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Posts posted by cyberium

  1. No, you understand it wrong, if someone don't accept the role the group can't get into queue. It's in the same way if you're in the middle of dungeon and someone leaves (manually) and then you requeue to continue it, if someone don't accept it or refuse then the group can't get into queue. So if you're in that situation you have two options:

    - Premade group before enter dungeon (in town): Party leader kick that one

    - LFG group inside dungeon: Kick vote.

    My bad, ok this will help me a lot.


    From patch 3.3.3:

    Dungeon Finder System

    * If a player joins a dungeon run that already has been started, he/she will now be teleported to your group guide's current location, instead of to the entrance of the instance.

    But as far I remember if you use the eye to go out (repair) and go in again, you're teleported to the entrance.

    Thanks for this too.

    Also another interesting thing:

    Parties randomly created via the Dungeon Finder will always be arranged in the party interface from top to bottom in the following order: tank, healer, damage, damage, damage.

    This is done by client i thing, i will do test about this.

  2. - Nope, it's the same if you try to continue one dungeon when one of the members leave and you're in the middle of that dungeon.

    Ok so all member who accept roles will be in the queue in the same group without the member(s) who refused.

    New question :

    about teleportation, if member quit an LFG group and new one is added for replacement. After the teleportation this new member will be at the entrence of instence or near the group? Same question with member of the party do get out/ get in teleportation.

    No other answear?

    Specialy about group composition and teleport cooldown. Iam surprised about the possiblity to get out / get in from dungeon without restriction.

  3. Hi, i have some question about Official DF for my implementation.

    Do the official one create only classic group composition like 1Tank, 1 Heal, 3 dps? For ex, 2tank, 1 heal, 2 dps or 1 tank 2 heal and 2 dps, can sometimes be a viable group?

    When the group is created and all member teleported, if someone quit the group for error and reinvited just after, do he still gain the reward for LFG group in the end of the dungeon?

    The teleport out/in option is aviable anytime without cooldown?

    Actualy i choosed to keep the player in the queue if it will be logoff for a short laps of time. (<5 min) How it work on official?

    Suppose already existed group, if leader do LFG inscription all member recieve Role proposal. If someone refuse is the inscription canceled or other member will enter in the queue without the member who refuse is role?

    Thanks for advance :)

  4. The easy way to create patch from my repo

    git clone git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot
    cd new_ahbot
    git checkout new_ahbot
    git diff master > ../ahbot.patch
    //aply patch
    go to your repository (of course in bash mode)
    git apply ../ahbot.patch

    If you want only merge new_ahbot patch

    //from your repo
    git pull git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot

    Thats all :)

  5. cyberium why new branch? Why not to continue exist branch?

    Mainly due to

    - Data structure is too complex and need to be simplified and completly encapsuled in class.

    - Too much structure in this code due to lot of testing by author so there is some uneeded or badly used variable.

    - Too much code anywhere incrusted and not realy needed.

    - So adding code to this is not easy at this stage.

    I will keep some part like handler but sLFMgr need to be reworked/rebased.


  6. Yes, you can comment

    Line 311 and 312 in group.cpp to avoid this.

       //if (isLfgQueued())
       //    sLFGMgr.Leave(NULL, this);

    Iam not happy with some of actual implementation so i will write new class from this point.

    You can considere the next push as my final one on this branch and you will see new_dungeonfinder branch comming in some days (week?) :)

  7. Delete all line in DB




    and you will be able to start

    I think i have isolated the problem i must try it and if it's ok i will push it soon.

    For your point 1 i think i now understaind.

    You mean this. Patch_3.3_LFD_in_queue.jpg

    So yes i will try to see what happen.

  8. Hi thanks KiriX for your precious feedback.

    1) I still need more explanation about this point. I didn't correctly understaind what we should see. If anyone can explain me how it work on retail/screenchot/video...

    2) Tested lot of time and normaly it work. If member get out of the instence (using main door) it will be teleported to the place he was before entering dongeon.

    3) Dungeon reward is unfinished, i will work on it when the core will be more stable.

    4) This was occuring too for me, iam investigate.

    Latest push implement workaround to resolve unknow char.

  9. Can anyone have some advice to avoid "unknow" char name when manualy create a group and teleport them into instence?

    Actualy i

    - create group

    - add member

    - teleport each member

    - call "group->sendupdate()"

    This work but (i think) when the member are not in visible range i have unknow for the name of char and only manual "/reload" can show the name.


  10. Repo is updated with lot of bugfix/completting code.

    I think iam near of the complete SPP implementation. The last step (move maximum code from mangos class to LFGMgr.cpp) will be not done for now. I plan to rebase all the code only when the devellopement will be at the final stage.

    @Dernise > GCC restored.

