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Posts posted by FeRkEl

  1. there should be an SQL Folder with some .SQL files

    you have to applie those SQL Files

    first you go start->execute cmd

    and type following comand to applie the patch

    your cmd should look like : "C:/mysql/bin/mysql.exe -u mangos -p < C:/mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql" (the pathes to both files will surly be different)

    this you have to repeat for the other SQL files ( except of the drop_mysql) [edit] but with the other sql files you have to put the databasename ( mangos,realmd,characters) after the -p and before the <

    the -p tells mysql you want to enter a passwort for the sqluser(mangos)


    hope it helped a bit

  2. hmm how about execute the binaries?

    the errors will tell you if you are missing something

    if you have compiled the source and extracted DBC/Maps/Vmaps and put them into the right order, also editet the config, you just need to run the Server

    Compile on windows : http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_MaNGOS_On_Windows

    Compile on Linux : http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_MaNGOS_On_Linux

    setting up Mangos : http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Setting_up_MaNGOS

  3.     // make sure that the character belongs to the current account, that rename at login is enabled
       // and that there is no character with the desired new name
           GetAccountId(), newname,
           "SELECT guid, name FROM characters WHERE guid = %d AND account = %d AND (at_login & %d) = %d AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM characters WHERE name = '%s')",
           GUID_LOPART(guid), GetAccountId(), AT_LOGIN_RENAME, AT_LOGIN_RENAME, escaped_newname.c_str()

    same functionality in mangos zero

    it checks if at_login_rename bit is set in at_login column of the character otherwise the SQL-Query will return null rows

    afaik AsyncPQuery will give the result of the SQL-Query to its CallBack Handler function ( in this case &WorldSession::HandleChangePlayerNameOpcodeCallBack )

    the query should effect 1 or 0 rows ( 1 if at_login is set, 0 if its not set in database)

  4. It seems that the SQL Files aren't working with latest YTDB

    Loading Creature templates...
    [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(entry) FROM creature_template
    [0 ms] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM creature_template
    [15 ms] SQL: SELECT * FROM creature_template
    Error in creature_template table, probably sql file format was updated (there sh
    ould be 83 fields in sql).

    did you applied SQL part of vehicle patch to your YTDB ?

  5. whole Eastern kingdom is one Map

    you can only make a Instance of a Map

    a Zone is e.g. Ironforge, Elwyn forest (hope i'm right)

    and you can use Phases as workarround for Zone instances.

    if your player is phased, you can only see things with the same phase effect so its like an instance


  6. I'd say : bringing back the mmaps redux thread. Best mangos thread ever !

    full ack

    at first i would enjoy the clean " under review section" without those outdated patches

    i think i would restore AH-Bot thread from cyberium ( but can't get close to mmaps redux thread )

  7. Can you give me an exemple of what yellow item you expect to see?

    Because i have too this behavior but i can't find any good yellow items to be sellable. Oranges one have same situation except for elementium bar.

    Who know what's BBCODE is used to show wowhead tooltips?

    "[ URL=http://www.wowhead.com/spell=51696]Waylay[/url ]"


    just a qoute from an patchpost ( 2 whitespaces to show the BB code) :-)

    edit: does AH bot sell more as 1 item of same ID at once (maybe he just has 1 item_template entry to sell and this almost in the ah from seller so he don't sell a 2nd till this was bought?)

  8. perhaps I should have described the - in my opinion - bug more detailed:

    in dungeons,

    if we have three units, A B C, where A->IsHostileTo(B) but not B->IsHostileTo(A), and A attacks C,

    if then A comes in range to B, B is set into combat, and evades on next Tick, and I think this is a bug

    the bug is that B shouldn't be set in combat till is realy attacked ? am i wrong?

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