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Posts posted by henhouse

  1. The Wrath branch has had the `data` blob extracted for some time now, and I remember step 1 was originally ported to 0.12 as well which was really helpful. I started backporting the commits and removing power6 and power7, etc. Stuff that did not exist in the 2.4.3 client but the problem I got to was the sql file. I honestly, have absolutely no idea how to match up those tables correctly and get the right IDs matching up. I tried before and had a lot of trouble.

    UDB's Wiki has the old values for the 2.4.1 so I figured it would be perfectly possible but I've hit a brick wall and really have no idea how to continue.

    Has there ever been any plans to backport these originally into 0.12?

  2. So I'm trying to do a force-reset of all titles on current characters on 2.4.3 with the following SQL:

    UPDATE `characters` SET `data`=CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', 924) AS CHAR), ' ', 0, ' ', CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', -587)AS CHAR));

    And it works, all the values change to "0" however when you then go into load the character you get "Player#xxx has broken data and cannot be loaded".

    Does anyone know why this is happening?

    If anyone wants to check the 2.4.3 values for this: http://udbwiki.webhop.net/index.php/Character_data.


  3. So I'm trying to program a little thing in here to allow certain functions if the player meets the certain honorable kills.

    So I write:

    if (Player->HonorKills >= 8000)

    But when you compile:

    error C2039: 'HonorKills' : is not a member of 'Player'

    So why not? Why can I not use HonorKills as a variable? The thing is written in Player.cpp anywhere where the HonorKills is used. I don't see why I cannot use this...
  4. Looks really cool, maybe you can finish the work that was made for GM Surveys? On retail after a ticket is closed a "You have been chosen to fill out a survey" appears and allows you to fill one out, would be really cool for feedback. I remember seeing some code work done on it in GMTicketHandler.cpp. Also when you assign a ticket to a higher level, could the status of the ticket change to "Your ticket has been escalated" I know all those exist on retail.

  5. 0.12

    I can't provide a crash log, all I know is there are constantly "Segementation fault" errors like every hour that take down the server. Just recently compiled a new core and I've never seen these errors before so I'm not sure what's causing them.

  6. I suggest no one even bother trying to compile on Linux until you see something in the changelog regarding the bug, Mangos won't compile on any Linux system right now.

    I was able to just revert that and change the line in configure.ac:



    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OPENSSL, [openssl], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Missing openssl])])

    Works fine for me since the old OpenSSL never gave me any problems.

  7. It's a real shame this bug still exists in 0.12. I was hoping with the new dispel by aura, not stack fix this would somehow get fixed but it hasn't yet. It's pretty game breaking too :/

    I was able to get a patch for it once, however the patch was very bad since it would really break lots of other spells and many, many trinket effects but it did fix Wound Poison.

    Does anyone by chance have a patch or written for this bug or would like to look into it? It's just a really makes Rogue's underpowered against many healing classes. I know the original commit that fixed the bug for 3.x clients was 7049: http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/5a3cbf063f5d53331eb338af1a8c1ff948d3b21f but it was never backported.

    Also sorry for bumping a few month old topic. >_<

  8. Hey I was wondering if it was possible to make all or any zones hostile within the MaNGOS Core without edit DBC files which is illegal? I know you can make areas sanctuaries by using

    if(zone->flags & AREA_FLAG_SANCTUARY || zone->ID == 876)

    But I wanted to know if there was a way to reverse that into Hostile/PVP zones? My goal is to have every zone Hostile/PVP but even just one would be great thanks!

    Yes it's perfectly possible with no DBC file editing at all, that example is actually what you use for FFA, just simply look around for it.

    But if you want EVERYWHERE to be FFA, then there is a setting in the conf file like LordJZ said, just set your GameType to 16.

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