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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. He said he's not working on it. Someone just need to finish it. I'm interested in learning more C and assembly, so I might take a swing at it.
  2. The how to is you add the lines with pluses and delete the lines with minuses where it says. Easy really. If you are using a git branch, like git://github.com/CWN/mangos.git speed_cheat_fix, pull the branch, then if there are errors, search through source code to find >>>>. Open the files, go to where it is, and then you will see one section for the HEAD, and the other for the branch you pulled in. Post these sections, from <<<< to >>>> and you can get help if you can't figure out how to merge them.
  3. Maybe use conf file option? If you want this to be part of the official repo.
  4. You patch the source and then execute the SQL on your database...? Maybe...?
  5. Patman128


    How about use the search engine?
  6. Well, without knowing what your problem is exactly, I can't say why it doesn't work.
  7. Not sure you mean. Do you mean a command or piece of code? If you mean a command, then you can use .announce. If you mean a piece of code, then you can look at the command .announce and see that it looks as follows: // global announce bool ChatHandler::HandleAnnounceCommand(const char* args) { if(!*args) return false; sWorld.SendWorldText(LANG_SYSTEMMESSAGE,args); return true; }
  8. Theoretically, yes, but not within the current system (as far as I know) Gobjects can only be scripted with player clicks on a GO, player accepts quest from a GO, player completes quest at a GO, and something to do with gossip status or something. So, no, unless you want it to play a sound when they click on it, it's not possible. A core hack would be, when the GO's visibility is updated (player is in range) then play a sound with the GO as the source.
  9. Use search? As in Windows (or Mac, or Linux) search.
  10. Patman128

    how auras works

    No, you don't. Like I said before, it has an effect. It is a dummy effect. A dummy effect is still an effect. You need to go to the part where it handles the casting of those spells (Arcane Barrage, or whatever) and check to see if the player has this dummy aura. If they do, give them a chance to do whatever it is the spell does (not remove a charge or something)
  11. Sounds being tied to objects is in the DBCs somewhere, at least, in the way you are describing I believe.
  12. You can? I don't remember this. I know some mobs have different visibility settings than other mobs. For example, you can see Hakkar from most of Zul'Gurub.
  13. The stats need updating then, I guess.
  14. I think it shouldn't be, because it's nowhere near complete.
  15. Patman128

    how auras works

    http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=64869 It applies a dummy aura, so I guess you would have to do checks when those spells are cast, and if the player has this aura, give them a chance to not consume the spells or whatever it does.
  16. Maybe you could have it as an option in the config rather than hard-coded to 500ms?
  17. Switch to linux, wait until it's fixed, or fix it. There are already enough threads stating the exact same thing with the exact same usefulness to actually solving the problem (next to none). The users and developers already know about the Windows lag problem. In the future, search and don't open threads about things already brought up countless times.
  18. If you've been around here for a while, you would quickly realize that mangos and Windows don't like to get along very well. It's a well known issue, it's been talked about over and over again, and no one has any idea how to fix it.
  19. Could you provide an actual example? I've noticed too, but without concrete evidence you are just vaguely speculating. Not sure if anyone has ever come forward with actual evidence of this. Make a character on official, make one the exact same on mangos, and compare damage. Take screenshots, gather data, etc. Until you or someone else brings forward some actual proof of this, no actionl can or will be taken to "fix" it.
  20. At least, not easily. The only thing I can think of would be, when summoning a new totem, check if there are any totems in the area with the same displayID. If there are, check if they are from someone in the same group as the owner. If they are, check if their spell has the same icon ID as the spell the new totem casts. If so, unsummon totem (remove auras from it as well? not sure if it's needed...) If that's even possible.
  21. Ah, is there a RemoveTotemByCaster function or something that would fix it? I'm going to check how it is handled casting different spell ranks by same caster right now and try and duplicate it. Would you mind posting the fix that actually worked? As far as I can tell, here is code to unsummon existing totems from the same rank: in SpellEffects.cpp lines 5071-5080 Spell::EffectSummonTotem() if(slot < MAX_TOTEM) { uint64 guid = m_caster->m_TotemSlot[slot]; if(guid != 0) { Creature *OldTotem = m_caster->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); if(OldTotem && OldTotem->isTotem()) ((Totem*)OldTotem)->UnSummon(); } } I guess, water spells have a certain totem slot they share, and that prevents using different ranks of the spell. Unfortunately, that does not solve the group problem. Perhaps should do checks against if there are any totems of the same ID in the given area, if the caster is in the same group, and if the spell has the same icon?
  22. Tried that. Had absolutely no effect. Added the spells in the spellbook, and the spells the totems themselves use. I'm going to look into what Lightguard is saying. I'll get back to you with a patch if it works at all.
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