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Everything posted by Skirnir

  1. I agree with cyberium. I like FluxBB. Have seen it and used it before at https://bbs.archlinux.org although I didn't realized 'FluxBB' before (which is a good point I believe). A bit sheepish love here and there and we're good to go. Hooray! Skirnir
  2. Whee OSS Forum, I remember a thread someone was discussing why closed source forum software was a great protection against hackers :> So far looks good, but what do I have to do to see more than one post per page? I only see the first post of every threads page. A I just made friendship with Vladimir I want that back!!! Good night Sir Regards Skirnir
  3. Hm took me a while to understand whatcha talking about Firstoff if your in src/bindings/ and clone scriptdev2 in your folder (github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2 is completely outdated [they don't use this repo any more]), you get a new folder ScriptDev2. Inside of this folder git has informations about the master branch. If you cd inside it 'git branch' shows "* master". There is no other branch, but this master branch. If you want to pull another branch you need to define first where this branch is located. Something like cd src/bindings/ScriptDev2 git pull git://github.com/someother/repo.git // now you have this repo inside your ScriptDev2, next create a branch out of this git checkout -b newbranchsname After this you should have two repos. 'git branch' should show "* newbranchsname \\n master". As alternative you could clone in two different folders and merge these afterwards. Folder structure: "ScriptDev2" "OtherFolder" cd S* git merge ../OtherFolder Hth Skirnir
  4. This should be posted in "... under review" section, but please with a better title. Other than that, looks fine :-> Yours Skirnir
  5. Works* :-) Thanks a lot cyberium. Yours Skirnir * http://paste2.org/p/998777
  6. @cyberium, thats what I reported as "quite spendable". For MySQL tables, check my post. Tested it with AuctionHouseBot. ... .Ratio = 200, but remains. Yours Skirnir
  7. I can confirm it, it does not even bid for items. After truncating the auction table another interesting thing happened. http://paste2.org/p/995680 First part: Items ahbot bids for. Second part: Items inserted by me. Third part: Items inserted by ahbot ... somehow thats a quite spendable bot :-) Regards Skirnir PS: ahbot.conf: http://paste2.org/p/995688
  8. Okay looked again: http://paste2.org/p/995166 It seems that ahbot.buyer bids on items owned by himself. IF thats not wanted I suggest a check if itemowners.guid is a player.guid. Regards Skirnir PS: No one else bid on these items before. Just as information, its not the case that ahbot.buyer tries to initiate a real "auction" by rising the price :-) PPS: I use new_ahbot branch if there was any doubt.
  9. git apply ../ahbot.patch ../ahbot.patch:256: trailing whitespace. // getRandomArray is used to make aviable the possibility to add any of missed item in place of first one to last one. ../ahbot.patch:293: trailing whitespace. // Add new auction to one of the factions. ../ahbot.patch:318: trailing whitespace. while (getRandomArray(config,RandArray, ItemsAdded) && (items>0)) Compiling, will report later. Yours Skirnir PS: It bids! At least on one item. Reduced the price, nevertheless thats a positive thing, servers running for 8 Min. PPS: Is there a feature to reload ahbot.conf? I wanted to change bid interval to force him to buy an item, I changed the value, but had to restart therefore.
  10. sorry I was more tired than I thought. the correct form is ofc: $ mysql -u username -p databasename < /path/to/sqlfile in your case it must be: $ mysql -u kareta -p mangos < /something/like/this.sql this way you tell mysql to use the database called mangos. It's helpful with updates. You select your update file and type the mysql command and just run it to the correct database. I woke up and knew what I did ... Yours Skirnir
  11. well I thought you already had access with user kareta since you have not, do this: mysql -u root -p < mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql you'll need the root mysql password created at mysql installation. IF this wasn't done use this: mysqladmin -u root -p password MYSUPERDUPASECRETPASSWORD Its rather save to do the import as root user (only danger would be importing a dangerous sql row), later on I'd use a different users e.g. 'mangos' as shown in different guides. Yours Skirnir PS: My helpful day today
  12. try this in console: mysql -u 'yourname' -p < mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql if your username is kareta it would be: mysql -u kareta -p < mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql you'll be asked for your password. Type it. It's not displayed for security reasons. Wait. Your done. Yours Skirnir
  13. Skirnir

    What if...

