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Posts posted by michalpolko

  1. This is interesting topic. Since I remember, overall dps on MaNGOS servers was much too high comparing to official servers.

    Some tests from players found on wow community forums prove, that many (maybe all) % modifiers should be added, not multiplied by themselves.

    This (probably) bug leads (example from my server) prot warriors to 1st place in arenas or battlegrounds (because this spec has A LOT of % modifiers and when they are multipied then they gain pretty big boost in damage).

  2. OK, I finnally got to level 5 with my priest on trial account :P

    Here it is:

    9-10 clean damage dealt = 10rage

    9-10 fully absorbed damage dealt = 10rage

    11 fully absorbed damage dealt = 11rage

    I didn't record rage from damage taken because it is clearly written in the patch notes ;)

    This was recorded on trial 4.0.1, but on 3.3.5 it was exactly the same.

    I hope this is a good proof. :)

  3. Unknown also appears in situations where a unit (not only pet) is summoned with other phaseMask then player's and when that player changes it's phaseMask to the unit's phaseMask then it is unknown.

    I hope You understand me :P

  4. There was a blue post saying, that blizz is thinking about introducing rage from absorbs when dealing damage, together with rage from absorbed damage taken. But there was no official post saying that it was finally implemented.

    On my server's community forum there was a long discussion about this and I was protecting the statement, that absorbs from damage dealt shouldn't be rewarded with rage. And then I came with an idea of creating 2 trial accounts and testing this with 4 lvl priest and warrior :P And I was always getting rage when hitting priest in a duel with full absorbs.

    Maybe I will create 2 accounts again and make a movie of this test...

  5. About Judgements, there is still a bug, because:

    Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04):

    Some of these attacks were considered ranged and some melee. They are all now considered melee attacks that can't be dodged, parried or blocked.

    All paladin judgements are now properly considered as melee attacks that cannot be dodged, blocked or parried. Previously Seal of Light, Seal of Wisdom, Seal of Justice and Seal of Righteousness would cause the judgement to be considered a ranged attack.

    About the patch, I'm gonna test it as soon, as I finish my current work :)

  6. MaNGOS Revision: 10459

    What does it fix?

    Some spells proc from periodic damage crits, such as Living Bomb DoT crits should proc Ignite. This fix allows choosing between NORMAL and CRITICAL_HIT PROC_EX flag.

    diff --git a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    index 92ea8a4..7b38298 100644
    --- a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    @@ -6508,6 +6508,7 @@ void Aura::PeriodicTick()
                // Set trigger flag
                uint32 procAttacker = PROC_FLAG_ON_DO_PERIODIC; //  | PROC_FLAG_SUCCESSFUL_HARMFUL_SPELL_HIT;
                uint32 procVictim   = PROC_FLAG_ON_TAKE_PERIODIC;// | PROC_FLAG_TAKEN_HARMFUL_SPELL_HIT;
    +            uint32 procEx       = isCrit ? PROC_EX_CRITICAL_HIT : PROC_EX_NORMAL_HIT;
                pdamage = (pdamage <= absorb + resist) ? 0 : (pdamage - absorb - resist);
                SpellPeriodicAuraLogInfo pInfo(this, pdamage, 0, absorb, resist, 0.0f, isCrit);
    @@ -6516,7 +6517,7 @@ void Aura::PeriodicTick()
                if (pdamage)
    -            pCaster->ProcDamageAndSpell(target, procAttacker, procVictim, PROC_EX_NORMAL_HIT, pdamage, BASE_ATTACK, spellProto);
    +            pCaster->ProcDamageAndSpell(target, procAttacker, procVictim, procEx, pdamage, BASE_ATTACK, spellProto);
                pCaster->DealDamage(target, pdamage, &cleanDamage, DOT, GetSpellSchoolMask(spellProto), spellProto, true);

  7. Are You sure that Your crashes are caused by this patch? In what situations does it crash?

    And when do those players get more rage, with normal white hits? Or maybe there's some bug similiar to Execute's bug with adding 100 rage when used sometimes?

    On clean official mangos core I get exactly the same ammounts of rage with normal and absorbed hits. Maybe it's non compatible with some custom patches in Your core? Could You paste the crash log?

  8. refering to a pointer (CleanDamage const* cleanDamage) with "." operator? did You compile it? it may crash because of NULL pointer, so I'm adding ckecks right now and updating the 1st post.

    Warrior gains the same ammount of rage from absorbs as from damage, which is reasonable. Did You notice higher gains of rage when absorbing then when getting/dealing normal clean hits?

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