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Everything posted by BitWhiz

  1. BitWhiz

    Client Patches

    An other good source : https://wowdl.fr/fichiers/clients
  2. BitWhiz

    Installing OpenSSL

    yes, I was confronted with the problem. My question was rather : can you advise me where to start to make it compatible with ssl 3.00 ?
  3. BitWhiz

    Installing OpenSSL

    which library does openssl use in the project and where could I start to try to update the project from openssl 1.1.X to 3.X.X ?
  4. BitWhiz

    Installing MariaDB

    I have a question. In file FindMysql.cmake in ServerZero\cmake i have that : Can i add the last version 11.xx ? or there is a compatibility problem ?
  5. I've deliberately taken some text from the visual studio 2015 (made by antz) installation for consistency. This install assumes that the Windows OS is patched to the most recent. 1) Download the installer from: VS2022 2) There are some settings which must be changed from the defaults for MaNGOS to work correctly !! 3) Once you have clicked on the installer, you will be taken to this page You have to click on what is circled in red : 4) At this step just click on "Desktop development in C++" and click on install. (sorry my version is in french). 5) The rest of the install is standard. You have to wait for the installation to finish. 7) At the end this image appears - no need to log in, just click on ignore for the moment. 😎 Choose your preferences and click on start/launch. 9) Click on create a new project. 10) To check that the VS2022 is correctly installed, try to create a new c++ solution (Win32 Project). Selected windows desktop application (++) and click on next. Choose your project parameters (name, place...) If you get to a screen similar to the following, then you are good to go and you will be able to build mangos.
  6. can we extract them once and for all for the 5875 client? this will never change, so the extraction script won't have to extract them during installation ?
  7. Hello, I found a tool to export all .dbc here is the link: https://github.com/WowDevTools/WDBXEditor/releases/tag/1.1.9.a it's written in c#. I've just tested it and was able to open all the .dbc files at once. This program also exports everything in sql script. I've checked the scripts and they're fine, but you need to change the name of the table which ends with the version of the game "5875...". Here are some screenshots: Do I need to script everything ? I hope I've been able to help
  8. BitWhiz

    Extracting Game Data

    Hello everyone, I am new here and I would like to know if there is a way to utilize more than 4 cores during the extraction of maps, vmaps, etc. ?
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