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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. In the past some libraries had trouble when ran as a 64bit app, though I suspect that's already fixed. Other than that, perhaps he doesn't have the memory to compile it 64bit
  2. xeross155

    Is it safe?

    Don't see changes related to that code, I'd say try it and if it doesn't work switch back.
  3. Even fixing typos is a good thing though how minor they can be they can cascade into something worse (Especially the language.h one).
  4. http://www.riverace.com/ACE/ace55/html/ace/classACE__Vector.html#_details
  5. 1. Find out what's running on 3724 2. Kill it with fire or nuke it from orbit 3. Start realm server
  6. Once I get my branch working again I'll merge it with cyber's branch and after that we can cooperate on it.
  7. First of all my apologies if I already made a thread for this, I could not find it. What are the features ? * Send mail from an external script/application anything that can connect to MySQL can use this system * Send multiple items per mail. We set up the tables in such a way that you can send multiple items with 1 mail. * Definable interval for sending mails How do I get it ? You can pull the external_mail branch from my repository [url]http://github.com/xeross/mangos.git[/url] Installation * Fetch repository * Compile * Import sql/external_mail.sql into your character database * Enable external mail in the config (At the bottom if you use the included config, else you'll have to copy them over from config.dist.in * Insert items * See them get sent periodically. How do the tables work ? external_mail contains the mails, as soon as a mail is created it gets an ID assigned (id column). After this to add items to the mail you need to add an entry to mail_external_items, id should be left empty, mail_id should be the id of the just created mail and item and count are obvious. Changelog * 19/Aug/2010 - Updated to latest mail changes, fixed queue deletion bug, added some additional logging/error logging * Some time ago - Initial release
  8. I'm currently implementing the new LogFilter system in AHBot so I can just throw it full with debug info
  9. Why would this handle clients more efficiently than 1 port ? Also you'd need some frontend proxy if you want to balance between multiple ports.
  10. Seller is working, buyer seems to not be working, going to debug.
  11. You can't either the battle.net login is hardcoded when you use email addresses or it's also set in the realmlist.wtf and we haven't implemented it. I also don't see any reason to implement something we don't need in this case.
  12. Great job on the NPC code cyberium, however if you don't mind I won't add it to my branch until it is completely stable and tested.
  13. XP bar not showing is indeed a client side limitation.
  14. Well if the core didn't change too much in the areas the anticheat operates in I should be able to update it.
  15. I haven't tested my new build yet so I'm not going to push it just yet, should be done testing in a few days.
  16. I'm afraid not, however if their forum account name matches their server account name it will load the correct account anyway. It might be possible to use normal forum logins but that would require a lot of effort to figure out.
  17. There have been messages from Blizzard that there's a 3rd party studio working on a World of Warcraft movie, this they said years ago, but apparently it never pushed through (Or it's just not finished yet).
  18. Just reduce the amount of items added per cycle or something, that should fix it up.
  19. I'm currently in the process of updating my patches, currently working on the AHBot this one will be next.
  20. If you look at it you can determine it's in the character database, and DB projects don't touch that (Well they shouldn't even if they do).
  21. If you have any idea on how we need to do this, it would probably involve modifying the auctionhouse core and check for a certain ID or something, can an NPC even put up an AH order currently ?
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