't support it yet, because when u get 5 pets and get near Harvester, nothing happens. (Am I wrong?)

But main part still doesn't work. Imo the reason is "unitTarget" and "m_caster". Because we donno who is the caster ( item mb ?) And first, who get in 20m around GO get killed.

What do we need:

1) mob get killed (not player)

2) if mob is miner

2.a) ~30% spawn ghoul

2.b) ~70% spawn angry spirit

3) when u have 5 pets u get near Harvester and all of u pets get killed. After that quest finished (5/5 at once)

How an item works?

- cast spell 52481

- summons object 190769

- script effect 52490

- instakill

- 52490: summons 28845

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  • 4 months later...
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