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Everything posted by ankso

  1. ankso

    Extrange Crash

    Mmmm... I think it's not related with processor, I have the same model and I never have been that kind of crash. Sorry, I couldn't help more
  2. Hi guys, I have my server runing the lastest versions of MaNGOS, but with patches and more, and my question is, Does Arathi Basin BG work with < 15 players per team? I have modified my db tables to allow join bg with less players than the maximum, for example 5/5 for warsong gluch, 6/6 to eye of storm, etc, and all works great except arathi basin, but the bg works good with .debug bg, so, have you got arathi basin working with 7/7 players, for example? May be my modification have broken something, but I haven't touch anything in AB... Thanks in advance.
  3. I have SotA working on my server, with wotja's vehicles. But it has been so hard get it working good.
  4. OK sorry, I have break something , delete this post if you want.
  5. Mangos Version: 10091 Custom Patches: Insider42, vehicles, SotA, some small spell fixes and some fixes from Tasssadar's repo. Database Name and Version : YTDB 552 How it SHOULD work: Commanding presence ( http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12861 ) should increase the bonus of Battle shout ( http://www.wowhead.com/spell=47436 ) and Commanding shout ( http://www.wowhead.com/spell=47440 ) by 25% on rank 5 How it DOES work: It doesn't increase the bonus.
  6. db problem, not related to core anyway
  7. Sometimes, on my server, for example with a rogue, I attack a NPC and I get the error "You can't see the enemy", but obviusly I can, there's nothing between me and the creature. Could someone confirm? May be a bug extracting the vmaps?
  8. Patch Spell.cpp and Player.h... it's not so difficult. Also an adaptation to Wotja's vehicle branch will be great, I have tried but I can't do it
  9. @Trapoinet, the patch you posted below is incompatible with Wotja's vehicles, isn't it? Because vehicle.cpp are very different, what parts of that patch make the mounts work? Could that parts be compatible with Wotja's version, or to get it working, I must revert Wotja's and apply the patch you posted?
  10. I'm using this: (place it into npcs_special or whereever you want) /*###### ## npc_experience_eliminator +######*/ #define GOSSIP_ITEM_STOP_XP_GAIN "I don't want to gain experience anymore." #define GOSSIP_CONFIRM_STOP_XP_GAIN "Are you sure you want to stop gaining experience?" #define GOSSIP_ITEM_START_XP_GAIN "I want to be able to gain experience again." #define GOSSIP_CONFIRM_START_XP_GAIN "Are you sure you want to be able to gain experience once again?" bool GossipHello_npc_experience_eliminator(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature) { pPlayer->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM_EXTENDED( GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, pPlayer->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED) ? GOSSIP_ITEM_START_XP_GAIN : GOSSIP_ITEM_STOP_XP_GAIN, GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF+1, pPlayer->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED) ? GOSSIP_CONFIRM_START_XP_GAIN : GOSSIP_CONFIRM_STOP_XP_GAIN, 100000, false ); pPlayer->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(pPlayer->GetGossipTextId(pCreature), pCreature->GetGUID()); return true; } bool GossipSelect_npc_experience_eliminator(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, uint32 uiSender, uint32 uiAction) { if(uiAction == GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF+1) { // cheater(?) passed through client limitations if(pPlayer->GetMoney() < 100000) return true; pPlayer->ModifyMoney(-100000); if(pPlayer->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED)) pPlayer->RemoveFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED); else pPlayer->SetFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED); pPlayer->CLOSE_GOSSIP_MENU(); return true; } pPlayer->CLOSE_GOSSIP_MENU(); return true; } newscript = new Script; newscript->Name = "npc_experience_eliminator"; newscript->pGossipHello = &GossipHello_npc_experience_eliminator; newscript->pGossipSelect = &GossipSelect_npc_experience_eliminator; newscript->RegisterSelf(); For ScriptDev2 (Original by LordJZ) and this for core: if(HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED)) return; and it's working for me Note: The Original SD2 script isn't valid, use this, it has some compilation errors fixed. The sql of first post remains valid.
  11. What is the relation between that db info and the crashes?
  12. All the errors are related with a bad merge. To apply patches like this one, learn first how to use git, use google, learn first with small patches, if you want to have a great server, you must learn git (and c++), or at least know how to fix conflicts... Mini-guide: When the automatic merge fail, git will write this in the source code: <<<<<<HEAD //Some code ======= //Some code <<<<<<Commit ad9s8fg7a77aa87dfg To fix simple conflicts, do the following: <<<<<<HEAD --> DELETE THIS //Some code --> DELETE THIS ======= --> DELETE THIS //Some code <<<<<<Commit ad9s8fg7a77aa87dfg -->DELETE THIS I have started a year ago use MaNGOS, also git and c++, and I recommend learn this because it's the best form to have your server up-to-date. Hope it can help.
  13. Hi guys, I'm now using a modified fork of MaNGOS, but I have broke something because spell reflection (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=23920) spell relfection doesn't works properly. The spell doesn't affect the warrior, the animation is good but when it hits the original caster, it doesn't affect him. So, it works 50%, the spell is reflected but the caster isn't damaged. I have searched in Spell.cpp and I have found the bool variable to handle if the spell could be reflected or not, but I have not find where is handled the damage done to the original caster. Could someone help me to find this function(s)? Thanks in advance ^^ P.D.: This bug isn't in clean core, isn't it?
  14. The dungeon finder is not working, but with my core my server doesn't crashes.
  15. Rage Hunter's with SotA and Wotja's vehicles
  16. ankso

    Snake Trap

    The same for me
  17. One problem: when you shot with a vehicle, your enemy can see the visual effect, but very slowly. In the other hand, you can see the effect well. Anyone has the same issue? It's only a visual, but fix this will be cool ^^
  18. Well, I have tested the patches from russian forums, but with Wotja's vehicles branch, and finally I got it working. You must apply the GO_type_33 and the SotA patch from ru-mangos, then fix conflicts/compilation errors. I can't post a patch updated because my branch is heavy modified, I have spend two days implementing this. Also, the servers crashes at windows as I have described in my previous post and I don't know how to fix that. But, at least, we know that this works with the vehicles patch from this forums ^^
  19. Of course, you must apply all the patches in order to get full functionality, or merge the petstats branch. But this is a little bit outdated, if the author could update it, at least his branch, that will be cool. I'm using this and I only have the problem of the pet's health.
  20. And will be the 10k rev a special surprise? Congrats to all devs, you're doing a good work, keep it up!
  21. Confirmed, the talent is broken
  22. You have messed up something, because, if you have applied correctly the patch, the error message must be "ERROR: Error in creature_template_addon table, Probably Was updated sql file format (there should be 9 fields in sql)." I think you must reapply the patch (only on core).
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