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Posts posted by lecails

  1. Hello, I use a custom mangos so that follows is my fault however I don't understand how it's possible...

    If I create my mangos in release win32 mode, the loots don't work, my characters are blocked in "get loot mode"

    If I create my mangos in debug win32 mode, I can take the loot without problem.

    The project release is not the same as debug . Use the officiel repositery instead of custom .

  2. i had this database error

    2010-05-25 01:12:18 ERROR:[1742 ms] SQL: SELECT DISTINCT(ScriptName) FROM creature_template WHERE ScriptName <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT(ScriptName) FROM gameobject_template WHERE ScriptName <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT(ScriptName) FROM item_template WHERE ScriptName <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT(ScriptName) FROM areatrigger_scripts WHERE ScriptName <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT(script) FROM instance_template WHERE script <> ''

    i dont know what this mean, anyone knows?

    Your query is too long and the time for executed is so long (1742 ms),try improve more precisely your query .

  3. I use Mangos 9933+Patches by KAPATEJIb + YTDB. And for me the server has started to use much more memory. Yesterday at 20 players it used to 600 Mb. Today at 9 players - to 800 Mb. Sometimes there is that that of type of reset of memory and the server starts to use from 50 Mb and again grows step-by-step. For extract of maps I used http://filekeeper.org/download/insider/vmaps_rewrite/Compiled%20Mangos/addition/333_vmaps_rewrite_extractor_9927.7z

    Forgive me for bad English и спасибо Карателю за сборки ;)

    Have you enable vmap.indoorCheckInterval in mangosd.conf ?

  4. This is DB related,

    an idea to check additionly: do you already have this quest (.lookup <questname> with target yourself) and also: do you have the PrevQuest - and do you not have the follow-quest

    I already remove previous quest and follow quest and other, its not work , I check and recheck and its not in the quest side , I have added a working quest on the npc and its not work too.

    So , I would know if there is a possible conflict whith npc flag and other misc ?

  5. I have found for you the sql query, you need just insert online field in the two sql query (declined name and whithout):

    In characterHandler.cpp

    void WorldSession::HandleCharEnumOpcode( WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/ )
       /// get all the data necessary for loading all characters (along with their pets) on the account
       CharacterDatabase.AsyncPQuery(&chrHandler, &CharacterHandler::HandleCharEnumCallback, GetAccountId(),
            !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_DECLINED_NAMES_USED) ?
       //   ------- Query Without Declined Names --------
       //           0               1                2                3                 4                  5                       6                        7
           "SELECT characters.guid, characters.name, characters.race, characters.class, characters.gender, characters.playerBytes, characters.playerBytes2, characters.level, "
       //   8                9               10                     11                     12                     13                    14
           "characters.zone, characters.map, characters.position_x, characters.position_y, characters.position_z, guild_member.guildid, characters.playerFlags, "
       //  15                    16                   17                     18                   19
           "characters.at_login, character_pet.entry, character_pet.modelid, character_pet.level, characters.equipmentCache "
           "FROM characters LEFT JOIN character_pet ON characters.guid=character_pet.owner AND character_pet.slot='%u' "
           "LEFT JOIN guild_member ON characters.guid = guild_member.guid "
           "WHERE characters.account = '%u' ORDER BY characters.guid"
       //   --------- Query With Declined Names ---------
       //           0               1                2                3                 4                  5                       6                        7
           "SELECT characters.guid, characters.name, characters.race, characters.class, characters.gender, characters.playerBytes, characters.playerBytes2, characters.level, "
       //   8                9               10                     11                     12                     13                    14
           "characters.zone, characters.map, characters.position_x, characters.position_y, characters.position_z, guild_member.guildid, characters.playerFlags, "
       //  15                    16                   17                     18                   19                         20
           "characters.at_login, character_pet.entry, character_pet.modelid, character_pet.level, characters.equipmentCache, character_declinedname.genitive "
           "FROM characters LEFT JOIN character_pet ON characters.guid = character_pet.owner AND character_pet.slot='%u' "
           "LEFT JOIN character_declinedname ON characters.guid = character_declinedname.guid "
           "LEFT JOIN guild_member ON characters.guid = guild_member.guid "
           "WHERE characters.account = '%u' ORDER BY characters.guid",
           PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT, GetAccountId());

    After add a condition (if online = 2 set to 0) in the void bool Player::BuildEnumData( QueryResult * result, WorldPacket * p_data ) in player.cpp as i say in the reply above.

