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Everything posted by ascentu

  1. bujmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still bug maybe auraholder or aura stack bug
  2. Improved Shadow Bolt The debuff doestn work correctly - the debuff reduce on every spell (like immolate / wand hit)
  3. Reckoning Reckoning on 1.12.1, Reckoning is able to stack only once. Usually if 5stack.. now just 1stack
  4. [quote=H0zen]@ascentu - [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/b35a53e2b92c191fff54023a7df05f77640e67f7"]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/b35a53e2b92c191fff54023a7df05f77640e67f7[/URL][/quote] oh.. i'll be check soon. thx to reply
  5. [quote=madmax][URL="https://www.getmangos.eu/members/ascentu/"]ascentu[/URL], can you check this again for us with the latest release?[/quote] can you show me fix url?
  6. Improve Shield Block Talent is not giving extra blocks!! Current situation: When a warrior partially blocks an attack with shield block up, BOTH charges are consumed instead of just one, making this talent useless for end game raiding. Expected situation: The correct way the talent functions is as follows: 1/3 gives 1 extra block and increases duration by 0.5 seconds, 2/3 gives 1 extra block and increases duration by 1 second, 3/3 gives 1 extra block and increases duration by 2 seconds. Improved Shield Block is supposed to allow you to block an additional attack taking it up to a total of 2 blocks, instead of just 1. Currently, with the Improved Shield Block talent. Both stacks are consumed on damage after activation, only works when you do a full block. Partial blocks cancels out both charges of Improved Shield Block.
  7. Swing Proccs only work on next hit after proc Spell doesnt work the way it should i saw it on some other servers year ago... on hit its proces but it doesnt get active untill next attack, its wrong, it should get active on same attack it proced. Swing proccs are getting activated 1 hit later than the actual procc. So for example this means you have to wait for another weapon swing when Windfury proccs (major disadvantage for enhancer shamans).
  8. do you have any fix code? ro commit link? i think this is not work now.
  9. [quote=antz]This commit should have generally resolved it for you: [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/fb0c99606384a2094d99dd425eaac09933dacc3c[/URL][/quote] hm.. i think this is not work.
  10. Shield Bash not work. Slam the target with your shield, causing () damage and generating 20 Rage. Critical strikes with Shield Slam cause your next Heroic Strike to cost no Rage and be a critical strike. but creature and player have buff can use but creature or player dont have buff i cant use this skill edit not shield bash -> Shield Slam
  11. every field boss instant, raid hp is very low rare creature bla... every boss creature hp very low for example kazzhak hp is 2265 . what's my problem? but db data is fine(check creature, creature_template hp/mana looks good) screen shot. [url]https://scontent-b-pao.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10393806_781423578572722_8700782061339965465_n.jpg?oh=1e7622b6f88cd874d2573c3771394f87&oe=54DE5A41[/url]
  12. Devouring Plague not work. yeah Devouring Plague is not work
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