    How could that be a wonderful day? :-) Btw there is actually one thing I like to change, these damn ugly smilies. Gosh they're so ugly (ah wasn't that asked in this thread?). Okay if the forums would be empty I'd restore them via backup. Regards Skirnir
  14. skip the rpm part. read the headline carefully "Step 1b - Install the software - CentOS/RHEL" rpm is red hats format used in red hat, fedora and centos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager Other than that I personally wouldn't run mangos as root user, on linux you normally wouldn't do that (funny thing about that is, there is no guide NOT running mangos as root) Yours Skirnir
  15. @mrelfire That does afaik not work out. It has to be in a range of 0 to 100. This value is given in percents, you can only reach 3000% if you multiply 100% 30 times. If you have 100 items and later have 3000% you have 3000 items, 30 times the original amout. This value changes if set to 30, for one AH, that this special AH would only have 30% the items of the following Amount. For orange items: You only have 36 (30% *120). For more/other information/s check ahbot.conf The values you should change are these: AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.* If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000 About stability: I run a server with these settings: AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Grey = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 20000 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 25000 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 15000 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 10000 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 0 SELECT count(*) AS amount FROM auction; +--------+ | amount | +--------+ | 194157 | +--------+ 1 row in set (0.15 sec) Expected value of items is > (20000+25000+15000+10000)*3 [1] 210000 So runs pretty awesome, no debug calls, etc. item boost was done since that it's rather silent from ahbots side. Was running around with a friend, no probs. A new compile is running since 2 Day(s) 12 Hour(s) 25 Minute(s) 37 Second(s) Regards and waiting for AHBot buyer. Skirnir BTW with that huge amount of ahbot items stored in item_instance I'm not 100% happy, if they would be created with sending the "you won this auction"-mail ... bah ... I'm 100% happy with the recent ahbot =)
  16. @Hexle: Just remove the four whitespaces in line 1708 and 1711 and change the configure.ac part to your needs. Guess your on GNU/Linux and you already applied the scriptdev2 patch. So you need to change the + src/bindings/universal/Makefile.am + )] to this + src/bindings/ScriptDev2/Makefile.am + src/bindings/Scriptdev2/scriptdev2.conf.dist both typed blind w/o looking at the source. So you better receck this ;-) Skirnir PS: using latest cyberium branch (on debian lenny 5.04 x86_64) and it works fine
  17. Just curious, is this the rewrite of vehicles patch in a way MaNGOS devs want it (iirc a certain sql table was a problem) or just an updated version of the longer existing 'old vehicles patch'? Regards Skirnir
  18. I didn't do anything special cd mangos git pull git checkout <mybranch> git merge master nano <conflict file> git add * git commit -am "<commit message>" there I got the whitespace warnings and git commit didn't work untill I fixed them. Edit: Hm for now I can't reproduce the warning. Maybe I got them because of the initial file in conflict message. Guess it's nothing to get a headache about :-)
  19. Some seem to be fixed as of 5.1.50 just downloaded the source package and checked it. Some are not. I just thought they were MaNGOS whitespaces. Didn't know Oracle made 'em. I wont commit the fix to their board. If you want to feel free. I'm switching to Postgresql and just fixed these since they bother me at git add * and git commit -am "<text>". Yeah lazy I know ... :-) Yours Skirnir
  20. MaNGOS rev 10375+ dep/include/mysql has a bunch of trailing whitespaces. Here's the patch: http://gist.github.com/539991 Kind regards Skirnir
  21. Skirnir


    I really dunno what's up with you British, but you are somehow special folks. I really enjoy Premier League, BBC series (starting with "'allo 'allo" ages ago up to "Life on Mars" (just some years ago)), I like one of your favorite sports: Snooker (huge fan of Steven Hendry and early passed away Paul Hunter) and I had so many great hours with UK Call of Duty players. Otherwise I can't understand your satisfaction towards the royal familie and to me the best part of the Northireland conflict is U2s "Bloody Sunday", your weather sucks and your food makes me sick :-P. Everything has it's good and it's bad parts. So just hope people are polite and they remember only the good parts ;-)
  22. So does this work with MaNGOS? After correcting the typo? Did anyone give it a shot? Else I'll try this one over the weekend. Skirnir
  23. The enormous amount of players is part of the problem. Who can say what leads to a crash if only lets say 10 players are doing funny stuff somewhere at a server. It would be hard to repeat all the possible ways to repeat the crash. With 10 it might be possible, but with hundreds or a thousand, twothousand players no way. And due to the great work of MaNGOS dev team there is only a small amount of crashs happening rather randomly. Most are caused by thirdparty patches, such as vehicles etc. If you run a huge server you'd have to show something to your players, e.g. you'd prior working stuff over stable stuff. If you know you have a thirdparty patch randomly crashing, on a three-digit player count server, a problem could be the patch or a problem with a player. It's mostly a matter of time (not will) to reproduce a crash. Skirnir PS: I don't run such a server, nor do I know someone, this was just for explanaintion.
  24. Skirnir

    MMaps Redux

    Well it doesn't crash, but if you extract map 001 (just: MoveMapGen.exe 001) you'll see this messages: Happens with 00,00, 01,00 and 02,00 (iirc). Nothing unusual in the console. If you click ignore [German: Ignorieren] the extractor continues, if you click retry [German: Wiederholen] it should debug the application, but at least for me (now with win7 x64) and visual studio c++ express 2010 nothing happens. I don't know if anything strange happens, if you just ignore it. Haven't had time to check, my graphic card was broken :-/ Regards Skirnir PS: I'm always a bit scary to extract all the mmaps, since they change that often and with my core2duo it still takes a sh*tload of time. So I don't know if you run into this problem anywhere else.
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