  6. WorldSession.cpp

    //No SQL injection as AccountId is uint32
    -        CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0  WHERE account = '%u'",
    +        CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 2 WHERE account = '%u'",

    I think , the loading part is in characterHandler.cpp more precisly in player.cpp:

    bool Player::BuildEnumData( QueryResult * result, WorldPacket * p_data )
       //             0               1                2                3                 4                  5                       6                        7
       //    "SELECT characters.guid, characters.name, characters.race, characters.class, characters.gender, characters.playerBytes, characters.playerBytes2, characters.level, "
       //     8                9               10                     11                     12                     13                    14
       //    "characters.zone, characters.map, characters.position_x, characters.position_y, characters.position_z, guild_member.guildid, characters.playerFlags, "
       //    15                    16                   17                     18                   19                         20
       //    "characters.at_login, character_pet.entry, character_pet.modelid, character_pet.level, characters.equipmentCache, character_declinedname.genitive "
       Field *fields = result->Fetch();
       uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32();
       uint8 pRace = fields[2].GetUInt8();
       uint8 pClass = fields[3].GetUInt8();
       PlayerInfo const *info = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerInfo(pRace, pClass);
           sLog.outError("Player %u has incorrect race/class pair. Don't build enum.", guid);
           return false;
       *p_data << uint64(MAKE_NEW_GUID(guid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER));
       *p_data << fields[1].GetString();                       // name
       *p_data << uint8(pRace);                                // race
       *p_data << uint8(pClass);                               // class
       *p_data << uint8(fields[4].GetUInt8());                 // gender
       uint32 playerBytes = fields[5].GetUInt32();
       *p_data << uint8(playerBytes);                          // skin
       *p_data << uint8(playerBytes >> 8);                     // face
       *p_data << uint8(playerBytes >> 16);                    // hair style
       *p_data << uint8(playerBytes >> 24);                    // hair color
       uint32 playerBytes2 = fields[6].GetUInt32();
       *p_data << uint8(playerBytes2 & 0xFF);                  // facial hair
       *p_data << uint8(fields[7].GetUInt8());                 // level
       *p_data << uint32(fields[8].GetUInt32());               // zone
       *p_data << uint32(fields[9].GetUInt32());               // map
       *p_data << fields[10].GetFloat();                       // x
       *p_data << fields[11].GetFloat();                       // y
       *p_data << fields[12].GetFloat();                       // z
       *p_data << uint32(fields[13].GetUInt32());              // guild id
       uint32 char_flags = 0;
       uint32 playerFlags = fields[14].GetUInt32();
       uint32 atLoginFlags = fields[15].GetUInt32();
       if(playerFlags & PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_HELM)
           char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_HIDE_HELM;
       if(playerFlags & PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_CLOAK)
           char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_HIDE_CLOAK;
       if(playerFlags & PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST)
           char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_GHOST;
       if(atLoginFlags & AT_LOGIN_RENAME)
           char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_RENAME;
               char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_DECLINED;
           char_flags |= CHARACTER_FLAG_DECLINED;
       *p_data << uint32(char_flags);                          // character flags
       // character customize flags
       // First login
       *p_data << uint8(atLoginFlags & AT_LOGIN_FIRST ? 1 : 0);
       // Pets info
           uint32 petDisplayId = 0;
           uint32 petLevel   = 0;
           uint32 petFamily  = 0;
           // show pet at selection character in character list only for non-ghost character
           if (result && !(playerFlags & PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST) && (pClass == CLASS_WARLOCK || pClass == CLASS_HUNTER || pClass == CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT))
               uint32 entry = fields[16].GetUInt32();
               CreatureInfo const* cInfo = sCreatureStorage.LookupEntry<CreatureInfo>(entry);
                   petDisplayId = fields[17].GetUInt32();
                   petLevel     = fields[18].GetUInt32();
                   petFamily    = cInfo->family;
           *p_data << uint32(petDisplayId);
           *p_data << uint32(petLevel);
           *p_data << uint32(petFamily);
       Tokens data = StrSplit(fields[19].GetCppString(), " ");
       for (uint8 slot = 0; slot < EQUIPMENT_SLOT_END; slot++)
           uint32 visualbase = slot * 2;
           uint32 item_id = GetUInt32ValueFromArray(data, visualbase);
           const ItemPrototype * proto = ObjectMgr::GetItemPrototype(item_id);
               *p_data << uint32(0);
               *p_data << uint8(0);
               *p_data << uint32(0);
           SpellItemEnchantmentEntry const *enchant = NULL;
           uint32 enchants = GetUInt32ValueFromArray(data, visualbase + 1);
           for(uint8 enchantSlot = PERM_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT; enchantSlot <= TEMP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT; ++enchantSlot)
               // values stored in 2 uint16
               uint32 enchantId = 0x0000FFFF & (enchants >> enchantSlot*16);
               if ((enchant = sSpellItemEnchantmentStore.LookupEntry(enchantId)))
           *p_data << uint32(proto->DisplayInfoID);
           *p_data << uint8(proto->InventoryType);
           *p_data << uint32(enchant ? enchant->aura_id : 0);
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // bag 1 display id
       *p_data << uint8(0);                                    // bag 1 inventory type
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // enchant?
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // bag 2 display id
       *p_data << uint8(0);                                    // bag 2 inventory type
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // enchant?
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // bag 3 display id
       *p_data << uint8(0);                                    // bag 3 inventory type
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // enchant?
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // bag 4 display id
       *p_data << uint8(0);                                    // bag 4 inventory type
       *p_data << uint32(0);                                   // enchant?
       return true;

