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Everything posted by hikikomori18

  1. maybe if they fix a few things, it might.
  2. search before posting please, there's already a thread dicussing allowtwosides.chat and how its possible but you cannot force clients to auto join the channel.
  3. any errors that say could not find map " xxxxxxxxx" means you're using an out of date ad.exe make sure your source is up to date, and use the ad.exe in the contrib folder.
  4. git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git is the right answer. You're doing it wrong.
  5. thats the svn, mangos doesn't use svn, it uses git.
  6. yea if you didn't re-compile after reinstalling, you should. otherwise, i have no idea why its not working for you someone smarter than me could answer.
  7. yes and no. If you want a 3.1 so you can play normal and a 3.0.9 for your mangos, make 2 wow Folders, but you have to make sure everything points to the right folders. Or just wait until 3.1 is supported. There isn't a way to downgrade, and I doubt there would be a one-click button for that.
  8. it should be fine then, the only reason you would have a problem, is if you had an old folder than had been there since the beginning and never upgraded to wotlk, but updated patches. It should be fine now, because those patches should include the little bit of code that was originally on wotlk cd's that enables wotlk. I hope that makes sense, I've had the same happen to friends.
  9. wierd if you're getting you don't have wotlk installed, you must not have it installed, did you pull your dbc from a folder that didn't have it installed. 3.0.9 doesn't mean wotlk.
  10. the lastest version is the 0.12 branch.
  11. There's like 3 places in the .config files where you have to set " Expansion=2" realmmd config, mangos.config, and ur character/account table.
  12. try searching, there's already scripts and a few pdumps in this forum as well as many helpful threads that have all the info you need
  13. i prefer mangoschangelog on twitter, btw mangos isn't an emu. I think the twitter might get added to the wiki.
  14. don't see anything else needed, just needs a patch and testing. I think you can just check for the dummy aura whenever a potion is used. Though the wowhead page does have a good list of stuff, if some kind of spell check is needed.
  15. You're not understanding it correctly. e.g. If UDB 370 says 7517 rev, It means that rev, and beyond. You're getting the source from git, even though its above 7517 you don't have to "downgrade" mangos back to 7517 for UDB to work, you apply sql updates to your db from 7517 and above, till it matches whatever rev , you pulled from master branch. (If you don't want a higher rev, you can actually pull from 7517 itself, just read the history till 7517 and pull that head i believe)
  16. Wow, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad link. plz remove Btw there's a safe svn mirror from freghar i think.
  17. its ok to bump when there's a patch.
  18. and I told you why. Dev's don't like it when you don't use aura implementation, didn't use proc flags, and the patch in question, doesn't even work correctly. after reading it the first time, and now reading what i've said, the 2nd time, do you still think it should be committed into master?
  19. You'd git clone /pull from the 0.12 branch instead of master. make sure you have the 2.4.3 client when you extract maps using the ad.exe make sure the database you use is for 2.4.3
  20. sounds like a scripting question?
  21. from a cursory gleaming of the thread, it looks like, they made a patch, but they didn't use aura implementation, and didn't set proc flags, so the patch spell procs 2 times. There's your update.
  22. I believe its the same fix thats in the post, but as everyone says in the thread, that fix is hacky
  23. take the time to learn C++ and you can implement it yourself. begging doesn't make the process go any faster. Step 1 would be looking up what spell/aura/dummy aura/ is missing.
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