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Everything posted by Ariador

  1. Thank you Elmsroth! The reason for lack of details is simple: kills are not counted totally and absolutely, from the very creation of any character. Quest or not - no single kill is noted in Statistics, despite all the XP is added (for quests too). I've made new account - didn't help. This must be something fundamental with my server installation or configuration. Do you have ideas? Sincerely, Ariador
  2. MaNGOS 2 on Ubuntu works perfectly, everything smooth but one: statistics shows no kills for any character and any account (GM or Player level alike). When killing mobs experience adds, levels grows as usual, just only kills are not counted. Configuration file mangosd.conf shows no clues. Any tips, please?
  3. The realmd doesn't want to connect to database of MangosTwo, though mangosd does and starts properly. At MySQL workbench my user (mangos) also connects smoothly. Disabled SSL encryption at MySQL - didn't help. I think it's not an SSL issue, something wrong with realmd. My system is Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS - updated freshly. Here's status text from terminal: root@ASUS:/etc/mysql/conf.d# systemctl status realmd ● realmd.service - Realmd service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/realmd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2022-05-26 05:58:19 EEST; 5s ago Process: 28236 ExecStart=/home/mangos/two/bin/realmd -c /home/mangos/two/etc/realmd.conf (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Main PID: 28236 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: 2116012 [realm-daemon] May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: <Ctrl-C> to stop. May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: Using configuration file /home/mangos/two/etc/realmd.conf. May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: Login Database total connections: 2 May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: Could not connect to MySQL database at SSL connection error: unknown error number May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: May 26 05:58:19 ASUS realmd[28236]: Can not connect to database May 26 05:58:19 ASUS systemd[1]: realmd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 26 05:58:19 ASUS systemd[1]: realmd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Any ideas? EDIT: Got it. Just put (or whatever you have as your local IP) instead in realmd.conf parameters and realmd started easily by the terminal command "systemctl start realmd". Perhaps WiFi connection must be on. Or just put "localhost" instead of - it works. Don't forget to edit also mangosd.conf in mangos/etc and configurations files of your client (realmlist.wtf in /Data and config.wtf in /WTF). And use MySQL Workbench to put correct IP to the realmlist table.
  4. After upgrading my Ubuntu to 19.10 Eoan I've found realmd service is failing to start, with the status message as follows: root@ASUS1:~# systemctl status realmd ● realmd.service - Realmd service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/realmd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2019-10-29 18:36:40 EET; 19s ago Process: 9271 ExecStart=/mangos/two/bin/realmd -c /mangos/two/etc/realmd.conf (code=exited, status=127) Main PID: 9271 (code=exited, status=127) Oct 29 18:36:40 ASUS1 systemd[1]: Started Realmd service. Oct 29 18:36:40 ASUS1 realmd[9271]: /mangos/two/bin/realmd: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Oct 29 18:36:40 ASUS1 systemd[1]: realmd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a Oct 29 18:36:40 ASUS1 systemd[1]: realmd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Actually, my installation of MySQL 8.0 has no such lib libmysqlclient.so.20 at all, at it seems to me a bit odd to look for and put some foreign libmysqlclient.so.20 to my /usr/lib just to have realmd to find something with a correct name. Could anyone recommend a normal fix for this problem?
  5. Thanks Mr. MadMax, thanks Mr. Antz! I'll definitely send further bug reports (if any:) to /bug-tracker!
  6. This is not a question, I simply could not find bug reporting thread, so writing it here. I've compiled most recent MaNGOS Two 0.21 at Ubuntu 19.04 with MySQL, everything passed just fine. Got complete client 3.3.5a (12340) from some site, checked it for completeness - works good, Vanilla, BK, WoTL all available at that site. Extracted dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps with no errors at all, set realmd and mangosd to start as daemons (as recommended by Talendrys - my personal thanks for perfect installation guide). Just had to correct priorities in mangosd.conf - LogLevel from 3 to 0 and LogFilelevel from 0 to 1 to avoid endless events loop in mangosd console when starting it manually. Well, mangosd shows lots of database mistakes when starting - incorrect spell targets, incorrect paths for monsters - but all these are non-ctitilal, it starts well. Then, when checking playability. I've found that predefined characters aren't able to go to BK and WoTLK areas, run within the Classic content only. Client says something kinda 'You must have BK/WoTLK expansion to be installed to go here or there'. Config.wtf says - SET accounttype "CL". Changing to "BK" or "LK" doesn't work indeed, it respawns at every client start. Checked mangosd.conf variable Expansion - it is set to 2 by default, it's okay. It took me a while to find that default accounts at MaNGOS Two 0.21 are set to use no expansion: column 'expansion' at table realm.account shows all zeroes. Why don't to correct this small omittance? Also it would be good to put LogLevel=0 and LogFileLevel=1 values into mangosd.conf (if it also fits for other systems than Linux).
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