    You need analyse the code and insert into the sql query in top, online check then a condition for characters whith online='2' to set '0' .The better spot is just after the sql SELECT query and fetch array , just check if the field online is '2' set to '0' and continue .

  7.          data << uint8(0);                                   // new 2.4.0
            data << uint32( pzoneid );                          // player zone id
    -        // 50 is maximum player count sent to client
    -        if ((++clientcount) == 50)
    -            break;
    -    }
    -    uint32 count = m.size();
    -    data.put( 0, clientcount );                             // insert right count, listed count
    -    data.put( 4, count > 50 ? count : clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
    +    data.put( 0, clientcount );        // insert right count, listed count
    +    data.put( 4, clientcount );        // insert right count, online count

    I think you dnt need change this .

  8. if I get what you mean right...why not just create couple of characters which will not be used by anyone and set online=2 (doesn't have to be 1 just different from 0)

    Its a simple possibility to create couple of characters , but the goal is not the simplicity ,you need stuff your fake characters its take more time and at the end , the real player will see that couple of characters are fake because if its all the time the same characters are online and in the same zone (player say : they don't move?),the same level, i think we must choose between simplicity:basic way or difficulty but advanced way . With difficulty way , the fakeplayers are true player so they move zone change ,level change ,stuff change whithout that you lost more time . I will help you as soon as I have time , its a good project :D .

    Best regards

  9. I hav'nt test yet your patch but I test a small modification i have just put 1 in field online for 1 real character , I know that this characters will not show in who list but there is as i say a bug , when you try to login the client block on loading characters , I think online = 2 for difference between fake player and true in db and whith online = 2 you can modify properly for loading characters, create just a condition in loading characters part whith sql query for check online = 2 in this case sql query to put online = 0.

  10. still I dont know if this is gonna work because of

    HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType& m = sObjectAccessor.GetPlayers();
       for(HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr)

    test it before and if it dosnt work he just need a exeption wich jump this code .

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