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Posts posted by zergtmn

  1. I only took a small look over this patch, and there are quite many (small) changes which seem to be needed, and independend from vehicles in general (ie changes of compo-point holder), so why not post some of them in improved form to review-section?

    Would be nice if someone could explain why these changes are needed.

  2. Optimization is enabled by default in Release build.

    VC 10.0 uses MSBuild system so all default settings are stored in *.props files contained in folder c:\\Program Files\\MSBuild\\Microsoft.Cpp\\v4.0\\

    Let's look at Microsoft.Cpp.props. It is attached to all C++ projects via the following

    <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />

    For debug build:

     <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(UseDebugLibraries)' == 'true'">
         <Optimization                     Condition="'%(ClCompile.Optimization)'                  == ''">Disabled</Optimization>

    UseDebugLibraries is defined in project file to true or false, depending on configuration.

    "Optimization" is set to Disabled only if ClCompile.Optimization was not overridden before (equals ' ').

    For release build:

         <Optimization                     Condition="'%(ClCompile.Optimization)'                  == '' and
                                                      ('%(ClCompile.BasicRuntimeChecks)'           == '' or
                                                      '%(ClCompile.BasicRuntimeChecks)'            == 'Default')">MaxSpeed</Optimization>

    ItemDefinitionGroup tag has no 'Condition' attribute so this section is used always. "Optimization" is set to MaxSpeed if it is not overridden and BasicRuntimeChecks is set to default value.

    Just check the command line arguments passed to CL and see that most of the projects don't pass any optimization = no optimization.

    I have /O2 option in command line:

    /I"..\\..\\dep\\include" /I"..\\..\\src\\framework" /I"..\\..\\src\\shared" /I"..\\..\\src\\game\\vmap" /I"..\\..\\dep\\ACE_wrappers" /I"..\\..\\dep\\include\\g3dlite" /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /O2 /Ob1 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /D "_MBCS" /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /GR /Yu"pchdef.h" /Fp".\\game__x64_Release\\game.pch" /Fa".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Fo".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Fd".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Gd /FI"pchdef.h" /errorReport:queue 

  3. [The issue is that in many places this isn't the case. Multiseat mounts don't work yet, for example, or mounts like Invincible or The Headless Horseman's mount are capable of flying in Azeroth (3.x, not 4.x).

    Don't even get me started on Death Knights (especially their initiation quest chain).

    It is impossible to implement DK quests without hacks currently. See what Kich0 said.

  4. Actually, TOM_RUS told that PLAYER_FIELD_BYTES2 store uint8[2]+uint16 where uint16 is id from OverrideSpellData.dbc.

    So you are wrongly replacing first two bytes but I don't know how they are used in 3.3.5.

    Btw, can players with aura 293 use own spells besides spells from OverrideSpellData.dbc? Is it checked by client? Maybe we need check it on server to prevent cheating?

  5. I have an example in sniffs

    S->C: SMSG_SPELL_GO (0x132) Size: 77
    Caster GUID: { 0xF530006A8447E584, Type: Creature, Entry: 27268, Counter: 4711812 }
    Spell Id: 48551 (Vengeful Stormhammer)
    Cast Flags: Pending (0x410D)
    Hit target: { 0xF130006AEF0029DD, Type: Creature, Entry: 27375, Counter: 10717 }
    Target Flags: Unit | SourceLocation | DestLocation (0x62)
    Transport GUID: { 0xF150006A690029D0, Type: Vehicle, Entry: 27241, Counter: 10704 }
    Source Location: x = 0.2248, y = 0, z = 1.5676
    Dest Location: x = 3801.67, y = -916.757, z = 159.681

    Src guid is { 0xF150006A690029D0, Type: Vehicle, Entry: 27241, Counter: 10704 }

    Dest guid is empty.

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