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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. Which are then handled by the server. Your point?
  2. Hey, maybe once it's implemented it could even be used on zones other than the ones in WotLK.
  3. Some stuff would require more than a reload for changing (i.e. creature/creature_template/*_addon) and item_template. These are, as far as I know, the things that can't be reloaded.
  4. Ntsc said it, you can't use commands from scripts, but if you look how the command works, you can try to emulate it in a script.
  5. Yes, he is right. Add the check in IsSpellAllowedInLocation().
  6. Not that I know of, sorry.
  7. I may actually know how to make custom server hooks for things such as players entering. If anyone wants to test my method, let me know.
  8. I hope you have some 3D graphics experience. That seems to be the hard part in these things.
  9. There is a patch on chat monitoring. I'm not familiar with it, but I'm sure you can modify it to only log 1 player's chat.
  10. Revision numbers are probably the sole reason why I liked SVN better. Perhaps the developers could do something really nice for all of us and maybe attach a number to each commit, like a normal number that increases at regular intervals and not a randomly-generated 26 digit hex code. I know, the code is automatically added, but that doesn't stop you from adding a new revision number anyway.
  11. I don't get it, is this another server core that's database-compatible with Mangos, or is it a fork of Mangos, or what? :confused:
  12. It would be nice if Mangos used a modular scripting design like Ascent, to keep things nice and neat, and to support more than scripting plug-ins (Ascent has data-dumpers, and LUA frontends.) I'm not quite sure how to make a compatible module yet, though.
  13. Like he said, you can do all that in the database. Ascent's scripting system is much more advanced than the one in hooks, but lacking in other areas. Most of the stuff you can do on there you can do on here.
  14. My post lives! :lol: It's a shame my account didn't.
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