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Posts posted by henhouse

  1. Okay nice thank you for all, but another question again... (omg you gonna kill me) how do I apply this :


    In my DB ? (And this is in mangos too?) I try copy/stick but not sure that good work.

    Thx for all !


    Since you're on an old revision I'm assuming you're using SVN.

    After you have MaNGOS checked out in SVN, go: http://pastebin.ca/raw/1344614 save page as patch.patch or something ending with .patch. Then right click on your SVN MaNGOS folder -- go to SVN > Patch > Apply Patch and select patch.patch and then right click on the box and say "Patch all". Should patch all your files, then compile and you'll have arena in there.

  2. Yeah sorry, I just found out a recent revision caused this corruption in the quests, I'm not sure which but I was on 7110 then when I went to 7122 it started happening. I suppose it's not this patch, sorry.

    What exactly DOES this patch fix?

  3. These should be logged in db that makes it much easier to see if someone is reported multiple times.

    I see what you mean, but logging is normally put into files, eg: server logging, GM logging, RA logging, DB error logging, etc.

    That's why I asked for it to be done that way. I'll be testing the new one out soon.

    But I mean I completely agree database would be better and easier to read. When we submit this to the devs we'll see their opinion on what is best.

  4. O_O. I would hate that. << Just my opinion, hate it as I couldn't play it that hard, not hating your patch.

    And I couldn't help but notice,

    I have created a modified core
    but then you said...

    I have not created it yet

  5. Alright I've tested it, it works fine chat wise. A sample report:

    2008-12-22 00:19:57 Reported spam:Spamer: Sargarix (Guid 5291) , Message : Type: [1], Channel: [], Player Name: [sargarix], Text: [hwjerwer] , Reporter : Henhouse
    Could be cleaned up a little (spaces, etc). But looks good.

    So I decided to try Mailbox report spam, this actually logs too! However it's a little different. It returned with:

    2008-12-22 00:24:14 Reported spam:Spamer: Henhouse (Guid 2) , Message : , Reporter : Sargarix
    As you can see it's confused what happened.

    Other than that this is really good! Once it's finished I think it'll get added to the source. Great work charlie2025.

  6. I've often noticed they report spam feature has never worked; I've been wondering... how hard would it be to program one? I could see it save into a file like Spam.log and you can enable it/disable. Then it could record it something like:

    2008-12-21 11:03:19 Character: Tester1 Text: Reported Spam goes here. Reported by: Tester2

    Any other ideas, suggestions?

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