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Everything posted by hikikomori18

  1. Its wherever you made it. Its the folder you stored mangos in when you used git to pull or clone.
  2. For the most part I'd have to say they have been shared. If you're talking about tweaks to get a server running faster, there's many threads about running servers effeciently and all the things they use in pretty good detail. Like the 500+ thread, my min/max requirement thread, and a dozen other threads using the search feature. Other fixes or patches people might do, might make things run faster, but also cause instability, Mangos is very big on not putting in hack fixes, and learning how to best fix a problem, instead of just guessing. I could take a wild guess that some of these "changes/fixes/patches" about making a server smoother, are very hack-like. Once you add a bunch of hackfixes to a server it ruins the integrity of a server and you might aswell not update ever again because you don't know how that hackfix could effect future patches. As for why you think we don't share changes/fixes/patches, there's a lot of stuff on github. Mango's is well documented and very transparent on git. As for the forums, well there's not too much to discuss, a lot of it is the generous people who know what they're talking about it, and the rest is people who can't follow instructions correctly even when we try to help. Most of my time spent on the forums is directing people to the right place, "which they woulda found if they searched in the first place" (for a reference see how many threads there are about "outdated maps" or .map errors") About painjakes friend, I dunno, some people are just like that, they wrote it, they don't wanna share it You know what? Its their loss. You can't force everyone to share everything and most of the time, people mess up their own patches or don't know what their doing. There's some patch geniuses here but everyone messes up, thats why we have the forums, so they post it here, get feedback , test the patch over and over finding different ways to fix it in the correct manner. If that guy posted it here, i'm sure he could improve his patch beyond whatever its at right now (though i'm pretty sure its just a hack-fix) because you'd have to be really lucky and realize a fix like that, or spend months writing and testing it. Either of which are highly doubtful. This is your first post, so I don't know if you've tried searching for this information yet, but everyone seems to be quoting and responding to you so I thought I would too. Bah I ended up ranting, feel free to say 2 long didn't read, lol.
  3. Its very offy like, believe me, trying to get that last skill point to 400 takes forever because its kinda random chance. I've heard people taking 800-1000 swings or more to get that last skill point on offy. Look at the comments for the skill achievements on wowhead. I've actually given up on offy for a few characters because it takes so long, you just have to try to skill up on boss fights for a few weeks and hope you get it or go afk attacking a big mob with someone healing you. It used to be int, but now no stats increases your chance to skill up I believe. The int change was a long long time ago.
  4. does mangos support 3.1.0? I haven't seen it posted anywhere?
  5. I don't think so, there's no announcement saying that they've started supporting it. I think you have client 3.1.0 or 2 folders of wow, thats why its messing up. You might have downloaded new patches by accident.
  6. nope its still 3.0.9, you're just probably using the wrong ad.exe
  7. No mangos decided it would be better if mango's was kept broken and not fully functional. Just kidding. =) It takes time, and it takes manpower to implement, patches don't grow on trees. It'll be added when its added. If you can't wait for them to be fully added start reading up on C++ and give it a shot.
  8. Try using the search feature before posting. This is a pretty bad first post. (hint I've already searched mana burn and have loads of threads about it, and a few patches under review, but i'm not gonna post links to them because then I'd be doing your work for you)
  9. mango's doesn't support repacks, I think that would be defined as a repack. Believe me, the exe's are there.
  10. you should have spent more time reading the forums. There's dozens of posts just like this. There's also two threads dedicated to multithreading and multiprocessing in development.
  11. I like it checking for those three: ApplyAuraName[0] Spellfamily and Spellfamilyflags. Gives more room for it to work in special cases.
  12. Nice I like it, it covers a lot of beginner questions, you'll probably see it on the wiki soon. The yellow does blind my eyes though.
  13. yea, and unfortunately, its true, thats how it is on official. Pallies were always crying about how much they had to buff people, which were 10-15m, and i think they're like 30m buffs now and an overzealous warrior would hit battleshout which only lasts like 2m-3m and overwrite their might buffs that they used reagents for. Pallies QQ'd all the time. but, You could do a patch just to fix the stacking of the same name spells and work on a fix for different named spells that don't stack and overwrite each other later.
  14. Yea I know you're talking about the problems of them stacking those spells, seperate from each other but I mean both of them together. How it should work: (like it does on offy) If I use a low level might in a group, and a warrior in the group casts battleshout, that's higher than my lower level might, the battleshout should overwrite the lower might. thats how it is on official. How I hear it currently works on mangos: People are saying pally buffs are stacking and diff ranks of shout are stacking, but i'm talking about them together, battleshout should overwrite might.
  15. It seems like this guy is just posting hack-fixes from Trinity, and trying to take credit for the shoddy work. All the other posts look horrible too.
  16. also, blessing of might, and battleshout, if they are casted, whichever one is higher should overwrite the lower.
  17. Night said, people are dispelling the buff, if I remember correctly, You shouldn't be able to rightclick (dispell) the icon for that buff. Because its a (zone) wide buff for that little floating island (granted only if you've completed the neutral quest chain up to the appropriate part). It only gets applied and dispelled when entering or leaving that area.
  18. there's an edit button at the bottom right of your post....
  19. I'd have to agree, but the more people read up on C++ and start helping, the faster this goal could be realistically seen. I'm hoping to get my hands into C this summer.
  20. 1. Search before posting. 2. I don't think there's an official patch, but there is huge development threads for multithreading and multiprocessing. 3. If your server can't handle it, try configuring your server better or upgrading your servers hardware. Disable vmaps in some places, if you're running with all vmaps on you're obviously going to lag hard. Any of this advice could have been found just looking at stickys or using the search function.
  21. I hope the giant "change", doesn't hurt its chances to be reviewed and commited. I know its gonna be a long review.
  22. there's a thread called, "GM Commands You Would Like To See Implemented" you could post those there.
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