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Everything posted by hikikomori18

  1. read the proper bug report sticky. Revision? etc
  2. you're using a bad ad.exe, if you get map errors.
  3. You're not using the newest and correct ad.exe to extract. Thats what causes that error.
  4. I like udb better. They're at 3.0.3 with revision 368, but it still works with 3.0.8 and 3.0.9. I'm excitedly awaiting the release of 369 because its 3.0.9 and its gigantic.
  5. Your questions are actually your answers. It has stuff others don't have, I'd list stuff but its gigantic and its easier to handle and more stable. All my opinion btw.
  6. So you're saying you want on a pvp realm. The ability to add " protection" to new players. An example is, you don't want a lvl 80 going around and killing all the lowbie's. It might be possible to add this, but it'd be giant and custom. Eventually you could get it to where it distinguishes 5 levels below or above and adds the protection when nessasary. Its not blizzlike, though you might be able to find some people who would want to try it.
  7. lol <10 characters> edit: I'm guessing, if he installed anti-cheat, he can just git reset to a clean version of mangos. solves his question. either that, or he doesn't know that mango's doesn't come with an anti cheat unless you install the anti cheat patch.
  8. Step one, don't install the anti-cheat patch. I think thats it. lol.
  9. Sorta. One potion until out of combat limitation is correct. if thats what potion sickness is used for. but, the invisible debuff no icon, I've never seen or experienced. Its just , usable if its off cooldown, unusable if its on cooldown. The picture in the link, shows a potion off cooldown, but being unable to be used because of potion sickness. I think that must have been in wotlk beta, because I've never seen anything about it on official. plus. The comments were from 2.4.3 using a screenshot from wotlk beta. I don't think potion sickness exists on official when they are out of combat. The picture shows him in combat having no cooldown on potion but unable to use it. It should be usable. Its just that part that's confusing me.
  10. seems all the posts were on 2.4.3 using wotlk betas. on all my days of official I've never seen/ experienced this.
  11. I know, but since I don't own 500 different computers, I have no way of collecting the data that way. This is for data collection. I'm not asking asking as a problem looking for a solution.
  12. oh man, I wish i had a server up and available to test this.
  13. read the thread, its already been answered for you more than 3 times.
  14. I believe its because offhand and ranged auras haven't been implemented yet.
  15. If someone has information, they'll post it. They're aren't keeping information for ransom.
  16. What rev are you? did you get an error log?
  17. git clone git://github.com/shinzon/mangos.git its in the first post of the thread, and its bold. dunno how you missed it.
  18. As far as I know its fixed. need to update your mangos to anything beyond 7328.
  19. Because the patch was introduced in revision 7327-7328. The patch above, also had some small changes added to it, might be why its not working for you. The patch at the top of the thread is not the full patch
  20. git reset --hard <revspec> where <revspec> can be absolute "link" -- ie. the SHA1 of a commit or it can be relative, like HEAD~4 (4 revs back), HEAD^^2 (2 revs back to the second merge parent) Freghar posted it, its the 8th post in the thread. after others had already posted your question.
  21. What was the max number of files deban limited? and were you able to change it?
  22. Yea I'd have to agree with updating your rev. There have been numerous changes to arena since 6360
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