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Everything posted by zergtmn

  1. Looks like endless loop resetting instance 724. 724 is Ruby Sanctum, do you have record in instance_template for it?
  2. Also need to declare CharacterDatabase with __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport). Learn how to do it from MSDN.
  3. #include "Database/DatabaseEnv.h" Then use CharacterDatabase global variable.
  4. New version: http://paste2.org/p/905373 VT should benefit from haste now (if http://paste2.org/p/871235 is applied).
  5. As I understand in this case holder would contain only one aura so we can increase duration of aura holder and it will affect duration of all auras in it.
  6. This patch allows to specify creature power type (mana, energy, etc.) via field in creature_template. Uses same values as Powers enum. Some remarks: unk17 in creature cache is actually power_mod. For example http://www.wowhead.com/npc=33109 has power_mod = 0.5 in WDB. max energy (100) * power_mod (0.5) = 50 pyrite max, that's right. http://www.wowhead.com/npc=29859 has power_mod = 1 -> 100 energy as usual. So I decided to use power_mod for calculating max energy. Examples of creatures that have energy bar: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=29840 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=37813 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=34472 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=34454 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=38200 Patch: http://paste2.org/p/1010938 SQL: ALTER TABLE creature_template ADD COLUMN `PowerType` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `MaxHealth`, CHANGE COLUMN `unk16` `health_mod` float NOT NULL default '1', CHANGE COLUMN `unk17` `power_mod` float NOT NULL default '1';
  7. Laise, what do you think about moving duration and related stuff to aura holder? Do you have an example when two auras from same spell have not equal durations?
  8. In Chat.cpp: { "flusharenapoints",SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleFlushArenaPointsCommand, "", NULL }, change false to true.
  9. Same on offy. I have proof screen but from Russian server...
  10. However most of vehicle-bosses can be 'entered' by players or creatures. For example, when Archavon grips player in hand player 'enters' boss-vehicle. Look at spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=58672. First effect forces player to enter vehicle. Seats differentiate by primary (rider) and secondary. Some vehicles have no rider seat and thus cannot be controlled. Some have no seats at all (like Saurfang). But if you look at sniff you can figure out that he is vehicle
  11. Here is fix from QAston: http://code.google.com/p/trinitycore/source/detail?r=98f6ac33458579cd0f9e9267d8b4951b08c6c072
  12. It's totally wrong. Flame Leviathan, Kologarn, Archavon, Ignis and Deathbringer Saurfang are vehicles too and they can attack and have threat list.
  13. This means that you patched incorrectly. Check for rejects.
  14. Here is multiseat mounts patch for clean mangos: http://paste2.org/p/885207. Please, test and report any bugs.
  15. uint32 skinTone_id = -1; Is it intended? It equals 0xffffffff
  16. I don't recommend using current version of my vehicle branch. But multiseat mounts work fine for me.
  17. Cheaters are not so smart to know guid of another player for example.
  18. Try this patch: diff --git a/src/game/MovementHandler.cpp b/src/game/MovementHandler.cpp index de62d1c..601490f 100644 --- a/src/game/MovementHandler.cpp +++ b/src/game/MovementHandler.cpp @@ -431,12 +431,10 @@ void WorldSession::HandleSetActiveMoverOpcode(WorldPacket &recv_data) ObjectGuid guid; recv_data >> guid; - if(_player->GetMover()->GetObjectGuid() != guid) - { - sLog.outError("HandleSetActiveMoverOpcode: incorrect mover guid: mover is %s and should be %s", - _player->GetMover()->GetObjectGuid().GetString().c_str(), guid.GetString().c_str()); - return; - } + if (Unit *pMover = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*GetPlayer(), guid)) + GetPlayer()->SetMover(pMover); + else + GetPlayer()->SetMover(NULL); } void WorldSession::HandleMountSpecialAnimOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvdata*/)
  19. Some spell visuals should be fixed in http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/4be8c9dc9ac4c9277d47722d3f4c9862b70851c5. For example Onyxia's fireball, Telestra's Firebomb.
  20. For those who want to use it with vehicle patch, this should fix eye movement: @@ -265,17 +265,16 @@ void Object::BuildMovementUpdate(ByteBuffer * data, uint16 updateFlags) const /*if (((Creature*)unit)->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING)) unit->m_movementInfo.SetMovementFlags(MOVEFLAG_FORWARD);*/ if (((Creature*)unit)->canFly()) { - // (ok) most seem to have this - unit->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_LEVITATING); + unit->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_CAN_FLY); if (!((Creature*)unit)->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING)) { // (ok) possibly some "hover" mode - unit->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_ROOT); + //unit->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_ROOT); } else { if (((Creature*)unit)->IsMounted()) {
  21. What is the reason to keep this check? if(data.size() != 8 + 1 + size_t(count) * 8 * 4) return;
  22. When unit takes damage greater than its health it is shown in combat log as "X damage (overkill: Y)". Overkill = damage - health You can test it by yourself on rabbits
  23. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Fixes showing overkill value in combat log For which repository revision was the patch created? 10044 Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? none Who has been writing this patch? Me http://paste2.org/p/870574
  24. It's because eye can fly? Btw http://www.wowhead.com/spell=45257 works fine. Update: Ok, I've found a problem. In Object::BuildMovementUpdate: if (!((Creature*)unit)->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING)) { // (ok) possibly some "hover" mode unit->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_ROOT); } Eye doesn't have state UNIT_STAT_MOVING, so it's rooted in place.
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