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Posts posted by cyberium

  1. Thanks for the feedback i will try to correct these little errors.

    @mrelfire "is their anyway to not make modifications around the same place between ahbot and playerbot?" Yes i will investigate this long time anoying stuff...

    I still didn't look on the ahbuyer algorithm. I just adapted some of the line. I will do my best when the new_ahbot is enought stable.

    Please i want you to share with us theses settings

    AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio = 50

    AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio = 50

    AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio = 50

    To make the best default value and have the realist price on the ah.

    Tell me if you see any mistake...

    Be free to correct my sentence on the settings explanation.

    @ Xerross.

    It's sad day for mangos community... I hope you change your mind. See you bro.

  2. I often code after 18h till 2h.

    Yes its redundant but i choose to let original method instead adding additional test. Just because i dont know if this method is called often or not to avoid any performence issue.


    On my repo :

    1 - Added separate conf file (ahbot.conf)

    2 - moved src files into subfolder.

    GCC brokken iam working on it.


    GCC build restored.

  3. @Cyberium: Have you encountered this during development of your branch ?

    Yes at first stage. Have you applied the change to 2 method on Item.cpp? Look at my repo on items.cpp method SetEnchantmentNoUpdate() and SetItemRandomPropertiesNoUpdate()

    These 2 method call setstate() normaly who need real gui...

    update : Implemented Ratio for all Factions. Now you can define differents amounts of items on every faction.


  4. Build on GCC restored.

    Comment of new settings added in mangosd.conf.dist.in

    Just VCPROJ file is modified due to one moved file accidentaly in Visual Studio GUI...

    Anyway you are right i need to avoid the use of git commit -am directly....

    Yes the idea of use a separate conf file is the best. And no i still prefer to edit a file instead of DB. So for the near futur i will work to make all settings in separate files.


  5. typo: mangosd.conf.dist.in#L1569 AuctionHouseBot.Allience.Price.Ratio = 50

    should be alliance

    Thank, updated!

    slight problem with merging in VC100

    small question:

    how to make different items regarding alliance / neutral for axample ?

    What merging do you refer? Anyway try by pulling direcly from my repo.

    Not yet implemented but started. You simply will be able to modify AuctionHouseBot.FACTION.Ratio to value represente percentage of items in section AuctionHouse.Items.Amount.COLORS

    If you set AuctionHouseBot.FACTION.Ratio to 0 then ah in FACTION will be disabled.

    under debian 5.0 (lenny) errror while compiling

    Sorry didn't have time to test it before, i will try to figure out.

    Cyber slow down dude, I can't keep up with porting all the changes you're making ^^

    Erf sory, but has i say is only beta so do not be to fast to porting it.

    Also check what you commit Cyber, I've checked 2 commits of you so far and you've commited changes to files that shouldn't be changed in the first place.

    Don't understaind what you are refering. mangosd.conf? I only forget to set correct default value for general use in place of my test value...

    I also understand some of the config variables in the DB should be in the config file, but can we reload them if they are. And also for the per-item modifications I think for that using the DB would be best.

    Until we do not touch configuration value by using method sWorld.setConfig(); we can reload it.

    I don't think so because editing DB is not so easy, especialy when we have lot of values like in actual ahbot branch.

    I will upload soon correct mangos.conf.dist.in with settings explanation.

  6. Nice to see that Xeross.

    So now has i promise my (new_ahbot) is updated.

    What's new?

    - No more DB Data needed (all setting is in mangosd.conf)

    - Amount of all important items class can be now configured separatly.

    - More than 90% of ahbot core code are rewrited to optimise it.

    - There is now 2 speed for auction add core. Normal speed is less cpu using than ever.

    - No ingame command are actualy implemented

    - Still in beta :) some feature are in progress like faction ratio.

    - Of course it's player account free...

    Need to be tested if you have time.

  7. This is the new thread. xeross started this one a few months ago, when he took it upon himself to continue development and support for AHBot after Naicisum retired.

    So long as xeross and cyberium can work together or at least share space without confusion, the present topic works well enough.

