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Everything posted by freghar

  1. The problem might be at server crash, where only delete statement is sent ... so you'd have to send two queries in one mysql function call ... I'm no DB expert, but what's the difference between "REPLACE INTO" and "INSERT IGNORE INTO" ?
  2. Try to look at ".guild" command (src/game/Level3.cpp probably) to see how it works ...
  3. You don't "pull some revision", you just clone the whole repository (so you have everything offline) and then you can "checkout" the tree from the object database. If you'd like to have your working tree reflected from 2a8a1f280246672ccee52add272ac76ba5ed39fd , just checkout it: git checkout 2a8a1f280246672ccee52add272ac76ba5ed39fd
  4. http://rosenberg.homelinux.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/eclipse-20070318.png http://rosenberg.homelinux.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/eclipse-20070909w.png -- very handy:)
  5. It wasn't, just Tortoise made it look more user friendly on WIndows. What made us to prefer Git over SVN? Try watching some videos and googling some features .. for me it's just the low level part, it isn't limited so some operations, you can do whatever you want directly in the object database. btw .. http://github.com/mangos/mangos/network really grows ..
  6. http://www.ndblocks.com/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/111110A/http/jaredlobberecht.blogspot.com/2008/06/intro-to-windows-git-gui-in-pictures.html ?
  7. .... and what about name+email? Too many unknowns
  8. I encountered the same "problem" yesterday as well, it's a very simple conflict, just edit the file (go to the end) and resolve it ...
  9. Are you sure that it fixes even the case when jailed player actually sends a group invite (not trying to receive it)?-- check even "membername" btw: maybe better to use PARTY_RESULT_INVITE_RESTRICTED for error than unfriendly
  10. Actually, I wanted to implement _exactly_ this simple jail like 5 months ago, but I came across a problem that even you haven't solved. It's the same as with Meeting Stones. You can pretend to summon some other player and when "casting" ritual of summoning effect, just click on the jailed player and he'll get summoned. This can be solved by kicking the player off a party when using .jail (player->RemoveFromGroup()) and make a check at party invite/request invite part, so the player won't ever enter a party until unjailed.
  11. That would make local branch named "303-willcrashforsure" from your current branch. Better use git branch 303-willcrashforsure origin/303-willcrashforsure You can then switch between master and 303-willcrashforsure using "git checkout <branchname>" and pull "inside" it as usual.
  12. Okay, to make things easier, I set up a new SVN mirror on Assembla. The mirror is updated every hour from Git's master branch, but there are few drawbacks: * everything is commited from my assembla acc, so you'll probably see "fregh" as an author of all commits, which is true, but not at the same time (true for commits, not true for changes), so bear that in mind * mirror is being updated every hour, using git-svn set-tree feature, which literally means a large possibility of merging several git commits into one svn (ie. if three git commits are made within that hour, all three appear as one in svn), I tried to work around that, but that would really mean lots of work to be done and this solution works for those, who "just want to get source and manage it with TortoiseSVN" * it isn't there forever, I'll try to update it for several next months, no guarantee it will remain that long though, server's HW may fail, it can be offline for some time, etc ... but I really don't expect that to happen (with 211 days uptime now). "the straight dope": http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/mangos-svn-mirror/ PS: everything is converted to LF, even win/ directory, so double check your EOL settings .. PS2: and please stop any further offtopic
  13. The first config entry refers to "tracking branches" (see 2nd chapter), the second one is a definition of a remote. And you can actually do "git pull origin", which will fetch origin and merge origin's master ("merge = refs/heads/master"). And I say it again, rather than using this thread to explain things, see manpages of git-remote, git-pull and others ("git remote --help" in cygwin on windows).
  14. Don't get confused, that command checkouts a tree, but the tree has different SHA-1 hash. The one you specified is the commit hash (which has a tree object depending on it).http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/
  15. Pretty fine, I won't go into details .. just note that "git pull <URL> <branch>" means "branch" of that remote repository, not local. Good luck! Freghar
  16. Search this forums, you can find "how to apply" old patches here ...
  17. add = apply? if it's a real patch (with hash, author, date and diff, generated using git-format-patch): git am ../path/to/file.patch if it's a raw diff (by git-diff): git apply < ../path/to/file.diff
  18. = to remote repo or ssh? For repo, try http link (I guess you have HTTP traffic allowed): git clone [url]http://repo.or.cz/r/getmangos.git[/url]
  19. So you need to "checkout" a branch (which is a ref to some commit, which has a tree depending on it) to your WORKING TREE (filesystem), right? Then use "git checkout <branchname>". It was not meant this way. Just wanted to give you a link with some information on that, so I could understand your problem. If you don't want my help, just say it. Maybe the problem was in no smileys as the post might look like that btw: The mangos repository has two branches - master and 303-willcrashforsure ... and, as jolan said, you can't expect your changes to "travel" from your own branch to the master one, because master isn't some "main" branch, it's *just* an ordinary branch like any other. edit: It can work like that. You need to understand that branches ale like isolated trees (in your terminology), when you make changes in one branch and checkout to the other one, you can't expect your changes there (if you made a commit). It is possible to push branch that you're not "on" - "git push remotename src_branch:Dst_branch", but no idea if it's related to your problem.
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