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Everything posted by yasuno

  1. Any updates, or noted problems with this? I have been following the topic.
  2. Alright, thats awesome to know then. Thanks Putra for working this out. :] Once i apply it, ill let you know how it works out.
  3. So you haven't had any problems or hiccups with the current patch i suppose?
  4. bump. I havent seen him on, he hasn't replied to my pm either.
  5. I will try this and let you know how it goes... Im glad i havent tried it yet i would have had people running around as admins thats a catastrophe waiting to happen lol.
  6. So... Can you update the first patch in your first post with the proper working one because with all these posts every where im confused sadly.. X.x
  7. This is awesome i look forward to its development.
  8. Rofl holy crap.. How come you wont share your findings
  9. They probably wont post it, or they don't even have one not sure lol. I hate when people post useless comments and reply's no one cares what you have if your not willing to help or share it. Whats the point of bringing it up, no one likes a wanna be gloater.
  10. You mean base almost everything from the dbc cache files, and only a little bit from a actual db?
  11. Alright so i should apply the patch like normal, and also change the lines of code you mentioned in the above post right?
  12. Putra are you still working on this? Edit: I dont see why this isnt implemented by default and written into the core in the first place. Its not like Retail gms are a gm on what ever realm they feel like Gm'n on today. I mean it makes since to "assign" people to there realm to work not to let there permission roam freely, that only makes since for an administrator. And not to bash D: but almost every core has this function built in but us. X.x And dont attack me with you shouldn't have a public server anyways, Even if it is just a lan or whatever, or for you and your friends my statement still makes since that on retail there most likely assigned not just roaming freely. That is blizz like after all.
  13. Sorry for late reply, it works fine thanks for this patch. :]
  14. Alright thanks, with the recent changed to the core though does this patch still work??
  15. Thanks mate i like this custom modification hopefully you keep updating it. Will this still work with the latest updates?
  16. You are awesome, ill be implementing/testing this later today.
  17. Yes i would appreciate if you could update it to work for the latest rev, i have a script in mind i want to try.
  18. Anyone know if this patch still works before i apply it.
  19. Does this mean no one knows any of these lol? I figured out the commands for reset talent points and bind hearthstone and the menu's come up and will say you can reset your talent points for 1 gold or would you like to set your hearthstone here, but after i click ok or yes nothing happens so im not sure what thats about. :3
  20. Hello, moving from Arc/Aspire i almost have all my scripts converted, as far as our teleporter goes we had a couple of different unique things and im not sure if they can be done here, so i will post them below and maybe someone knows the function or code for doing it as well thanks! Buff - Make the npc cast a spell onto a player. --- Nvm i figured this one out on my own Bind Hearthstone - Bind hearthstone to the teleporter. Reset Spells - Reset player spells to starting ones. Reset Talents - Reset player talents to where they have all there points again. Save Character To DB - Saves there character to the database. Remove Resurrection Sickness - Removes the resurrection sickness aura off of them. --- Nvm i figured this one out on my own Make Player Emote - Make the player do a emote. I really hope someone here at least knows how to do some of these, thank you so much for your help! NOTE - I know this is a ScriptDev2 thing and i have a topic on there as well but im hoping by having it at both sites i will be able to get an answer, thanks!
  21. Ok i tried that out i also tried everything else on the right click menu and that definition happened to not be linked or defined. -.-
  22. No not really, the only thing that breaks via client side that is noticeable is the barber shop chair, and druid character stats everything else is manageable and i have been doing it a while. I understand this is a blizz like core, and things may explode but im willing to take the risk for development purposes, so if someone could please tell me where i should look for the code, instead of warning me ill be greatly appreciative.
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