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Posts posted by FeRkEl

  1. Index: include/sc_creature.cpp [b][u]<-- this is the file to patch[/u][/b]
    --- include/sc_creature.cpp    (revision 1800)
    +++ include/sc_creature.cpp    (working copy)
    @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ [b][u]<-- these are lines to patch, look around here or use search[/u][/b]
        //Using the extended script system we first create a list of viable spells
        SpellEntry const* apSpell[4];
    -    memset(apSpell, 0, sizeof(SpellEntry)*4); [b][u] <--  [-] at the start means remove this line[/u][/b]
    +    memset(apSpell, 0, sizeof(SpellEntry*)*4); [b][u]<--  [+] at the start means add this line[/u][/b]
        uint32 uiSpellCount = 0;

    That's about it.

    just to make it more clear

  2. for starting as a freelancer its difficult, i haven't any experience in freelancing yet but to learn programming it would be best to refresh your C programming skills and ( if you realy want to learn c#) then learn c#

    in MaNGOS c/c++ is used and not much c# ( don't know how much you'r learing will be related to MaNGOS)

    hope i could help

  3. The patch doesn't set 'online = 2', so you need to do it manually.

    You can create new accounts, create 10 random chars and set them 'online = 2'.

    Of course it needs much more work to implement KiriX ideas and maybe an automatic level + map changer. Also, you'll have to change your site's code to show 'online = 2' players as well.

    think this map changer and automatic level could be an PHP programm with SOAP support, with an Database of coordinates and the fake Players will be randomly teleportet to them,

    and after X hours / Days on the server they get level up

    another thing would be to create some randomly player = 2 to an pool of fakeplayers

  4. same as i thought of, don't know if online=2 players are custom players or random players

    if they are custom players, wich never realy be played, than it wouldn't be necessary, but if they are reeal player wich are just "online" than it could be dificult ( e.G. online in who list but not in guild list / friendlist etc) i think player could find out ( or think it is a bug )

  5. hmm its not a server emulator its a complete server,

    it calulates the results in many ways and sends packages back wich are needed by the client to display the actions.

    e.g. the movement of creatures are calculated by the server and packages (creature movement info) are send to the client wich displays the creature movement

  6. Mangos sorry

    I do not understand where must put scripts or where to find scripts to change them

    For exemple were rescripting pos/fos/icc, were put the teleporter...

    Newest I installed and heidisql..

    where did you get your binarys from?

    did you download an repack (just .exe files and double click them?)

    or did you get the binarys from compiling source out of mangos repository (github.com?)

  7. Well, one solution would be to script all the instances yourself, like I did. :)

    Then you won't need to exclude any of them.

    if retail give access to new instances you can't have them scripted immediately. i mean on github are some nice Branches with good Instance development so you can have very fast some more or less working script for them, but i think it would be nice to exclude some dungeons/instances

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