    Still need feedback and don't forget it's devellopement thread :)

  11. Hello, iam back for some dev :)

    @Mizuni> yes no test done for linux at this moment because i prefer to keep my energy for understainding this mod :)

    I will do it anyway when i have some time.

    For now iam trying to implement missing code about avhievment reward.

    Olso test about teleport guy from different map give more often "unknow" name to character's teleported. So i will try to isolate this case.

    _SPP olso do some good improvement to his latest code so some of them must be implemented too.

    I hope all of this step will be done before the end of this week :)

    @_SPP > Can you confirm you olso have this bug with character's not confirm assigned role?


  12. Yeah the idea is i must code better :P

    No seriously i tested only 5 members with

    - All non grouped, roles: 1 tank one heal 3 dps for random dungeon. -> group founded and created.

    - All non grouped, roles: 1 tank one heal 3 dps for Some selected dungeon with some common one. -> group founded and created.

    - 2 grouped and 3 non grouped for the same dungeon with roles: 1 tank one heal 3 dps. -> group founded and created.

    - 3 test above with more choice checked under role. -> group founded and created.

    - If one member refuse the role assigned it will not correctly removed from the queue -> bug.

    So verify your roles/level/accessrequirement at first (but anyway the code must handle that case, it just can bug)

    Thanks for any feedback :)

  13. 1) Don't show who is already join to group (shoul show role then cursor on LFG eya)

    Don't understaind, can you (or anyone else) make screenchot of this?

    2) One from test char wasn't telepor into dangeon

    Is that player have all dungeon/map unlocked? (anyway the code must handle this case)

    3) Some players who was teleported into dangeon have name "Unknown"

    It appen sometime i cannot reproduce it. It's perhaps lied to the posistion of the player i need make more test.

    4) I can't complite dangeon (test on VanCliff)

    What you mean? VanCliff doesn't appear?

  14. It's still me :)

    // (comment not in code) Send update if needed
               if (sendUpdate)
                   plr->GetSession()->SendUpdateProposal(proposalId, pProposal);
    // (comment not in code) inform a group have been found
               plr->SetLfgUpdate(false); /* =====>>> You disable SendLfgUpdateParty by doing this! */
               if (plr->GetGroup())
                   plr->GetSession()->SendLfgUpdateParty(LFG_UPDATETYPE_GROUP_FOUND); <------------- HERE Client is informed group have been found
                   if (plr->GetGroup() != grp)
                   plr->GetSession()->SendLfgUpdatePlayer(LFG_UPDATETYPE_GROUP_FOUND); <------------- HERE Client is informed group have been found
               ... code ...
               plr->SetLfgUpdate(true); /* =====>>> You enable SendLfgUpdateParty by doing this! */

    These line plr->SetLfgUpdate(false); /* =====>>> You disable SendLfgUpdateParty by doing this! */ is not correctly placed in my version...

    That's why :)

    As i see my version is too much old than yours i must do sync before continue...

    I will not have time to sync it until nextweek. So i 'll soon post latest patch if anyone have time to do more test :)

    Thanks for your support _SPP

  15. Yes, table can be only usefull if there is lot of item to exclude after set the already existed filter.

    I think it can be possible to have this case but the cost of adding new table is not justified for me.

    So if any the best i can do is implement the exluded item on ahbot.conf file.

    Something like "AuctionHouseBot.Items.Exlude = 12345, 12346, 12347, ..." with about 50 maximum entry if possible.

  16. Ok but i still see the button "looking for group" on the minimap and the status "group found click for more detail.

    In the UpdateProposal i didn't see any code like this

    //from LFGMgr::leave()

    So when/where the player status is updated/send after RemoveFromQueue who only remove guid (and assosiated data) from the server side?

  17. Wow the diff is clear. I have started porting one month too early.

    This caused me follow the old spaghetti code. Anyway i am continuing to debug it for now. It will give me enought understainding to be more near of your next code.

    Can you confirm me when a group is completed, created and all member teleported, all member of this group automatically leave the queue?

  18. You say so much in one post that will need one week to verify all point :)

    The first point is one of the most important i am investigating now.

    Thank you for your collaboration i will sure have some question :)

    Edit: ok i see you modified the way you interact with group/class by adding script (i downloaded the source before that)

    So for know il will continue with debug session before port your new improvement. (if you can confirm this version work) trinitycore b10240

    I think the only error have still in the code is about guid object usage and the way mangos identify group (id instead of guid). I must recheck all the code :/

  19. Iam not at the stage to write alone a patch who interact deeply with lot of undocumented method, class and opcode...

    That's why i asked for help in some post above :).

    But iam not bad at hacking existing code and correct bug one after one. Just to make some avancement in this code.

    When it will be at final stage it will be the time to rewrite if any.


    Ps: New patch version correct bug when character logoff while in the LFG queue


    - when the group is formed the proposal windows does'nt disapear.

    - There the leader of the group see is name as unknow (and all the members)

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