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Posts posted by DaViper

  1. I am too humble to accept any praise. I have posted it to show that anyone willing to try can learn. I am only a beginner with C++; if there are better ways to do anything that I have done, please improve upon it. The client is still restricting quite a bit, hence the bugs that may rear their ugly heads.

    Yes there are always better ways, and I'm right now knee deep in them looking...and praise you deserve some but don't let it stop you from learning and improving yourself. Just take it say thank you and keep going! the biggest praise and kindest words I have ever recieve was the guy on the corner Telling me I was number one but I did have to tell him he was using the wrong finger!

  2. Zlis, I too have changed my exe icons, and basicly how I did it was I created a pic I liked in Photoshop at 256 x256 and used a plugin to save as an .ico file then I used Axialis Icon Workshop ti create all the different sizes and formats needed. in this fashion I can make Icons for just about anything plus with Icon Factory's Candy Bar and thier packageing/converting tools it literally becomes for any machine/any program any OS from any picture...so now you know how I do it let's get creative!

  3. I have tried to compile SD2 right after ahbot and I get errors. Is it not possible to compile SD2+AHBOT?

    Yes it possible becaus I'm doing it, have you tried the ajustment HSC_3 advised firstI do believe it's in Auctionhouse.h but if you compile with VS 2008 when the error comes up yu can right click the error and select goto location and the file in question will popup in the tab and it will show you which line to fix. as for SD2 if you've done a SVN update today your going to do a mangos pull to get up to rev 10112 minimum...or it won't compile ether...also if you are using vehicle's from wojta's repo your going to need the pastbin link I posted to get that done as well because the Dev changed a global at 10112.

  4. Dev's changed the core again and it's the fix for it, but if it's broken how come it compiles and runs?....maybe you should look at rev 10112 and try to compile with out my patch...before complaining! good luck vladex and thank for nothing....

  5. every time I get errors like that I find that it's not the error causing the problem it's more like I messed up my configs or the database is thrashed and I have to clean or fix or pull my head outta my ass .... but mostly it's my fault...hehe

  6. Everyone knows Haiku will have taken over the world by then.

    But I don't think there ever will be a mangos 1.0...

    True and we will have Astronut's and real flying cars too...but Mangos is in vers. alpha-beta right now ...or was that a Grocery Store I was thinking of...Dammit I lost my mind again...has anyone seen it?

  7. The original design was to make it so that when Alliance players joined a guild lead by a Horde player it would then make them switch when they joined.

    Thats a good one and I suppose it could also go the other way too....I also remember one of the Devleopers comenting once about finding things Blizzard hasn't even thought of yet and implementing them( I know they were spouting off about coding) but this playerbot and ahbot are three shinning examples of that very same comment plus if handled right would give Mangos users something unique.

    Just got done formatting a new patch complete with the sql suggested by UnkleNuke and a brand new shinny Read Me, look here: http://daviper.pastebin.org/361780

  8. next thing to do is try to put it into a slash command so that we can allow normal accounts to run it or maybe go to an NPC and have them set the command on you...I know I can't do this from a DB standpoint so it ether has to be done in the patch or a script...

  9. Yeah, I'm afraid mmaps might be turning into a complete rewrite of the entire creature movement system just to make it possible to finish work on mmaps itself!

    So much in this game is interrelated and interdependent. I'm amazed half the core devs haven't lost their minds and joined a commune in California, devoted to the worship of plaid religious icons. lol

    I guess thats why Linux went modular and so is the real core used by blizzard....hehe...evil Developers and their mad PMS bombs!

  10. if you look into silverice's posting on the first page first post you'll see a new Eye patch that does work with cameras also if you asked HSC nicely I'm shure he'd give to the new patch fully working as well due to the fact that he has it full working on his server and tested....

  11. Hey guys, Not sure whether anyone has got vehicles working yet, but i finally managed to make it compile, But now when i right click vehicles i get a crash >_<

    Supplying the logs im not sure whether anyone would be able to see the problem but its worth a try..


    Here's your error or crash if you want to call it:

    1. *
      c:\\users\\administrator\\desktop\\server stuff\\cores\\test core\\src\\game\\vehicle.cpp line 16900000001400507A2  000000000012FF50
      * __tmainCRTStartup+11A   Local  <user defined> 'this' = F130006D000001D5
      *   f:\\dd\\vctools\\crt_bld\\self_64_amd64\\crt\\src\\crtexe.c line 555 Parameter  unsigned int 'guidlow' = 0
      *         Parameter  <user defined> 'map' = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
      * 0000000077A2F56D  000000000012FF80      Parameter  unsigned int 'phaseMask' = EE4E4100
      * BaseThreadInitThunk+D   Parameter  unsigned int 'Entry' = 42A38024
      *         Parameter  unsigned int 'vehicleId' = 0
      * 0000000077C63281  000000000012FFD0      Parameter  unsigned int 'team' = 3F02E434
      * RtlUserThreadStart+21   Parameter  <user defined> 'data' = 0

    You have ether a typo or you forgot to change something and ended up with an undeclared variable. I can't say what it is exactly with out seeing the original and compareing it to the modification you did.

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