    As for all the questions, setting up AHBot is covered in the README.AHBOT file. The only other frequent questions I see are from too many noobs not bothering to learn the basics about patches, code merging, and using Git.

    You are right, this is new thread about little modified AHBOT from Narcissium.

    But when you will see my code (part of it can be seen on new_ahbot branch) you will find so many difference. Actually just buyer is untouched (will be when i finish seller)

    Olso there is 3 version for now about this code. Xeross one, my ahbot version and new code. So new people don't know what to do in many case.

    New thread will be at the start oriented for the new code. Objective will be to integrate it in the core. Xeross and all develloper are welcome to improve it or give their opinions.

    History :

    Xeross open this thread with his branch of ahbot.

    He work on it to implement some new function.

    He maintain it.

    He is away.

    Other posted patch to maintain it.

    I start by post patch too.

    I open my branch.

    I improve ahbot with no player account feature.

    I start new branch with new core function more optimized and some modifications.

    Xeross is back and whant to update is repo. But his repo is very outdated and in place to take actual ahbot branch he prefer to wrote his own code.

    So actualy there is too many difference between our ahbot branch to make easy merge.

    So i let him implement the "no player account feature" but he can count on my support.

    I will just update my ahbot branch until he have done his repo.

    Hope i am not wrong :)

  8. Have been using new_ahbot for a few days now, so far so good, have had no crash's due to it, AH seems to be populating nicely..

    Is there any way you could include Glyphs? Auctionhousebot.sellGlyphs = 1 in stacks of 1 rather than random, lol

    Alllsooo.... lol.... Enchanting materials.. I dont ask for much i know :D

    Thanks for feedback. I will invoke your help soon on testing new revision :)

    For the next version you will have some new itemclass tuning feature, i reintroduced tradegood items but not only this class, all "usable" class are now configurable. (done)

    All settings will be done on mangos.conf instead DB. (in work)

    Iam trying to make easy the setting of AHBot but there is too much options...

    The code will probably be pushed on the middle of next week.

    Because of big changes to the code I think I need to open a new thread, so be aware :)

  9. Hello Guys.

    My repo update :

    Branch ahbot :

    Merged with 10407.

    Branch new_ahbot:

    - Merged with 10407.

    - Restored Build with GCC (tested on debian 5).

    Reminder :

    "ahbot branch" is slightly modified xeross branch to avoid use of player account.

    "new_ahbot branch" have lot of change and optimisations but still in beta mode. (code will be improved soon :) and i will give more explanations).

  10. Hello, i pushed new tree with new version of ahbot on my repo.

    I need some beta tester to improve it.

    What's new :

    - Completly rewrited addAuction method.

    - Completly rewrited AHBConfig class.

    - More selective on what item needed to be added.

    - Add items by amount instead by percent.

    - All items selled will be replaced by another one of same quality in next scan.

    - And some more improvement like new auction speedup.

    What i need?

    Some feedback about object in AH. Iam not sure if it was a good idea to group itemsTradeGood with normal items. So i need to know if all usual items are still present and in good percentage.

    Olso the price of items need to be checked. ( anyway you still can modify de percentage of it in DB )

    Warning this version need a new database structure so i rename it to let you keep old one for reversing...

    The code is probably not cleaned (trailing space, or indent problem) don't be rude it's still in devellopement :)

    See you.


  11. Why i must use it instead of std::vector? Is for portablility? Optimisation?

    Olso how to initialise this object with 0?

    ACE_Vector<uint32, 7> MyVector;

    Edit Has it's not mandatory to use ACE_Vector... So NVM.

  12. you mean instead of percent an min and max amount of itemgroup items?

    (or why are there greytg and grey?)

    think it would be just more flexible instead of percentage

    Yes. that what i mean.

    The difference is in the code actualy between grey and greyTradeGoods items. I do'nt know why for now so if anyone can explain me why i cannot simply merge theses two kind together. (grey is an exemple....)

    Yes i think too is more conveniant to define how much items of what quality we want.

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