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Everything posted by zergtmn

  1. How do you plan to handle boss-less encounters like Tribunal of Ages (Halls of Stone)?
  2. Would be nice if someone could explain why these changes are needed.
  3. What's wrong with current way? In Cata some bosses in dungeons put all party members in combat. When I was in Heroic Stonecore someone accidentally pulled Ozruk. I was near the entrance and I was put into combat.
  4. Optimization is enabled by default in Release build. VC 10.0 uses MSBuild system so all default settings are stored in *.props files contained in folder c:\\Program Files\\MSBuild\\Microsoft.Cpp\\v4.0\\ Let's look at Microsoft.Cpp.props. It is attached to all C++ projects via the following <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props" /> For debug build: <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(UseDebugLibraries)' == 'true'"> <ClCompile> <Optimization Condition="'%(ClCompile.Optimization)' == ''">Disabled</Optimization> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> UseDebugLibraries is defined in project file to true or false, depending on configuration. "Optimization" is set to Disabled only if ClCompile.Optimization was not overridden before (equals ' '). For release build: <ItemDefinitionGroup> <ClCompile> <Optimization Condition="'%(ClCompile.Optimization)' == '' and ('%(ClCompile.BasicRuntimeChecks)' == '' or '%(ClCompile.BasicRuntimeChecks)' == 'Default')">MaxSpeed</Optimization> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> ItemDefinitionGroup tag has no 'Condition' attribute so this section is used always. "Optimization" is set to MaxSpeed if it is not overridden and BasicRuntimeChecks is set to default value. I have /O2 option in command line: /I"..\\..\\dep\\include" /I"..\\..\\src\\framework" /I"..\\..\\src\\shared" /I"..\\..\\src\\game\\vmap" /I"..\\..\\dep\\ACE_wrappers" /I"..\\..\\dep\\include\\g3dlite" /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /O2 /Ob1 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /D "_MBCS" /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /GR /Yu"pchdef.h" /Fp".\\game__x64_Release\\game.pch" /Fa".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Fo".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Fd".\\game__x64_Release\\" /Gd /FI"pchdef.h" /errorReport:queue
  5. That worked in FreeBSD 8.1. And I found this in config-freebsd.h
  6. ppl who have problems building ACE on FreeBSD can try this patch http://paste2.org/p/1142455 (read "FIXME" comment). Note: I cannot compile ACE 5.8.2 aswell (without patch).
  7. My Git is configured to use CRLF line endings in local repo and to commit with LF line endings. Changes in archive are the same as in https://github.com/zergtmn/mangos/commit/3a8c259acbf333682bda8c07bb259b97d3e17ec4 https://github.com/zergtmn/mangos/commit/946c1a8eb27eb39eb83048beb679c760d01d8b8a
  8. Here is another ACE update: http://filebeam.com/e48cc8f0b9a3e2af9cdf9a041478af2f I tested compile in VS2010 and gcc 4.4.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Cheers
  9. It is impossible to implement DK quests without hacks currently. See what Kich0 said.
  10. In 3.3.5 arena points for BGs are rewarded only if player uses Random Battleground system. Battleground daily quests were removed.
  11. Exactly. I had this problem too. As I remember using NullAI and NON_ATTACKABLE flag solved problem (in hacky way).
  12. Optimization in general should not cause any instability. Try enabling Whole Program Optimization in Release build and look how it'll affect performance. However it will slowdown build a lot.
  13. i have a thought about what that 0x04 can mean but i need too confirm it. was the sniff taken from the 10 man heroic version of the encounter? 10 man normal or 25 man normal, I don't remember.
  14. From sniff PLAYER_FIELD_BYTES2 = 0x040000F1 F1 = 241 - miscvalue of spell 70877
  15. Actually, TOM_RUS told that PLAYER_FIELD_BYTES2 store uint8[2]+uint16 where uint16 is id from OverrideSpellData.dbc. So you are wrongly replacing first two bytes but I don't know how they are used in 3.3.5. Btw, can players with aura 293 use own spells besides spells from OverrideSpellData.dbc? Is it checked by client? Maybe we need check it on server to prevent cheating?
  16. I wonder why still no one managed to merge without duplicating GetVehicle/GetVehicleGUID...
  17. Point me to line where do you see a hack here. Patch fixes spell work from server side, not visual effect. EffectJump requires adjustments for correct visual effect. http://paste2.org/p/1105996
  18. Lol, how it's related to VC? C4018 is level 3 warning in both VC2010 and VC2008 according to MSDN.
  19. To address similar issue TBB (original) comes with 12 versions of precompiled binaries: 2 platforms (x86, x64) * 3 VS versions (8.0, 9.0, 10.0) * 2 configurations (debug/release)
  20. Because it was compiled with dynamic Debug CRT in VC9.0. It works ok with VC9.0 installed.
  21. I have an example in sniffs S->C: SMSG_SPELL_GO (0x132) Size: 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caster GUID: { 0xF530006A8447E584, Type: Creature, Entry: 27268, Counter: 4711812 } Spell Id: 48551 (Vengeful Stormhammer) Cast Flags: Pending (0x410D) Hit target: { 0xF130006AEF0029DD, Type: Creature, Entry: 27375, Counter: 10717 } Target Flags: Unit | SourceLocation | DestLocation (0x62) Transport GUID: { 0xF150006A690029D0, Type: Vehicle, Entry: 27241, Counter: 10704 } Source Location: x = 0.2248, y = 0, z = 1.5676 Dest Location: x = 3801.67, y = -916.757, z = 159.681 Src guid is { 0xF150006A690029D0, Type: Vehicle, Entry: 27241, Counter: 10704 } Dest guid is empty.
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