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Bug Comments posted by Necrovoice

  1. Sapwn times vary between 180-300 seconds depending on the mob

    Frostmane Snowstrider (Entry 1121) 180 seconds spawn time
    Frostmane Shadowcaster (Entry 1124) 300 seconds spawn time
    Frostmane headhunter (Entry 1123) 180 seconds spawn time
    Frostmane Hideskinner (Entry 1122) 180 seconds spawn time



    The 180 second spawn time does seem a little short, but I will deferential need to research this more


  2. Here is the correction in its entirety. I would submit, but it looks like some of it was already done by the Implemented Version tag. Let me know what you would like me to do with this final product.


    remove unnecessary action food bar icon
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '9' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '8' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '5' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128';
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '4' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '2' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '10' AND `class` = '3' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '20857' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '8' AND `class` = '3' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '4604' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '7' AND `class` = '6' AND `button` = '83' AND `action` = '41751' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '6' AND `class` = '7' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '4604' AND `type` = '128';
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '5' AND `class` = '4' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '4604' AND `type` = '128';
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '5' AND `class` = '1' AND `button` = '83' AND `action` = '4604' AND `type` = '128'; 
    DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_action` WHERE `race` = '1' AND `class` = '9' AND `button` = '11' AND `action` = '4604' AND `type` = '128'; 
    Add food icon to deathknight action bar
    Update `playercreateinfo_action` set `button` = '10' where `race` = '1' and `class` = '6' and `button` = '11'
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('1','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('2','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('3','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('4','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('5','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('6','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('8','6','11','41751','128');
    INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_action` (`race`, `class`, `button`, `action`, `type`) VALUES('10','6','11','41751','128');


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