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Everything posted by zergtmn

  1. Maybe related to spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=66530 that was added recently?
  2. Sorry but I'm still unable to find any place using 'Find In Files' in Visual Studio where m_deleted is set to true. My suggestion: http://paste2.org/p/937517
  3. bool m_permanent:1; bool m_isPassive:1; bool m_isDeathPersist:1; bool m_isRemovedOnShapeLost:1; bool m_isSingleTarget:1; bool m_deleted:1; All these bools are packed into single byte. So we shouldn't care... No. Even if elements in list are sorted search in list require access to all elements in worst case. But SpellAuraHolder::IsDeleted() is still used.
  4. Searching for element in list has complexity of O(n). It's slow.
  5. After taking a look at commit http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/5003fd95f20752c1ce19b83de0296fedc56ed557 I can't find any place where m_deleted is changed to true. If I correctly understand its purpose there should be something like http://paste2.org/p/936865
  6. Yea, I know. In such case GetSpellProto can return NULL or invalid pointer or even crash before return depending on configuration. Checking result of GetSpellProto every time as was recommended in first post is just stupid. Better find real double deletion bug if it exists instead of filling code with hacks.
  7. I'm 21 years old, lol. Reading first part of your post I started thinking you haven't looked at code at all. I gave you proofs and where are yours?
  8. Cloak of Shadows works fine for me. Am I doing something wrong? I think you are trolling.
  9. Hm, I see in SpellAuraHolder constructor: ASSERT(spellproto && spellproto == sSpellStore.LookupEntry( spellproto->Id ) && "`info` must be pointer to sSpellStore element"); then few lines below m_spellProto = spellproto; So m_spellProto can't be null if you didn't removed that assert.
  10. Not-existing spells are NOT casted and so aura holders are NOT created for them. I think it's simple to understand. Maybe you have seen this in SpellAuraHolder contructor: ASSERT(spellproto && spellproto == sSpellStore.LookupEntry( spellproto->Id ) && "`info` must be pointer to sSpellStore element"); Think before replying, please.
  11. FAIL. Have you seen code of EffectTriggerSpell? // normal case SpellEntry const *spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry( triggered_spell_id ); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("EffectTriggerSpell of spell %u: triggering unknown spell id %i", m_spellInfo->Id,triggered_spell_id); return; }
  12. Way to reproduce: 1. Cast any spell that apply aura on self 2. Ask someone to cast same spell on you. Spell must stack from different casters 3. Use .save 4. See error like: SQL: INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, caster_guid, spell, stackcount, remaincha rges, basepoints0, basepoints1, basepoints2, maxduration0, maxduration1, maxdura tion2, remaintime0, remaintime1, remaintime2, effIndexMask) VALUES ('9', '9', '4 8441', '1', '0', '1662', '0', '0', '18000', '0', '0', '15800', '0', '0', '1') SQL ERROR: Duplicate entry '9-48441' for key 'PRIMARY' Fix: ALTER TABLE `character_aura` DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE `character_aura` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`spell`); ALTER TABLE `pet_aura` DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE `pet_aura` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`spell`); (old primary key was guid + spell)
  13. zergtmn

    Mangos Coding

    Mangos uses vmaps for correct detection of areas. You have to enable vmaps in config.
  14. zergtmn

    Mangos Coding

    dynamic_cast is slower than static_cast + typeid check.
  15. I don't know what spell blizz use for absorb reduction. With a big chance it can be a server-side spell...
  16. In creature_addon guid is signed currently.
  17. I think it is useless to check here because aura and effect handlers already have all required checks. I'd rather allow such funny spells to work on npcs too.
  18. Yes. Flags sent in HandleItemQuerySingleOpcode are unchanged.
  19. This typo forces config to be saved as UTF8 in some text editors. http://paste2.org/p/928154
  20. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Implement 10% healing reduction on battlegrounds and arenas For which repository revision was the patch created? 10258 Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Me http://paste2.org/p/928131
  21. Isn't this check useless? if(m_caster->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) return;
  22. Was working fine for me when I tested on 10186 last time. Tested in Ulduar.
  23. Ok, I have found out that Blizz use spells like http://www.wowhead.com/spell=72242 for disabling power regen. So regeneration for creatures and vehicles can be implemented in the same way. First post updated.
  24. Mangos Version:10258 How it SHOULD work: Duration diminishing should be applied before any other duration reduction effects. How it DOES work: Duration diminishing is applied after other duration reduction effects. For example, when spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=53308 is used against a PvP target with 30% root duration reduction, applied auras have 7 second duration on official server. On mangos they have 10 second duration.
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