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Posts posted by cyberium

  1. Hi,

    does anyone has a working patch for me

    when i try to apply patch i get :

    generals:/home/svn/master# git apply ../AHBot.patch

    ../AHBot.patch:2386: trailing whitespace.

    auctionbot.SetItemsRatio(&uparam1, &uparam2, &uparam3);

    ../AHBot.patch:2560: trailing whitespace.

    PSendSysMessage("Items Amount : Grey = %u, White = %u, Green = %u, Blue = %u, Purple = %u, Orange = %u, Yellow = %u", auctionbot.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_AHBOT_ITEM_GREY_AMOUNT), auctionbot.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_AHBOT_ITEM_WHITE_AMOUNT),

    warning: 2 lines add whitespace errors.


    It's a working patch :) Don't worry about theses trainling space warning... I will resolve it next commit. (but i can't for now too much modification on ahbuyer are comming)

  2. I know these AHBot_new bugs:

    Neutral AHBot_Buyer do not buy.

    In this code you can see on config buyer are working

    mysql> SELECT * FROM auction WHERE lastbid!=0;
    | id     | houseid | itemguid | item_template | itemowner | buyoutprice | time       | buyguid    | lastbid | startbid | deposit |
    | 116433 |       7 |  1335924 |         41603 |         1 |     1000000 | 1286013666 | 4294967295 |   90900 |    30000 |   30000 |
    | 116421 |       7 |  1335904 |         41603 |         1 |       40000 | 1286013399 | 4294967295 |   30001 |    30000 |   30000 |
    | 116439 |       7 |  1335923 |         41603 |         1 |      300000 | 1286013689 | 4294967295 |  221100 |    30000 |   30000 |
    | 116440 |       7 |  1117718 |         41603 |         1 |     9000000 | 1286013715 | 4294967295 |  239400 |   210000 |  210000 |
    4 rows in set

    So i don't see where the problem are... I will try your conf when you post it.

    Anyway i will work on buyer next week (started now to modify algorithm to make it more unpredictable)

    If you whant some new stuff (you think it will be important to have) on ah seller part or see any other bug please be free to post it. If no feedback about it i will considere all is fine and do code rebase only for future "under review" section.

    Here is my plan for buyer part.

    - make a decision about auction entry only 1 time. (mean at next auction scan by buyer it will be ignored)

    - the more cheaper are the item the more chance you will have to sell it.

    - if there is other item same as your (selled by ahbot or other player) less expensive you will have less chance to sell it.

    - if this kind of item is the only one exist on the ah you will have more chance to sell it at expensive price.

    - The bid will be computed to be minimal one. (percentage of total price)

    - And probably other idea... so stay tuned :)

  3. AhBot todo list.

    Seller part :

    - implement ingame commands (i will soon push new "reloadconfig, rebuild, status, items ratio, items amount") i hope these command are enought to enjoy ahbot.

    - re-rebase all code. (there is still some redundant code and some code must be optimised.

    Buyer part :

    - we must be sure it work like expected and probably do some improvement. (so i still need more feedback on it)

    - rebase code.

    when done we will ask an administrator to evaluate the code and implement any modification required to make it core part.

    So yes we are not realy far but not close too :)

  4. mysql> SELECT * FROM auction WHERE buyoutprice = 0;
    Empty set
    mysql> SELECT * FROM auction WHERE buyoutprice = 1
    | id    | houseid | itemguid | item_template | itemowner  | buyoutprice | time       | buyguid | lastbid | startbid | deposit |
    |  1548 |       2 |  1197137 |          5051 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285331278 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    |  5348 |       2 |  1200937 |         23473 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285388938 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    |  6201 |       2 |  1201790 |          6096 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285198198 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 17309 |       2 |  1212898 |         23473 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285324318 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    |  7176 |       2 |  1202765 |           148 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285273798 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 10170 |       2 |  1205759 |          6097 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285403458 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 11700 |       2 |  1207289 |          6134 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285201918 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 11754 |       2 |  1207343 |         25874 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285407118 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 12947 |       2 |  1208536 |          6125 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285367578 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 13625 |       2 |  1209214 |           154 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285327978 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 17391 |       2 |  1212980 |          6125 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285248898 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 13856 |       2 |  1209445 |         25874 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285421578 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 14016 |       2 |  1209605 |           148 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285363978 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 14579 |       2 |  1210168 |         25874 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285378378 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 15049 |       2 |  1210638 |           127 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285320838 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 15087 |       2 |  1210676 |            53 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285194838 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 15450 |       2 |  1211039 |         25874 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285346098 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    | 15472 |       2 |  1211061 |           119 | 4294967295 |           1 | 1285349698 |       0 |       0 |        1 |       0 |
    18 rows in set

    AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 200
    AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 50
    AuctionHouseBot.Name = "AhBot"
    AuctionHouseBot.MinTime = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime = 72
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Bind.No = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Pickup = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Equip = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Use = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Quest = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Boost = 2000
    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal = 200
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Seller = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Buyer = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio = 50
    AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio = 200
    AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio = 200
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Min = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Max = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Min = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Max = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Min = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Max = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Grey = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 2000
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 2500
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 1500
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 1500
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 0
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Consumable = 6
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container = 4
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Weapon = 8
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Gem = 3
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Armor = 8
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reagent = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Projectile = 2
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood = 10
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Generic = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reciepe = 6
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quiver = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quest = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Key = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc = 5
    AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph = 3
    # Buyer config
    AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Buyer.Enabled = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Buyer.Enabled = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Buyer.Enabled = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Bid.Interval = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.BidDigin.Interval = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Grey = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.White = 1
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Green = 5
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Blue = 12
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Purple = 15
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Orange = 20
    AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Yellow = 22

    about 17000 items and no 0 cost.

    Do not forget, before launch just patched server clean auction database manualy.

    I will implement soon new ingame command to rebuild all auction data :)

  5. Hello, i have problem with BIND and BUYOUT prices.

    Sometime happend, that the BUYOUT price is lower than BIND price and then is not possible BIND that items (BUYOUT button is disabled).

    So I have an idea. Calculate BUYOUT price from BIND as simple BIND * MODIFIER.

    Something like AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Buyout = 20 (1-X in percentage)

    So in this case BUYOUTprice = BINDprice * 1.20

    Thanks for our work:)

    I cannot reproduce it.

    For compute of the price, iam not satisfied for now.

    What do you think about :

    Compute the buyout price :

    Take de base price ( from DB )

    Apply the "price ratio" (in ahbot conf file)

    Randomize the value for exemple (-30%, +30%)

    Compute de bind price:

    Take 50% the buyout price (just computed)

    Randomize the value for exemple (-40%, +40%)


    price is 23 gold from DB, conf file set to 200 (%)

    price = 23*(200/100) = 46

    price = random ( 46-(46*(30/100)), 46+(46*(30/100))) = 52 for ex. aviable range (32.2 .. 59.8)

    bind = price*(50/100) = 26

    bind = random ( bind-(price*(40/100)), bind+(price*(40/100))) = 41 for ex. aviable range ( 5.2 .. 46.8)

    I olso think about add settings to specify different ratio on the aviable categories but not sure if it will be usefull.


  6. Purpose :

    Avoid conflit when pulling from another repository. (or between 2 patch)

    Case :

    AHBOT and PLAYERBOT need to modify same file in the same place.

    What file :

    original Makefile.am

    ## Sub-directories to parse

    The problem :

    ahbot Makefile.am

    ## Sub-directories to parse
    SUBDIRS = AuctionHouseBot

    playerbot Makefile.am

    ## Sub-directories to parse
    SUBDIRS = playerbot

    goal :

    ## Sub-directories to parse
    SUBDIRS = AuctionHouseBot playerbot


    ## Sub-directories to parse
    SUBDIRS = AuctionHouseBot
    SUBDIRS+ = playerbot 

    Didn't found any clean way to avoid merge conflit in all case. (ahbot first or playerbot first)

    Any proposal are welcome.

  7. Basicaly you are right and you correctly understaind the functionality.

    Anyway i didn't develloped this in this way.

    I limited the ratio to 10000 (thinking it's enought to make some difference between faction).

    if (getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_AHBOT_HORDE_RATIO)>10000) setConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_AHBOT_HORDE_RATIO,10000);

    So if you whant i can elevate that value...

    Anyway you still didn't give me an example of yellow/orange sellable item you whant to see in the AH...

  8. If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this

    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000

    The complete explanation is :

    If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this

    AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100
    AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100
    AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100
    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000

    Olso if you have no orange items loaded from the DB you will obviously didn't get any of that color on the AH. So you must be sure your required skill, lvl, item vendor, etc... settings is correctly set to let a chance for orange item pass the filter.

    Unfortunaly i have not an exemple of sellable yellow or orange items until now except elementium bar.

    Thanks for your feedback Skirnir.

    To all, what ingame command do you need to use related to ahbot? (only level3)


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