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Everything posted by Darkhunter

  1. and what about this spell ? http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=65634 and other charm, dominate mind spells ?
  2. okay but in client datafiles are races as fel orc, forsaken and etc, shall I change that player to this race to be able attacklast faction players? I can make change for the opposite faction.. just horde players.. but not to Syndicate etc Or other way is to remake charm spell....
  3. yes, but I want to make it as in arenas, it isn´t able ?
  4. Hello, I´m working on Tranquillien HCRP project and we want make third faction.This faction will be syndicates.This faction occur when player complete quest on it.I have this script: if(GetQuestStatus(2) == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){ SetFFAPvP(true); setFaction(87);} else setFaction(getFactionForRace(getRace())); But it just set Faction, but the player is behaving as old faction - if was alliance then he can group with alliance, can´t attack them and other...Somebody said that it is hardcoded in DBC and we can´t change faction. Is it ? Then I have another idea how to do it , because when we are dueling, we can attack friendly people and if we are in arena we can attack players with same faction. Can somebody help me with editing this code to work fully or make new code which will work, thanks I´m starting at c++ then I can´t code it better... I have here repo with it: http://github.com/Darkhunter/Tranquillien-HCRP-Project then u can edit it online, it will be better
  5. Hello how can I make that if server(PC) is rebooted that MaNGOS will launch automatically ? I have ubuntu 9.10 it´s something in /etc/init.d but I don´t know what to do more...
  6. yes, but I want not patch again other patches like vehicles and other... It took me about a week to fix that patchfile to patch to my mangos repo correctly...
  7. can somebody make it for rev 9608 if I patch for 9620 it wrote fatal: corrupt patch at line 125 it is end where is } please help me with it
  8. what all do I need for it ? and can somebody make patch for MaNGOS rev. 9608 ?
  9. I did and can it be by fixing some errors ? I commented //<<<<<<< HEAD:src/game/SpellAuras.cpp if(GetCaster()) data << GetCaster()->GetPackGUID(); else data << uint8(0); //======= data.appendPackGUID(GetCasterGUID()); //>>>>>>> 72002ca29b41fb2fc2ee5a4fc05b61aaa6ddda62:src/game/SpellAuras.cpp because if I don´t comment it it will not compile.. and in player.cpp I commented too texts like this... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- okay sorry I didn´t change speed to speed_run , it works now fine
  10. I compiled it...after some fixes it was succesful... but now if I crate vehicle I can´t go in it....what mistake I did ? what all have I to execute to DB ? or other mistakes what I could do?
  11. fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 4 what with this ? hm...I want to inplement vehicle poatch into mangos but I´m doing it for a week and it still does errors...I did it much ways..no one good way.. or if I make git clone git://github.com/Tasssadar/Valhalla-Project.git vehicle then I will have vehicles in that core ?
  12. hey iran..how did u compiled it ? I want it compile too but no chance ....much errors
  13. okay, please can u make it fast, we will in this week start the server official playing
  14. hm... how can I compile it without errors ?
  15. no, we are making our own zone in arathi and I want to make players hate with all ally/horde player, with NPC I can do it by reputation decrease
  16. Hello, I´m making HCRP project and we want third "faction" (pirates,syndicates,dark iron dwarves etc) and we need, if I complete one quest to change my "faction" to allow attack horde and ally players and be neutral with other players, who completed this quest - but the last part is not needed too much Thanks for help
  17. hm, I tried to change it in DB, DBC ... no changes i transportation.. does somebody has any idea ?
  18. nobody knows ? pm me ...if it is just change in DBC..which is there restricted...
  19. Hi, can somebody help me with code on making ship sailing as ship from Darnassus to Darkshore ? But I have other places...It will be core or SD2 upgrade ?thanks a lot of posting
  20. and where is that ? which folder is that ? I have folder called source in which is all... win/src/bin..... or which ? src ? src/game ?
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