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Everything posted by hikikomori18

  1. yea seriously, I haven't even set up my own server yet, cause i only understand half of it. How did these genius's do it.
  2. ===== MultiMaNGOS -- The multi-processing project for MaNGOS ===== This is still a highly in-development project. It is absolutely not intended for use in production environments. Development channel: #multimangos @ chat.freenode.net Its straight on the git page
  3. I think what you're saying is you need a database. UDB is my suggestion, there's plenty of guides on installing it.
  4. Thanks so much punked guru. Yea i know its going to be hard with the variety of hosts. From what you've said, I think I'll call the minimum requirements for people, like lower end pc's running 40 or below population. That would be your basic, i'm starting a server to play around and maybe invite some friends. The recommended requirements section sounds like it should be for the "public" hosts, or people above 40 population, maxing out around 200-400 population. I think i'll pull up the stats on what it requires to run wow and compare them to the hosts that post their setup. Its likely to be about the same. Mostly its the software I want to check. Most people don't realize they need .net framework, and what version they need. which I believe anything above 3 is ok. Same with a certain sp1 patch some vista computers need. I'm definately going to use your milestones idea.
  5. I'd love to add these as a section in the wiki, but it needs a "last updated line" or "works with rev xxx" like lordpsyan said, otherwise its not useful.
  6. Yea I voted for MP, it seems like the better choice, it may be harder to learn, but has more possibilites of becoming more blizz offlike.
  7. So are these patches trying to make blink more blizz offlike?
  8. I'm trying to compile a list for general info for Mangos. Anyone that runs a private server or knows their stuff, please reply to this thread. I really need helpful information, and correct information to add to the wiki. What are the Minimum Requirements for MaNGOS? Its obviously got to be able to play wow. But also to run a server itself what are some good specs? Also the second part of the question is what versions of the required software to run MaNGOS are stable, or recommended. A lot of the tutorials have outdated downloads or links to old software, like windows server 2003, I've heard some people running it on 2008, There are some differences like VS2008 should include the SDK while VC2008 doesn't, and you need the xp version not the vista one, and other complications. Git obviously needs to be the newest version which is like 1.6 right now. mysql newest version etc. I'm trying to get as much information as I can. If you'd like to post what your specs are, and what works for you, I'd really appreciate it. Please include what you're running. 2.4.3 3.0.8a 3.0.9. I'm really looking for 3.0.9 to keep everything current, but I can use the other data aswell. Also if you're using any mods/addons, and their working fine, like AHbot, scriptdev2 etc. I'll continue updating this post with new information. "Thanks so much punked guru. Yea i know its going to be hard with the variety of hosts. From what you've said, I think I'll call the minimum requirements for people, like lower end pc's running 40 or below population. That would be your basic, i'm starting a server to play around and maybe invite some friends. The recommended requirements section sounds like it should be for the "public" hosts, or people above 40 population, maxing out around 200-400 population. I think i'll pull up the stats on what it requires to run wow and compare them to the hosts that post their setup. Its likely to be about the same. Mostly its the software I want to check. Most people don't realize they need .net framework, and what version they need. which I believe anything above 3 is ok. Same with a certain sp1 patch some vista computers need. I'm definately going to use your milestones idea. " Minimum/recommended requirements to play wow client: 0-20 Players: 40-100 Players: 200-400 Players: 500+ and beyond, "under pressure" running behavior: (Using Leak 's thread for information) Another good thing to note is whether or not people are using a dedicated box, or not.
  9. It sounds like a character database problem. I could be wrong, I'm fairly new.
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