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Everything posted by goodbadguy

  1. Solved the issue myself by commenting out this code in SpellEffects.cpp like so: /*case 26656: // Summon Black Qiraji Battle Tank { if (!unitTarget) return; // Prevent stacking of mounts unitTarget->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_MOUNTED); // Two separate mounts depending on area id (allows use both in and out of specific instance) if (unitTarget->GetAreaId() == 3428) unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, 25863, false); else unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, 26655, false); return; }*/
  2. I still can't get it work on Windows Vista64. I've tried changing the file to ANSI, UTF-8, and Unicode. None work. If I use the mangosd.conf.dist.in and just rename it all works but changing anything in it will cause the program to throw "mangos.conf not found." and shutdown immediately. None of the listed 'fixes' here work for me.
  3. I have run into this exact problem today. A warlock that had his Succubus out mounted the Black Qiraji and clicked a portal from Shattrath to Isle of Quel'danas and the server would crash every time. Once he dismounted it no longer crashed. I tested it myself on a test realm and can duplicate it 100% with MaNGOS rev 10091 on Linux server. I don't know why this specific mount is the only one with the issue...
  4. Seriously, this needs some attention. I am unable to upgrade past 10080 because of this problem.
  5. Confirmed. At level 80 relogging does not increase skills anymore since the 3.3 switch.
  6. ANSI is not working for me on Windows Vista64... and on LINUX the scriptdev2.conf seems to be ignored even with the listed changes.
  7. This is still bugged for me in 10091. It also crashes the server when the priest relogs because they are not really dead but can't move. Very frustrating.
  8. Tried last posted paste and all works properly. Thanks!
  9. Tried przemratajczak's patch but doesn't work for me. When I log in I have NO actions on my main bar and nothing that I change saves in either spec. They're both always blank.
  10. Solved. Somehow I was missing the "Clear" definition in my ObjectGuid.h so you can delete this thread. Added it and all works. Thanks.
  11. 4>TradeHandler.cpp 4>..\\..\\src\\game\\TradeHandler.cpp(644) : error C2039: 'Clear' : is not a member of 'ObjectGuid' 4> c:\\333a\\src\\game\\ObjectGuid.h(122) : see declaration of 'ObjectGuid'
  12. Why? Maybe has has a small server with 4-5 friends and only want to use it for some PvP between them? Why does it matter? The point is SD2 is supposed to be an optional side project, not a requirement to make MaNGOS battlegrounds work.
  13. Mangos Version: 10013 Custom Patches: N/A SD2 Version: 1677 Database Name and Version: UDB 391 How it SHOULD work: When you satisfy the objectives of a repeatable quest that you have completed before and log out or the server crashes you should be able to log back in and receive the reward. How it DOES work: Your quest is no longer listed in your quest log so you can't claim the reward. The problem seems to be that when you complete any repeatable quest the first time the quest remains marked rewarded (1) in the database after you accept it again. Any of these quests you complete but do not turn in before reloging will be lost, as well as the rewards. This affects DAILY and WEEKLY quests. Example: Quest #14203: Waterlogged Recipe (Daily Quest) - Additem 48679 - Take the quest from the item and go turn it. - Next day Additem 48679 - Take the quest again. - Log out. - Log back in. You will not have the quest in your log anymore. New: Seems the issue is in Player::AddQuest. When adding a quest the questStatusData.m_rewarded is not changed.
  14. I get this Assert crash at least once a day. No clue as to why as the crash dumps really don't give enough information.
  15. Thank you for the attention to this matter.
  16. No add-ons used at all. It's very strange. You can kill and loot the same skinable creature repeatedly and they become skinnable 10-15 times and then suddenly the next 5 kills they just vanish after looting.
  17. It's nothing to do with DB settings as I've tested by killing a Prairie Stalker (creature 2959) repeatedly and after looting the corpse will seemingly randomly either remain and be skinnable or vanish immediately.
  18. I haven't seen ti myself but my testers are reporting that it's still glitchy. Many times you can skin things and many time the body will disappear. No idea what the connection is or why it would be so random.
  19. Seems fixed when testing on Windows but haven't tested on Linux yet.
  20. After a recent core change to how skinning works all of the creatures who are getting fully looted instantly vanish before they can be skinned. Anyone else?
  21. Using InnoDB format gives me no lag whatsoever when backup up the character database.
  22. Had a similar issue on my server. Turned out I had used a flying mount shortly before and the aura(s) were still stuck on me making the game think I was larger than I actually was. Using .unaura all worked to get me out. You could always try .modify scale as well.
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