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Shin Darth

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Everything posted by Shin Darth

  1. I'm sorry for the noob question, but I don't know how I apply the patches for mangos wich are not implemented with the master branch. I tried with the command: but the console give me this error: how I have to do to apply the patches? sorry for my english
  2. becouse the "nameannounce" command there isn't in the database (in the command table of world db). You must apply the announce_system.sql dump in your world database,generally named 'mangos' anyway.. why this patch is not implemented in the master branch?
  3. I tested the sd2 git patch and it work neither on Windows XP 32 bit nor on Linux-Ubuntu 64 bit.... the problem is not Vista
  4. today, we reported this here in the sd2 forum and I think we must wait the sd2 devs.. so?
  5. Create 2 files in the /mangos/bin folder (where there are "mangos-worldd" and "mangos-realmd"): "mangos-realmd.h" and "mangos-worldd.h". In the mangos-worldd.h paste this: while date; do MANGOS=`ps -el | grep mangos-worldd`; if [ -z "$MANGOS" ]; then echo restarting server at time at `date +"%m-%d-%H:%M-%S"`>> worldd_restart_log.txt; nice -n 20 [b]/opt/MaNGOS/bin/mangos-worldd[/b]; fi; sleep 5; done and, if you need, replace the path "/opt/MaNGOS/bin/mangos-worldd" as your mangos-worldd path. In the mangos-realmd.h paste this: while date; do MANGOS=`ps -el | grep mangos-realmd`; if [ -z "$MANGOS" ]; then echo restarting server at time at `date +"%m-%d-%H:%M-%S"`>> realmd_restart_log.txt; nice -n 20 [b]/opt/MaNGOS/bin/mangos-realmd[/b]; fi; sleep 5; done Now to setting up the server: ./mangos-realmd.h ./mangos-worldd.h
  6. Now I'm making an Italian Guide for this... when I'll finish it, I will place the url in my signature.
  7. would be fantastic if we had a client opensource to compile with easy on OS like Linux 64 bit....
  8. I'm not sure I understand the eighth and ninth steps, I don't understend where I should place the "dbc" and "maps" folders (on windows i place them in the same folder of mangosd.exe and realmd.exe).. anywhere.. Thanks for all your work and patience, I would be grateful if you write an Updating Guide for Ubuntu, after you finish all works for the Setup Guide.... edit: just place the "maps" and "dbc" in the "bin" folder
  9. mhm so if I understand in this way you don't have to apply one by one the sd2-corepatch in the database mangos, I understend
  10. Do the "UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql" already include the "009_acid.sql" and "mangos_scriptname_full.sql"? I think yes EDIT: I suggest to add also: ~# cp etc/scriptdev2.conf.dist etc/scriptdev2.conf or it does not need?
  11. ok thanks for the guide, but what files should I open to run mangos?
  12. are there many changes from 5.1 to 6.0? what?
  13. i know that game masters in arcemu servers have not problems to know the players' password, so I think that it is not encrypted such as mangos
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