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Posts posted by zergtmn

  1. I've been loosely following this thread for a while now but I'm still not sure what it was about the patch that prevented including it into the main branch. Was it the coding style or its level of (in)completeness? Since it it seems that most of the developers' efforts go into keeping the patch compatible with the main branch, the new development by zergtmn/rsa should really try and concentrate on these problems. Merging most of the working features into the main branch will give more casual contributors much better access and understanding of the code and the mod's developers more time and possibility to work on more important issues than compatibility rewrites.

    Current vehicle code in MaNGOS is based on wrong assumption that vehicles are summonable only and cannot be spawned like creatures. Vehicle implementation by rastikzzz and NetSky (continued by Wojta) didn't changed it. It is one of the reasons why this patch would never get into master branch. Other reasons:

    1. Custom flags

    2. Old-style unit search (ObjectAccessor::*)

    3. Wrong spell targets implementation

    4. Incomplete summon effect implementation

    5. Bad table structure

    6. Hacky spell-clicks

    7. Hacky fuel implementation

    8. Wrong GO damage implementation (btw, what it does in vehicle patch?)

    9. Haxz in general.

    I didn't see anything in patch that can be useful for us as is :( (except MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT fix that is already in master).

    People who think that devs don't care about vehicles are completely wrong. They care. And there is a progress already.

  2. While being a mod AHBot can be easily supported and improved by community. In core it will require devs to spend their time for supporting it, reviewing patches, etc.

    Comments about code:

    1. Code style doesn't meet MaNGOS standards (spaces, naming, braces)

    2. Don't use public class variables.

    3. Use typedefs for things like

    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint32> > >

    4. Use inheritance or singleton instead of

    AHB_Base*       m_BaseConfig;

    5. Use 'const' specifier where possible.

  3. As I remember original author was someone from TC. I already looked at original patch, few things look hacky:

    1. in EffectWMORepair basepoints are not used. See http://www.wowhead.com/spell=57586

    2. I think better place for faction checks is grid searcher

    3. swapping bounding box coordinates when loading DBC. This need more research why some values (1.0 and -1.0) are stored in reverse order.

    Also, maybe GO health needs to be saved to database.

  4. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Prevent sending wrong GUID in place of transport GUID.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    Sniff (Angry Sara on top of Yogg-Saron):

    S->C: SMSG_SPELL_GO (0x132) Size: 61
    Caster GUID: { 0xF13000816E008419, Type: Creature, Entry: 33134, Counter: 33817 }
    Spell Id: 63795 (Psychosis)
    Cast Flags: Unknown (0x4004108)
    Timer: 1246913537
    Hit target: { 0x7000000020A47D1, Type: Player }
    Target Flags: Unit | SourceLocation (0x22)
    Transport GUID: { 0xF15000820800846D, Type: Vehicle, Entry: 33288, Counter: 33901 }
    Source Location: x=0, y=0, z=23.4861

    Patch: http://gist.github.com/635096

    Note: This patch does not implement proper filling of transport GUIDs!

  5. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    1. Fix bug that directly controlled creatures run towards target when they receive attack command

    2. Implement opcode CMSG_PET_STOP_ATTACK. It is sent when charmer change target by right clicking or press Esc.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

  6. Wrong.

           if ( LOBYTE(v82) & 2 )
             if ( !sub_809F80(v34, v36, v18, v36, v4, (int)&v55, (int)&v70, &v74, &v82) )
               v25 = v79 == -1;
               goto LABEL_78;
             sub_7FE520((int)&v74, (int)&v82, v4 + 88, v4 + 100);
             PendingSpellCastData__WriteTargetInfo(v4 + 8, (int)&v76);
             CDataStore__PutFloat((int)&v76, v74);
             v18 = v82;
             CDataStore__PutFloat((int)&v76, v82);
             v37 = objectGuid.guid_high;
             WriteMovementPacket(objectGuid.guid_high, 183, (int)&v76, 1);
             v38 = PerformanceCounter();
             sub_6FBE30(v36, *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 32), v38);
             PendingSpellCastData__WriteTargetInfo(v4 + 8, (int)&v76);
             v37 = objectGuid.guid_high;

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