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Everything posted by Darkhunter

  1. Yes but if I spawn own Gameobject building... will work with it ?
  2. is this working with whole world of wacraft ?
  3. MaNGOS rev 9667 ... it´s 3.3.2 .... if it isn´t maps extacted from 3.3.2 client won´t work...
  4. Hello I have problem, I launched mangosd + realmd on linux and it stucked on connected..what to do http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3398/screenle.png - < screen where does it stuck
  5. but I have great server..my mangos gets started in 3seconds..then minute is too long time btw perunio ..how add that code, that will start when linux start...rc doesn´t work or how add ur commands to crontable.. it will start at launch of mangos and reseting immediatelly after crash ?
  6. WOALA! IT WORKS, btw perunio.. that rc doesn´t work and ... when I did cd /opt/mangos/bin && while :; do ./mangos-worldd; done it restarted immidiately can this script restart immidiately ?
  7. I don´t know.. but in realmd it does: dark@serverwow:/home$ sudo sh restarter_realmd.sh : not foundealmd.sh: 2: PID TTY TIME CMD and when I want connect it writes connecting..then this doesn´t work
  8. restarter.sh: 3: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting "then") - I remade it..now doing: : not foundh: 2: PID TTY TIME CMD
  9. I have it in home folder, not in my user folder..I see it in FTPclient in home.. but if I want start it.. it wrote... dark@serverwow:/home$ sudo ./restarter.sh sudo: ./restarter.sh: command not found
  10. mangos: file : restarter.sh #!/bin/bash if (ps -C mangos-worldd ) then echo "status : OK" else echo "status : DOWN" cd /opt/mangos/bin tar -czvf logs.tar.gz Server.log DBErrors.log Char.log #enable crashdumps ulimit -c unlimited screen -d -m -S mangos cd /opt/mangos/bin && while :; do ./mangos-worldd; done fi realmd: file : restarter_realmd.sh #!/bin/bash if (ps -C mangos-worldd ) then echo "status : OK" else echo "status : DOWN" cd /opt/mangos/bin screen -d -m -S mangos_realmd /opt/mangos/bin/mangos-realmd fi crontab: m h dom mon dow command */1 * * * * cd /home; ./restarter.sh */1 * * * * cd /home; ./restarter_realmd.sh
  11. yes I need help, any of this scripts that u and perunio said me doesn´t work.. I don´t know why
  12. realmd.sh : I did and doesn´t work and crontab: # m h dom mon dow command */1 * * * * ./restarter.sh */1 * * * * ./realmd.sh I have these scripts in main folder
  13. doesn´t work .. should I do sudo update-rc.d mangos start 99 S . for rc2.d rc3.d rc5.d ?
  14. okay it doesn´t work.. can u give me tutorial for ur script.. I ned also mangos-realmd launch.... I´m nooblike person with linux I know just compile...
  15. Then in /etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc3.d and /etc/rc5.d create a symbolic link to it called `S99mangos'. - symbolic link.. Idk how to create this file type
  16. I created file .py copied your script and change paths..saved it.. wrote in console: dark@serverwow:~$ * * * * * python mangos.py DBErrors.log: command not found
  17. and what have I write to /etc/rc.local ? ... dark@serverwow:~$ su mangosuser -c "cd /opt/mangos/bin && while :; do ./mangos-worldd; done" Unknown id: mangosuser
  18. yes I know this, but I need to make it starting script ......as in windows are services ....
  19. yea it works a half ... when mangos crashes restarter start it again, but I need restarter, which will start when I start PC/Server where is MaNGOS
  20. used, but any restarters don´t work in init.d
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