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Everything posted by freghar

  1. I guess you can use m_session->GetSecurity() directly, since it's your session.
  2. I guess I already implemented such stuff in master. It doesn't have checks in Level3.cpp because no higher rank is officialy supported (maybe console, but seriously, who can kill a console?). see http://repo.or.cz/w/getmangos.git?a=commitdiff;h=c000d23;hp=3d00e18 If you want to restrict interaction within the same security level (SEC_GAMEMASTER vs. SEC_GAMEMASTER for example), you can modify it a bit and add checks to Level3.cpp. Good luck!
  3. Soo, I guess there's noone smart to use my mirror at this time, others will just have to learn how to type few letters in a git console window. Mirror will remain static from now on, no further updates from me. Read the sticky topics in index->Learn->Source code mastery to get started.
  4. It will do a recursive merge of your branch and the remote branch. If you want fast-forward update, you should do a git-stash and unstash (apply) your changes after update.
  5. "file X needs update" means you should remove uncommited changes (commit, stash, ...) before merge (pull is basically fetch+merge). And yes, I think it keeps the old version of all files if merge fails this way.
  6. Maybe I don't exactly understand yout question, but - a patch file is a set of changes, not files. In most cases, those changes are small and say "remove this line and replace it with those three", nothing less, nothing more. But yes, it is possible to create large patch files which are able to "revert" the whole mangos tree to some state from some other.
  7. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=C%2B%2B+tutorial
  8. Unit.h: bool IsMounted() const { return HasFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_MOUNT ); } A good place for the trigger would be maybe Player::UpdateAreaDependentAuras . You can place the timer in Player::Update . PS: This section is under "Learn", not "please write this patch for me".
  9. freghar

    player loot

    Sure, just edit the code, use additional checks, ... if you don't know how, try learning it, others won't always do the work for you.
  10. You wanted to see some older commits in ahbot branch (I guess to get some inspiration), you can use remotename/ahbot~0 for the topmost commit, remotename/ahbot~1 for the second commit from the top, remotename/ahbot~2 for third, etc. git log -1 -p remotename/ahbot~5 git log remotename/ahbot
  11. Everything that has prefix "remote:" is done on server (github) side. So in this case it's github problem.
  12. Yes, I can confirm the client trade limitation, I guess it's also race-related, but not sure
  13. It should output commit header on the right side of the hash, no matter if it contains decimal number or not. Check the other topic I linked to.
  14. IIRC MaNGOS uses only TCP connection to the database server(s). Last year's benchmarks proved they have almost the same response and are faster than local unix socket connections. Ofc you can use several layers of caches, including memcached ...
  15. Well since I moved my old DB to InnoDB engine, the guild loading got about 5 times faster ...
  16. No, you didn't git clone some_url some_local_dir cd some_local_dir
  17. ... parse telnet output of mangos remote admin feature?
  18. ÿou can extract the number from src/shared/revision_nr.h and update DB from within your restarter script for example.
  19. Standard C formatting .. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/printf.html
  20. So after some time, I guess everyone should be using Git by now, so I'd like to announce the mirror shutdown ~ 1.1.2009. Just a heads-up warning, no big deal. Freghar
  21. Nope, I just tried it myself on a development git version of msysgit (with gcc, make, etc.) and got nothing more than a "git" and "git clone here" menu rows. I'd anyway just suggest you to wait for tortoisegit, it's under heavy development as we speak. http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/
  22. freghar


    const float& GetFloatValue( uint16 index ) const { ASSERT( index < m_valuesCount || PrintIndexError( index , false ) ); return m_floatValues[ index ]; } from what I can understand, it just does the return of a member of some m_floatValues array.
  23. Some say that Git Cheetah is the best git windows shell extension - http://repo.or.cz/w/git-cheetah.git/
  24. See how the command itself is implemented, then find a way to duplicate part of the implementation (or modify it). .tele -> Level1.cpp -> ChatHandler::HandleTeleCommand -> extractGameTeleFromLink -> Chat.cpp -> return objmgr.GetGameTele() -> ObjectMgr.cpp -> ObjectMgr::GetGameTele -> ... or did I miss something?
  25. Why do you post it here in this forum? edit: moved
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