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Everything posted by ankso

  1. maly32167, your code crashes my server a lot
  2. ankso


    Bump - warriors stills can't be disarmed while in bladestorm
  3. Confirmed, warriors are nerf with this
  4. Anyone has tested this? it's secure?
  5. ankso


    I think this is related with a serious bug in BGs. Try this: go to WG, take the flag and use vanish. You will drop the flag, however you could take the flag again in a semi-stealth state where you are invisible. So, big exploit
  6. @@ -4619,7 +4632,17 @@ void Aura::HandleAuraPeriodicDummy(bool apply, bool Real) case SPELLFAMILY_HUNTER: { Unit* caster = GetCaster(); - + switch (spell->Id) + { + case 48018: + if (apply) + GetHolder()->SendFakeAuraUpdate(62388,false); + else + { + target->RemoveGameObject(spell->Id,true); + GetHolder()->SendFakeAuraUpdate(62388,true); + } + } // Explosive Shot if (apply && !loading && caster) SPELLFAMILY_HUNTER? Typo *.*
  7. Anyone stills having this issue? P.D.: Thanks for crashfix ZPS
  8. I have this patch and Soulshard works on my server...
  9. For me arenas are working properly. To join the queue with a team, the two characters must be in group, and leader should join both with option "join as group". The more important config settings to get it working: Arena.ArenaSeason.ID = 1 Arena.ArenaSeason.InProgress = 1 First option is to set the arena season, to start with 0 arena rating you must set it to 6 or 7 I think. Like the retail arena seasons. Second option must be set to 1 to get arenas working. Hope it helps
  10. Traponinet, could you post the changes in code for fix this bugs? I'm using my custom git branch and revert/reapply all the patch it's not very suitable for me ^^ Thx
  11. of course not: Laise doesn't support yet the spells, as he said...
  12. MaNGOS: 10337 DB: YTDB 559 Well, I think I have found an infinite loop here: void WorldSession::SendDoFlight( uint32 mountDisplayId, uint32 path, uint32 pathNode ) { // remove fake death if (GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); while(GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType()==FLIGHT_MOTION_TYPE) // --> Here is the problem { // DEBUG_LOG("I'M NOW IN THE WHILE, IS IT INFINITE??"); GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(false); } if (mountDisplayId) GetPlayer()->Mount( mountDisplayId ); GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->MoveTaxiFlight(path,pathNode); } I have some custom patches but nothing related to taxi paths, my server gets freezed sometimes and with that DEBUG_LOG I have found the loop where it fails. How to reproduce? Don't know, may be take flight paths until it gets stucked If you have a freeze and the last output is: "WORLD: Taxi has to go from X to X" then this is your problem. Any ideas or anyone has the same bug?
  13. Bumping, very annoying problem. Can't fix myself =//
  14. The problem with groups and pets stills present?
  15. So the problem is in RemoveAurasDueToSpellByCancel ?
  16. I use the lastest rev of YTDB and is crashing =/
  17. May be as a temporal solution, we could make an exception for desecration? Something like this: // All OK, remove aura now if (aurSpellInfo->Id == 68766 || aurSpellInfo->Id == 55741) //Search for desecration ++iter; else { target->RemoveAurasDueToSpellByCancel(aurSpellInfo->Id); iter = slowingAuras.begin(); }
  18. I think it's more general than stealth, it's like the core doesn't diferentiate between positive procs and negative procs, and it's happening with all the spells, for example a trinket like http://www.wowhead.com/item=50353 could proc with any spell. So, fixed one, fixed all.
  19. Confirmed. Also the hunter form that increases 30% the speed of the group, but if you take any damage you will be stunned also proc with heals or shields or any HoT. Happens also for the druids.
  20. I also have another problem with desecration, sometimes you get with the movement impairing effect 4ever until you relog, may be related?
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