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Posts posted by lillecarl

  1. You instead create a new integral value in the player class with a default value of 1

    uint32 xprate = 1;

    Then inside the void Player::GiveXP(uint32 xp, Unit* victim) function you add this: xp = xp*xprate; (in the beginning would probably be fine)

    Then you create a chat command to set the players xprate value.

    That should be it, if you need more help, then reply here again! And remember, the goal is to learn!

  2. 1: Depends on packet compression and if nagle is enabled. Memory depends on where the players are located and what your "unload timers" are on, but calculate on a startup base of 150mb and each player 1-2 mb just to get a hint.

    Is that a joke? The bandwidth per player is a few kilobits/sec MAXIMUM; usually they will probably use far less. A 150Mbit/sec connection is easily enough for tens of thousands of players.

    Also unload timers only affects CPU/memory usage. Has no effect on bandwidth.

    IF you could read you would see that i did type about the memory use aswell, about the traffic usage i can tell you that i were participating in a low pop server (5-50)24/7, and it used about 250 mb in both directions on more then a week.


  3. Working now! 100%

    bool ChatHandler::HandleWarpCommand(char* args)
       // Based on a concept by Pwntzyou
       if (!*args)
           return false;
       Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer();
       char* arg1 = strtok((char*)args, " ");
       char* arg2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
       if (! arg1)
           return false;
       if (! arg2)
           return false;
       char dir = arg1[0];
       int value = (int)atoi(arg2);
       float x = _player->GetPositionX();
       float y = _player->GetPositionY();
       float z = _player->GetPositionZ();
       float o = _player->GetOrientation();
       uint32 mapid = _player->GetMapId();
       PSendSysMessage("Value is: %i",value);
       switch (dir)
       case 'x':
               float xx = x + cosf(o)*value;
               float xy = y + sinf(o)*value; 
               _player->TeleportTo(mapid, xx, xy, z, o);
       case 'y':
               float yx = x + cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
               float yy = y + sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
               _player->TeleportTo(mapid, yx, yy, z, o);
       case 'z':
               _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z + value, o);
       case 'o':
               o = o - (value * M_PI / 180.0f);
               if (o < 0.0f) o += value * M_PI;
               else if (o > 2* M_PI) o -= value * M_PI;
       return true;

  4. 1: Depends on packet compression and if nagle is enabled. Memory depends on where the players are located and what your "unload timers" are on, but calculate on a startup base of 150mb and each player 1-2 mb just to get a hint.

    2: You can create custom items, but that is not recommended. Since you have to modify the game client to make it work.

    3: Mmaps means movement maps, which means that the server calculates a path for creatures/charge etc... to follow, instead of going trough walls and air.

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