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Posts posted by Gimp

  1. I'm doing the steps that you said.. but it doesn't patch my other mangos version [9010]..

    git clone git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot
    cd ahbot
    git checkout origin/ahbot
    git checkout -b ahbot
    git diff master ahbot > auctionhousebot.patch

    Is there another way to patch it? or it doesn't support [9010] yet?

    You don't need to do all that, just type: git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot

  2. My suggestion is, you can create a private vendor in GM island and put those on him. so eventually your AH should have those pop.

    Or, we can request a new table like "associate_ah_item_template", so ah bot will post something from it.

    I just tried that, it didn't work. The ahbot didn't add any of the items from the vendor.

  3. AH Bot will sell only items that vendor sells, and items associate in *_loot_template.

    Anything that is not associated in tables above then AH bot won't sell it even though you have ton of million item in item_template.

    if you set AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 0, AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 0, and AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 0 then it is very limited item will show up in AH.

    I had otheritems and vendoritems set to 0, but now that I set them to 1 and dumped the contents of the ah, the only enchanting items in the ah are various enchanting rods, enchanted powder, mystical powder and lots and lots of titanium powder. None of the many other kinds of powder needed to make any kind of enchant.

  4. Unfortunately, 2Mbit Upload is the highest I can get from an ISP. The only other ISP capable of doing higher is Verizon Wireless's Fiber Optic FiOS which isn't available here.

    Then your only other choice is to pay for dedicated server hosting, which can be quite expensive especially in the US.

  5. Wow Playerbot used to be quite reliable, I used to be able to add 40 bots no problem, limited only by how many WoW clients my pc could handle. Now I can't even add 9 bots from the same account without the server crashing on the 9th summon. I also tried adding 9 bots from 1 account, then more from another, doing that I can get to 9+2, on the 12th bot the server crashes.

    Would it be possible to revert Playerbot to an older simpler version?

  6. Unfortunately there's a conflict between CWN's anticheat and playerbot, both of them want to write to the mangos.config.dist.in at the same location in the file. I tried making 2 copies of the config then switching them out between patches in the hope of manually pasting the anticheat settings into he config by hand, but it gave me a patch error saying the config is out of date.

    Anyone know what I can do?

  7. Unfortunately there's a conflict between CWN's anticheat and playerbot, both of them want to write to the mangos.config.dist.in at the same location in the file. I tried making 2 copies of the config then switching them out between patches in the hope of manually pasting the anticheat settings into he config by hand, but it gave me a patch error saying the config is out of date.

    Anyone know what I can do?

  8. Error:

    Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'dedicated ip' (4).

    Update your >>> ReggAcc configuration <<<

    Check configuration file - hosts, usernames and passwords.

    when i click on reggacc it goes to the login page, i type in admin, admin1 and it doesnt go nowhere

    Btw im trying to use a Webhost to access my dedicated server

    Make sure you have remote access enabled in your Mangos and Mysql.

  9. I manually fix the patch and already apply it.

    I got a custom telenpc, the antihack is gonna have problems with it??

    Havent tested myself ^^


    P.D: Ok, tested and working just perfect :D, btw megosh, where can we find that antihack you talking about? just to keep it updated =)

    Can you upload your patch for the rest of the community?

  10. You might want to put this query on your db:

    -- Prevent DK from getting Extra Talent Point
    UPDATE quest_template SET BonusTalents=0 WHERE BonusTalents>0;
    -- In Service of the lich king give all talent point
    UPDATE quest_template SET BonusTalents=46  WHERE entry=12593;

    This makes the DK have all its talent points when he completes the first quest (In Service of the lich king).

    Hmm I just tested that and I'm sorry to say it didn't work, it didn't give me any extra talent points.

    Perhaps because of this?

    [8101] Prevent use talents as quest rewards or spell_learn_spell learned


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