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Posts posted by Curious

  1. Crashlog :

    Critical Error - MoveMapGen.exe
    Memory manager returned NULL: out of memory?  Expression: data d:\\MaNGOS\\Source\\MaNGOS2\\dep\\include\\g3dlite\\G3D/Array.h:154  

    At attempt to extract map 571. There is definitely something wrong with those map, as map 000 take a long time, with thos map the [x,y] are way too long.

  2. Compiled under win7 x64, currently building mmaps, even if the bash tell me it's working on map 000, i have 001 file in mmaps directory.

    i used

    movemapgen --hiResHeightmaps false --skipContinents false --debugOutput false

    crash after 0003625.mmtile. bash says begin "building map 001"

    @faramir : is this a writing error or the file named 001.map is not related to map 001 o_O

    Could someone tell me how many mmtile he got for map 000.

    Regarding at ressource it appears it only use one processor (correct me if i'm wrong). I think, due to the time it take, there should be a option where processor numbers could be enter.

    One could make map 000, second 001, etc... and another could make other map which go way faster.

  3. Thanks for editing the How to :) One last thing, the link you posted point in the mmaps repo and should be the mmaps_rewrite repo

    And sorry to ask a dumb question but does the vmaps_rewrite patch by Lynx3d is part of your repo or should we add it first ?

    - Answered my own question looking at the last commiters on certain files :) thank you both.

  4. I think the "How To" in the first post should be update due to recent change in mmap generation ( as i understand there is no need anymore to generate mmapas by hand).

    And even if it sound like a clichés, i'd like to thanks the devs working on that because i believe this project is the most important WIP now :)

  5. @faramir -> but I'm unsure how to find out if a player is falling.

    When player is falling a emote is displayed, but maybe it's only client side, I think looking at the fall damage calculation might help you.

  6. This is a development-oriented thread, not a how-to. If all you want is to try it out, and the directions below aren't working for you, please don't make 'how do I make it work?' posts.

    Faramir was clear about that.

    Try it or try not but don't ask if X will be compatbile with Y.

  7. * mesh type (ground, water, lava, etc)

    Data would need to be pulled from maps or maybe the WMOs.

    There should also have a SQL applying to creature which allow them to walk through some mesh type. i.e The naga are able to breath underwater.

    I think this will affect the pathfinding because all creature shouldn't be able to reach you walking on lava.

    A blizzlike experiment would be good.

  8. What do you want for them?

    1. Vehicle + mount? -> I can not help for now

    Currently there is two way of using the chopper (and mammoth I presume) spawn him using add creature or using it as any other mount. The problem is that if you use it as mount people will not be able to join you. (Or I forgot something during vehicle implementation).

  9. Regarding this commit.

    // quest objectives updated only for alive group member or dead but with not released body
    if(pGroupGuy->isAlive()|| !pGroupGuy->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST))
    pGroupGuy->KilledMonsterCredit(creature_id, creature_guid);

    I think this way dead player will recieve kill credit if they HAVE released body.

    Delete thread if I didn't get it :)

  10. According to rastikzzz development his Vehicle tble is as follows :

    [b]CREATE[/b] [b]TABLE[/b] [b]`[/b]vehicle_data[b]`[/b] (
     [b]`[/b]entry[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]5[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b],
     [b]`[/b]flags[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell1[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell2[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell3[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell4[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell5[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell6[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell7[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell8[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell9[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]Spell10[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]`[/b]req_aura[b]`[/b] mediumint([color=#009999]8[/color]) unsigned [b]NOT[/b] [b]NULL[/b] [b]default[/b] [color=#dd1144]'0'[/color],
     [b]PRIMARY[/b] [b]KEY[/b]  ([b]`[/b]entry[b]`[/b])

    So, looking at the DBC file how should we fill the fields ?

    A line looks like follows :

    INSERT INTO vehicle_data VALUES (106, 4, 50896, 0, 50652, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    As far as i can tell 106 is vehicle ID. for the other fields.....

  11. Wanted to PM you this but unable to do so :S

    I'm very interesting in your vehicle developement :) first i could'nt guess how difficult it might be.

    Looking at the error in the linux build I wanted to ask why don't put all the headers in the .h file ? and just the vehicle.h in the vehicle.cpp ?

    Looking at those two files you have include unit.h in both :)

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