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Shin Darth

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Everything posted by Shin Darth

  1. If you are using MySQL, set that nobody can access to the database by localmachines
  2. grazie davvero del consiglio, commentando alcune righe di codice ho risolto sia questo errore che il precedente (quello nel world1.php). Thank you!
  3. For each player online I get this error: Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 For example if there are 3 players online, in the header of the page there are: Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 How can I fix this? Italian part: Per ogni giocatore online all'inizio della pagina c'è questo errore, come faccio a sistemarlo? PS: pelle, tu cosa usi per la lista dei giocatori online e la classifica honor?
  4. grazie dell'aiuto, però commentando quello che dici tu sparisce anche la lista dei players online.. mentre non ho capito cosa devo disabilitare per correggere l'errore Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 che ogni tanto mi da.
  5. Italian: Ok ma l'uptime come si toglie esattamente? e di quali stat parli? per quanto riguarda i player online quelli li devo lasciare per forza, cmq risp per quelle altre 2 cose.
  6. The Talent Points of Paladin automatically reset every time a player re-log in game, I don't know why.. I don't know if it is a core bug (sorry if it isn't), but I don't know how to fix it and where report this. Sorry for my bad english.
  7. Since I have installed RegAccount i get this error: I don't know what it means, but I tried with the nanounico's fix but the error is still there. After I have updated the game versione from 3.0.9 to 3.1.3 i get (sometimes, not always) too times this error: Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847 To nanounico: Nanounico visto che sei italiano casomai puoi mandarmi un PM?
  8. yes but there are more advantages than disadvantages, for example, the only file that this patch modify is Group.cpp and the changes are very few. This means that it's too easy to update, also rewriting manually the changes (if the patch is out of date). You are wrong. The reputation with factions such as Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Darnassus, ecc.. is not changed, always remains the same. I use this patch in my server since 2-3 days and all work very well. The player are happy and having fun. Thank you thorazi.
  9. I saw this in an italian shard that use ArcEmu, It may be useful to have this in MaNGOS
  10. yes I know, but this is only a GM command and not a Console Command. I am saying that it may be useful (IMHO) if it is also a Console Command.
  11. OK this works without errors, and thank you all a lot for your work. now I have a question: Why, after that i apply this patch, when i try to update the mangos sources, git give me this error: I don't know what it means
  12. Thank you very much, but... I'm at the 7835 and the patch give me this error:
  13. yes I tried to modify the files with the notepad, but after that I do this I can't update becouse git give me an error!
  14. With 7825 rev it doesn't work. The console give me this error: fatal: patch fragment without header at line 3 (ecc...) Anyway... I am grateful with you for your works, but I ask: Why you don't relase the patches for the latests rev of MaNGOS? Frozen-In-Time relased a patch for 7464, and it doesn't work on the latest rev patro relased a patch for 7776, and it doesn't work on the latest rev thorazi relased a patch for 7693, and it doesn't work on the latest rev nobody relase something for the latest rev?
  15. I tried again after your last edit and give me this error:
  16. thank you very much for help!
  17. so if I have a file ".patch" i apply this with the command: "git apply (...path..)/filename.patch" ? and is possibile apply a patch with the GIT GUI? how? very thanks for help and forgive my ignorance
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